Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interest Check: High Republic

Alright, round two.

I'm going ahead with the idea and asking any and all interested parties - hit me up. We are deep into the development stages of the High Republic, with a lot of collaboration between writers of all backgrounds.

We will be taking undertones from all Light-side factions in essence, so if you're happy where you are - great. If not, well, consider us. Back to if you are, make an alt!

We're looking at world/character building with a splash of map game. Hoping to bring back the flavor of the Republic Senate - with the Jedi Order acting as peacekeepers, not soldiers. Sure, war breaks out or we're invaded, they'll do their part. The Military as mentioned below - is yet to be determined.

I am wanting this to be for the players, by the players. I wanna encourage inclusive story and writing without heavy military tones unless the situation calls for it. We're in the works deciding on Defense Forces vs a full blown military. So, feel free to come join the discussion.

We have roughly 10+ interested parties and again, we're in the development stages. I don't want to deploy this without some serious thoughts, concrete ideas and consideration.

tl;dr - To bring Freedom and prosperity to the corners of the Galaxy. To unite the masses against the darkness and the Sith. To reject the Imperialism that rages across the Outer Rim and replace it with free people, united people. Expand navigation through unknown regions, make outlier planets that have been torn apart by FO warlords safe again. Settle wild-west type worlds and help them become prosperous/bring order to the chaos, etc. eradicate any slavery found in our borders.

What will this have to do with the GA? SJO? Nothing, they are them and we are us. There can be more than one.

Will this really go anywhere? I hope. It's Chaos though.

When will it start?: When it's ready.

Is there a Discord? Why yes there is, just HMU and we'll send you a link.

I will be happy to address specific questions that may not appear answered.

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Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Will your guy's Jedi Order provide something unique/new that isn't being done on the board or different from canon? Or will you be looking to exemplify a specific point of Jedi history?
Well-Known Member
I was honestly pretty sad when I saw the first one and how negative it was hit. I am glad to see this idea is still alive and well!

I think I might even give it is own alt/re-work an existing one I have.

Could I make a suggestion, in regards to Jedi in particular?

Something different, that I'm not sure if I've seen or not, is making Jedi actual citizens of the Republic. No special privilege, just an active faith. Then when it comes to the military, you have soldiers where some may be Jedi, but are still beholden to military rank. They are allowed their lightsabers as religious artifacts, but are given no further consideration than their rank is expected to.

Stannis Kryze

Not looking to do anything immediately, but when this faction is ready I have this so far unused Jedi character. The idea of Jedi leading a resettlement/peacekeeping mission to bring the ideals of peace and democracy to the former FO worlds sounds like a sweet project.
Hello all!

Thanks for the responses.

Will your guy's Jedi Order provide something unique/new that isn't being done on the board or different from canon? Or will you be looking to exemplify a specific point of Jedi history?

The Jedi Order as it stands will be like when the Jedi Order was pre-Clone Wars, essentially. Jedi would be dispatched to border disputes, negotiations, etc. Imagine two characters departing for like a territorial dispute with another Faction? Legit try to solve things before they escalate into full blown combat. Might provide some intrigue. We will support fully our Light-sided brethren should they call for aid, but we will not initiate combat of an already settled planet unless requested to intervene in some fashion. I.E - We ain't going for no one's territory unless say someone yeets a planet or something and it calls for intervention.

I was honestly pretty sad when I saw the first one and how negative it was hit. I am glad to see this idea is still alive and well!

I think I might even give it is own alt/re-work an existing one I have.

Could I make a suggestion, in regards to Jedi in particular?

Something different, that I'm not sure if I've seen or not, is making Jedi actual citizens of the Republic. No special privilege, just an active faith. Then when it comes to the military, you have soldiers where some may be Jedi, but are still beholden to military rank. They are allowed their lightsabers as religious artifacts, but are given no further consideration than their rank is expected to.

This is being considered. We, as it stands, are making the Jedi Order peacekeepers, as mentioned. The planetary forces will be responsible for their own defense - within reason. Judicial Forces will exist for the defense portion of the Republic. Much of this is still very much being fleshed out by members in the Discord.
Also, do you have a location in mind?

Yes, undisclosed purposes.

Peacekeeper Jedi, you say? Color me interested.

It was what they were once, we're trying to return that flavor.

I support this, ever since they announced something about the High Republic, Ive been curious what Chaos would do about it. Glad to see it here now! Bringing back the Senate sounds like a good idea, have you fleshed out what exactly this entails?

Yes, several details have been discussed and hashed out on Discord by members of this community. An example: A Force Sensitive individual who has received formal training will not be permitted to represent a planet. Consider it a modified version of the Anti-Sith rule.

I'm down but of course maybe with a new char.

L Long Gone Can you send me a link to the discord?

Here is a link - REMOVED, DM for link.

We have not settled on Administrators/Members of higher echelons as I wanted to allow everyone a fair chance to join prior to decisions. I will emulate some of the structure on Chaos to allow to cohesion and prevent any type of - tomfoolery.

Please feel free to join, much is being discussed and is included on a Word Doc.
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