Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Eliz Krayt

    Work In Progress  Ursod Revolver

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To start Eliz's Forgemaster path Image Source: Isaac Fernandez Canon Link: particle beam, Charric Blaster Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Maji Ironworks Affiliation: Maji Ironworks Market Status: Closed-Market...
  2. Eliz Krayt

    Private  Need A Hand?

    "Chit!" The voice echoed through the hospital wing yet again, though this time it was accompanied by a loud crash as something was flung. Inside his room the Half Chiss stared at the robotic arm. His robotic arm. The replacement for the one he lost. All he had was.. Anger. How could he have...
  3. Darth Empyrean

    Dark Council Nomination + Vote: Hand of the Emperor

    Hand of the Emperor - Arguably the most important position, who's power is known to be second to only the Emperor themselves. The Hand does what the Emperor commands - working outside the influence of any of the other positions of the Dark Council or Empire. Privy to private information of the...
  4. Thaelius

    Codex Denied  Shadow Hand Command

    SHADOW HAND OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Flesh out a large, well equipped, remenat of the Sith Empire Image Credit: (x) Permissions: ---- Links: Calamity Our Future Is... GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Classification: Affiliation: Fleet Symbol: Description: A rather lareg...
  5. Caltin Vanagor

    Trying my hand at this "Template" thing.

    Caltin Vanagor Jedi Master Council Member OBJECTIVE Filler Text Filler Text I don't need latin to make filler text ;) Text Text Text Text Text
  6. Shot Sutaz

    Approved Tech  Hacker class hand cybernetics

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a general purpose hand cybernetic to aid slicers and hackers in their endeavors Image Source: Ghost in the shell Canon Link: NA Permissions: Locke and Key perms Primary Source: NA PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics...
  7. Bright1

    Faction  [Black Hand Collective] Battle Circle

    . O B J E C T I V E: M A K E F R I E N D S Location: Roon, Mandalorian Battle Circle Tatiana had been to Roon before, but it had been some time since she had partaken in a Battle Circle. On Dromund Kaas, such things happened of course, but it was more for entertainment of their Sith masters...
  8. Bryn Celli Ddu

    Private  Red Right Hand

    The cyborg found herself in an odd situation. She had been given a mission but needed information. Normally everything would have been provided for her. That wasn't the case this time and she had to go searching for help. Luckily, one of the governments she had gotten close to was the perfect...
  9. Coren Starchaser

    Private  At least one more hand, right?

    Coren Starchaser was a lot of things lately. Jedi Master, expert pilot, expert explorer and moderately more wealthy than he was before. Coren had won the Rimward Trade League race and scored about 150k credits. He was using most of it in saving, replacing ship parts and prepping the family to be...
  10. Aloy Vizsla

    Black Hand Collective Codex entry:

    Black Hand Collective Codex: A basic guide for the newcomers and lore mongers alike
  11. C

    Need A Hand?

    Event: Expansion: Sales for the Future Pt.2 "I never thought I'd be at a Medcenter. That Droid and that arms' dealer. I want revenge." Vahn sat in the medcenter plotting his revenge on [member="Matreya"] and [member="P.R.I.M.U.S."]. "How will I do it? They have a larger array of weapons...
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