Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Adeline Noctua

    Bounty  The Great Hunt

    Intent: To create new stories with any willing Jedi and their hunter(s) Compensation: High Cause(s): N/A Target Involvement: N/A Name of Bounty: Any and all Jedi or general light side force users Name of Contractor: Adeline Noctua Exclusivity: N/A Reward Tier: Tier 4 (Though this is...
  2. Laphisto

    Private  hunt for a pirate ooc rolls

    thread for rolls
  3. Laphisto

    Public  hunt for the Pirate

    [Open ] location: Ropagi II Primary objective: Hunt for Ubbal Dusat, and put an end to the Pirate once and for all. Secondary objective: find and destroy Ubbals supply chain and take out a few of his ships. a lone frigate floats within the system traveling along the system's border and...
  4. Laphisto

    LFG  hunt for the Pirate

    hey wanting to get a thread started near the Kalinda system hunting for a Pirate by the Name of Ubbal Dusat, he is one of the main villains for my faction rn and would love to see if anyone is interested in either helping to hunt him down or perhaps your o his side supplying the pirate with...
  5. Zeks

    The Hunt For Jedi - Open To One Person

    Many in Yangcong's profession wouldn't go out of there way to hunt jedi, specially if they weren't a force user. Some may choose to hunt them if they were of equal standing like the Sith. Yangcong however was a born assassin trained with daggers. His purple armor that made him look like a super...
  6. Adeline Noctua

    Private  Hunt for a hunter

    fa-play fa-pause Equipment | In bio Location | Nal Hutta Tag | Aerith Krayt Leads on a hunter for hire had lead Aerith to Nal Hutta, a vile place in all honesty. The cyborg had gotten little information on where to find said hunter, only getting a small bit of information after paying them...
  7. Jared Starchaser

    LFG  Treasure Hunt or a Fight?

    Hey All, Looking for a bit of a thread, one or the other, or both. Typical dungeon crawl, a long forgotten Force tradition... Fallanassi, Jal Shey, etc (This would be with Kaia Starchaser or Dani Stellaris) Looking for maybe 3-4 for that thread. A rumor of a treasure, and a Force wayfinder on a...
  8. Stardust Solus Skirae

    Private  The Hunt

    The air was warm within her meditation chamber, the air was a crisp cold that would make even a wookie shiver, but for the dragon herself it was like a wonderful early spring morning. Around her was holoscreen built to resist the frigid air displaying different texts and information she had been...
  9. Laphisto

    Private  Treasure Hunt for an old Jedi Weapon

    scattered around the Mid rim worlds were posters. and notice boards that went up. of a businessman looking to hire a crew to seek out some old and lost Jedi Artifact. the details of the poster are vague at best. only giving a location of a meeting place on Nexus Ortai. as you arrive at the...
  10. Laphisto

    Public  Treasure Hunt. for an old Jedi Weapon[ open for all.]

    scattered around the Mid rim worlds were posters. and notice boards that went up. of a businessman looking to hire a crew to seek out some old and lost Jedi Artifact. the details of the poster are vague at best. only giving a location of a meeting place on Nexus Ortai. as you arrive at the...
  11. Haon Hafey

    Approved Tech  Hunt Repeater Blaster

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: High Capacity Double Blaster, let people go nuts. Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Music Link: Here (Cause I get bored and this was the inspiration) Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Have Gun Will Travel...
  12. K

    Bounty  The Swamp Hunt

    Boom... Crack.... Thunder and Lightning swirl into the atmosphere above the Planet of Mancharakorkon. A light drizzle of Acid rain poured down from those dark clouds of gloom and despair which cover this once vibrant landscape. The swampy and polluted water moved slowly across the landscape...
  13. K

    Bounty  [Swamp Hunt] Wanted Criminal: Karkosuchus

    Intent: To have Karkosuchus go to prison for his crimes and setting up a break-out thread later down the line. Compensation: Magnate Mark III Power Armor MA-M3 Mercury Class Energy Rifle MA-M2 Mercury Class Energy Pistol Cause(s): Adding another interesting event for Karkosuchus Establish...
  14. Minuteman75

    LFG  Rat Race/Treasure Hunt

    Hello folks hope you're doing well. I'm proud to announce the upcoming open roleplay. To explain it will be about a crazy hunt/race for a lost treasure vault of Jabba the Hutt. Specifically its location on Tatooine's has mysteriously been leaked out, causing various interested parties to go...
  15. Shanalex

    LFG  Wild Fugitive Hunt

    Hi, so essentially what we're working with here is a former sith lord with amnesia has broken free from Coruscant in attempt to find what she lost. Memories to be exact. In short, she's got a bounty on her head so either a bounty hunter could try to take her in, a Jedi+Padawan encounter her in...
  16. K

    Private  Hunt in the Marshes

    The World of Mancharakorkon was a dense marshland with many small tribal villages spread across its surface. In Ancient Times the world was ruled over by the Hutt Empire as they engaged in conflict with the Empire of Xim the Despot. Building small settlements and recruiting the mancharunk...
  17. Kadann

    First Reply  The Tables Have Turned

    Kadann drew his fingers away from his side. They were slick with warm blood. His body was trying to heal, but exhaustion and age were working against him. He stumbled out of the alley and into the street. This was one of the deep levels of Coruscant. Barely a ray of light from the overworld...
  18. Xeykard

    First Reply  The Hunt

    Abraxin, Scar Worlds The Inquisitor traced the tracks in the mud. "We're close," he said. Even the most elusive and careful prey would slip, and the muck of Abraxin's swamps made tracking easier -- once they were close enough. Rising, Xeykard continued to lead the small team of Sith marines on...
  19. Muntenli Joskar

    Private  Abandoned Jedi Temple on Pitann: A Hunt For Artifacts

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pitann. A barren planet, except for the boomtowns that covered the northern hemisphere of the desert world. These towns sprung up when rich veins of ore were discovered just below the surface, and as a result...
  20. Lyssa Io

    Private  Sharp Blades in The Silent City

    Wearing: Nothing Armed with: Herself, Outback Carbine Nightsister Energy Bow Pistol Location: Unknown City Planet (Abandoned) Objective: Scout House Io, since providing a tireless level of support to the Eternal Empire, had been allowed to discreetly operate in Eternal Empire space. The...
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