Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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high republic

  1. Oriadne Hallas

    Character  Oriadne Hallas

    ORIADNE HALLAS Theme résilience Full Name Oriadne Methalan Hallas Alias(es) Ori Addy Character Class(es) Force User Jedi Sentinel Origin Morellia Birth Year 220 BBY Personality Traits Brave Diligent Patient Shrewd Education Traits Elusive Shadow Skilled Tactician...
  2. Queen_of_ashes19

    Character  Evander of Alpheridies

    AVATAR: NAME: Evander FACTION: The open hand ( RANK: Soldier of the closed fist SPECIES: Miraluka AGE: 18 SEX: Male FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Strengths include his passion and refusal to give up. Once Evander...
  3. C

    LFG  HIGH REPUBLIC | Faction Advertisement + Info

    HIGH REPUBLIC "The Old Republic was the Republic of legend, greater than distance or time. No need to note where it was or whence it came, only to know that... it was the Republic." - The Whills All beings crave the familiar. Even while under the thumb of the Old Republic, writhing in their...
  4. C

    Approved Location  High Je'daii Order Compound | Tion

    HIGH JE'DAII ORDER COMPOUND TION OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the base of operations of my factions force order. Image Credit: Videogamesartwork - Jedi Fallen Order concept art. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: High Je'daii Order, Tion, High Republic Faction SETTING...
  5. C

    Approved Lore  High Je'daii Order | Shield of the High Republic

    HIGH JE'DAII ORDER SHIELD OF THE HIGH REPUBLIC OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a foundation for the force order of my faction. Image Credit: Created by me in photoshop. Emblems found on Wookieepedia Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: High Republic Faction, Tion, Je'daii Order...
  6. C

    Character  Clovis Arius Tion | Hand of the High Republic

    CLOVIS ARIUS TION HAND OF THE HIGH REPUBLIC NAME: Clovis Arius Tion FACTION: High Republic RANK: Supreme Chancellor SPECIES: Human AGE: 39 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6 ft 2 WEIGHT: 210lbs EYES: Amber HAIR: Ginger SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES...
  7. O

    Character  Oriadne Hallas

    ORIADNE HALLAS Theme résilience Full Name Oriadne Methalan Hallas Alias(es) Ori Addy Character Class(es) Force User Jedi Sentinel Birthplace Morellia Homeworld Coruscant Birth Year 220 BBY Personality Traits Brave Diligent Patient Shrewd Education Traits Elusive...
  8. O

    Character  Oriadne Hallas

    IDENTITY BIOLOGY NAME Oriadne Methalan Hallas OTHER NAMES Ori, Addy TITLE(S) Jedi General RANK Jedi Master BIRTHPLACE Morellia GENDER Female MARITAL STATUS Single FORCE SENSITIVE Yes ALIGNMENT Light to Gray SPECIES Morellian BIRTH YEAR 220 BBY SEX Female HEIGHT 5'6" (169 cm) WEIGHT 143 lbs...
  9. Thalia Senn

    Spoiler  Caption Me [Potential High Republic Comic Spoilers]

    Thalia. My first serious attempt at writing a Jedi since The Hound ... That didn't end well. She's still in her infancy as a character but I thought we could have some fun with her. Knowing what y'all know (or don't know) about Thalia I've found some stuff that I want you guys to caption with...
  10. O

    First Reply  Life of the Political Party (Open)

    Octavia surveyed the throne room of her parent's palace on Mindabaal. The palace staff were moving quickly about getting it all set up for yet another hosted event. There were always parties and events at the palace. They were used to boost the morale of the people, as well as the coffers of the...
  11. T

    Faction  Forging Ahead [Allies Welcome, PM to Join.]

    Jedha… A planet that had seen the merciless Empire take a part of who it was, many years ago – for the sake of hiding their nefarious deeds. A planet which had seen the brunt of the Imperial war machine, and somehow still flourished. Transition after transition of power, she somehow still...
  12. T

    Interest Check: High Republic

    Alright, round two. I'm going ahead with the idea and asking any and all interested parties - hit me up. We are deep into the development stages of the High Republic, with a lot of collaboration between writers of all backgrounds. We will be taking undertones from all Light-side factions in...
  13. Spirit of Unity

    Confederacy First: An Official Response | Galactic Alliance

    Credit to Romi Jade for the template!
  14. Saga of Valour

    Diplomacy  Trouble on Tython [High Republic and the Alliance.]

    The Core of the Galaxy, colloquially known as the Deep Core, was a densely packed mass of planets and stars that posed a danger to any that dared venture there. It was an astronavigational nightmare that was home to not only a massive black hole surrounded by antimatter but a concentrated number...
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