Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn

    Private  Hunt for the Dark Sphere of Sycalmo

    "King." Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn wore that title and it's burdens proudly. Despite that, it was something he felt restrained his true nature, the man was a warrior, a killer, a disciple of the Red Brethren. All these meant far more to the man than the petty title of king. - His languishing was...
  2. Valerian Calore

    First Reply  The Hunt On Corellia

    Corellia was not a place for a Mandalorian. Even during the best of times, his people had left a mark on the planet that could never be forgotten, and it sure as hell showed; even as Valerian trailed through the extensive slums of Coronet City, into the lightly patrolled Blue District, eyes...
  3. Kûzû Zihor

    Private  Let The Hunt Begin!

    Equipment: Single-bladed lightsaber. Outfit: Basic black tunic with a thin red border. Kûzû Zihor much like most other Sith was desperate for power and one of the easiest ways to access that power was to obtain ancient holocrons of knowledge, passed down from generations to ensure their power...
  4. Sen Kai

    Private  The Hunt for An Azant

    Location: Agamar TAG: Valery Noble The Planet Agamar was a frigid wasteland that brave farmers had tilled and somehow been able to make crops with heating technologies. For a long time it had been a frozen frontier world, that was until some wealthy land barons came in and began to build...
  5. Darth Pulveris

    First Reply  The Hunt for Hssiss

    LOCATION: Ambria Pertinent Details: Dark Side Nexus Dark Creatures The ceasefires during this holiday season were beginning to make Lord Pulveris feel aggitated. He thrived on the battle fields, and now they were save for some that were of little interest to him, were cold. To deal with her...
  6. Eaton Waters

    Private  On the Hunt for Artifacts

    Sometimes it was just too easy of a way to make money. Getting out there and passing something along that he ‘found’ or, even more intricate, forging a copy, returning that to the ‘authority’ that had it, and selling the real, before anyone was any the wiser. Eaton wasn’t the type to get...
  7. Aphon

    Private  The Hunt Begins

    Irae The stench was unforgivable... Aphon's hand rested upon his ancestral blade as his eyes scoured the skyline of Ession, the once great capital of the so-called Ashlan Crusade still rife with the acrid taste of the Light. The unpleasant sensation wasn't helped by the nexus that had found...
  8. Kai'lyn

    Private  The Hunt Begins

    Darth Reign The freighter landed roughly on Eos, the wild, untamed world that mirrored the dark feeling Kai'lyn had sensed at the academy—the same power tied to a Sith familiar in the service of the Firrerreo . Sofiel 's command echoed: "Follow the feeling." Hidden in the shadows of the...
  9. Valery Noble

    LFG  Interest check: Artifact Hunt across the Galaxy

    I recently designed a new outfit and lightsabers for Valery, and it gave me an idea. Some of her old gear is out and about, and so are artifacts from both current time and her time in the Old republic. Would anybody be interested in trying to collect them? It can range from a lightsaber to a...
  10. Laphisto

    LFG  hunt for the Tracyn

    I figure it's been well enough time for my character's ship to be discovered somewhere out in the vast emptiness of space. So I figured I'd get a thread going to help acquire said ship. Though with Laphisto most often than not busy else where in the galaxy, I figured It would make sense for a...
  11. Valery Noble

    Private  The Hunt

    Nar Shaddaa Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring Weapons: Lightsaber (hidden in purse) Valery brushed aside a few long strands of dark-brown hair and looked up at the casino balcony. A Hutt was watching people down below, betting away their fortunes on his slot machines and rigged games. It was an...
  12. Adi'ka Awaud

    First Reply  Hunt for Scum and Villainy

    Xula Gans sat this evening as usual these days in his VIP area of the nightclub "Pink Stars" in the capital of Deservo and watched the dancers at the stage. The Tion Hegemony was notorious for the racism of its people, but the spaceport was cosmopolitan and the Falleen provided the hypocritical...
  13. Vandra Zambrano

    Private  Crystal Hunt gone wrong(?)

    She roamed around the forest of Veridia, a simple world but she was not here for its people and the like, she was here for its resources, but she was not one to deal with traders and the like so she searched around for a cave to gather a few resources herself, for her own personal projects, she...
  14. Jonyna Si

    Private  The Great Hunt

    Cathar Mid-day <Catharese>"Basic" The Reaper touched down, Jonyna's mechanic Rala meeting them as they did. Jonyna had invited her mate Taam Moghul , and her daughter Rayia Asai on a hunt. The rainy season of Cathar had lingered, a light shower coming down on the ship as they landed. <So...
  15. Braze

    Public  Verge of Veilrift on Veridia: (Crystal Hunt)

    TAGS: Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax Open to any one looking for some crystals. Non combat thread. Nestled against the sheer face of a rugged mountain, a hidden path unfurls like a ribbon through the wilderness, its existence barely noticeable to the untrained eye. This narrow trail, etched...
  16. Aiden Rennek

    Private  The Hunt

    "ETA?" Aiden asked the pilot over comms. "2 minutes, sir!" the pilot reported swiftly, after which Aiden set a timer on his watch. Even though this was just a standard mission — having to escort people involved in the reconstruction efforts of Epica — he took his work very seriously. Nothing...
  17. Tibera Jessen

    Private  A most strange hunt

    Evander of Alpheridies Normally bounty hunting was out of Tibera's mission profile, this was an exception to that rule. This wasn't some guild job that offered in some far flung cantina. This job came from a hand delivered letter by some rich mystery man, one who could afford Tibera's...
  18. Braze

    Private  Predator and Prey : The Hunt for Padawan Braze

    TAGS: Karkosuchus In the midst of the icy winds that swept across the desolate landscapes of Mygeeto, a solitary figure moved with determined grace. Cloaked against the biting cold, Braze, navigated the treacherous terrain with a focus that belied his years. His breath formed fleeting clouds...
  19. Vazz

    First Reply  The Hunt

    "You're making this difficult. I really don't like difficulty. A chase is one thing, but for the love of the Force would you stop trying to blow me up with these fire crackers." The only response was the sizzle of another poorly made explosive thrown his way. The Defel grumbled loudly as he...
  20. J

    Character  Jezarine Hunt

    Jezarine Hunt Age 24 Species Mandalorian and Human Gender Female Height 6’1” Weight 55kg Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Long blond hair, grey-blue eyes, freckles on one cheek, and big boned. INVENTORY SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Besknife Thermal Detonator...
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