Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Dired Mieflow

    LFG  The mandalorian bounty hunter with a lightsaber

    Hello! I am new to the Chaos server and I am looking for Rp. Dired Mieflow is a mandalorian bounty hunter who just also happens to be a sith knight. He is someone who can really interact with anyone, given the circumstance. I can do whateverr situation you'd like. Can't wait to be rping with...
  2. Mairéad Solus

    Faction  Hunting the hunter

    Location: some backwater world popular with criminals Ship: Emancipator-2 Tags: Gong Son Vaxis "TALK!!" Demanded Mairéad to the man strapped into the seat in front of him "Tell me where your fat disgusting boss is! WHERE IS ROOKAL!!" As she shouted, the man, a trandoshan mercenary...
  3. Rocho

    LFG  Space battles for a hunter

    Had Rocho awhile and eventually had gotten him an excellent carrier ship thanks to another writer who made them. However, I really haven't gotten to use it nearly as much as I'd like. So this is me trying to weasel it into stuff lol. The Robber's Crown is a carrier ship equipped for Vesk-class...
  4. Kaidan Ordo

    Private  To Hunt The Hunter

    . Crash Landing It had happened rather quickly. One moment he was giving a test flight for his new tie, the next, he was hurtling through the atmosphere of Belkadan. The ground was rushing up at him, alarms blaring in his cockpit, and he had little choice but to eject; his father would not be...
  5. V

    Character  Vrun Ryssic

    NAME: Vrun Ryssic FACTION: The Bounty Hunters Guild RANK: Mercenary & Bounty Hunter SPECIES: Trandoshan AGE: 15 Galactic Standard Years GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 7 foot tall WEIGHT: 90 kg's est' EYES: Yellow HAIR: None/Scaled SKIN: Glossy Green FORCE SENSITIVE: Non-Force Sensitive STRENGTHS...
  6. Sicarius Hekate

    Private  Tomb Hunter

    Sicaruis Hekate was meditating on her ship. It was a standard Fury Class Interceptor she had managed to acquire over the objections of it’s former owner. Pilots they could be so linear in their decision, see threat attack threat, the fool hadn’t even checked his suits oxygen apparatus. An...
  7. The Bounty Hunters' Guild

    The Bounty Hunters' Guild

    THE BOUNTY HUNTERS' GUILD The Bounty Hunters' Guild is an institution that regulates the profession of bounty hunting throughout the galaxy. It works alongside galactic governments to ensure the legality of contracts and curates bounties for its members. All members are expected to follow the...
  8. Iella Sunscream

    Request  Bio Template for a Bounty Hunter / Mercenary / Cyborg Character?

    Any help would be appreciated, It doesn't have to be too advanced. A template I can use that displays the details necessary for roleplay, but also has space I can cascade pictures with. No doubt the artsy minds of Chaos can come up with something interesting.
  9. D'agoriin Swyft

    Public  The Hunter... Or The Hunted?

    There are two sounds you don't want to hear when you finish a hyperspace jump, particularly if you're a Bounty Hunter, and especially when said jump was to get away from a pursuer. The first is laserfire, specifically from Ion or heavy-duty laser cannons, and the second is the boom of another...
  10. A

    LFG  Bounty Hunter Looking for Adventure

    Hey all, Alana is a bounty hunter and I'm down for threads with the criminal or less hospitable folk of the galaxy. Be it running from crime lords, cantina fights gone array, or just doing stupid spoce induced antics. Hit me up. (:
  11. D'agoriin Swyft

    LFG  Hunter, Or Hunted...?

    Let's be honest: if you're a Bounty Hunter, especially if you don't have the protection of the Guild, you're gonna get on someone's bad side eventually. And for a Bounty Hunter who secretly sympathizes with the Rebellion and its supporters, this effect is compounded. Basically, I'm bored, and...
  12. A

    Character  Aemhyr Phaeron

    AEMHYR PHAERON Aemhyr Phaeron is an Arkanian hunter and contractor born and raised on Arkania but who left the well developed world in his early twenties. Since then he is earning his wage as hunter and contractor around the Galaxy. He is a Force sensitive but according to him never really...
  13. Dr. Veinstein

    Approved Tech  T.A.R.T.A.R.U.S

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an advanced and elite Hunter-Killer droid for the Elysium Empire Image Source: Warface Synthetically Engineered Double, Anatoley Baranov Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: The Elysium Empire PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  14. S

    Character  Stalker Corvus

    BASIC INFORMATION First Name: Unknown Codename: Corvus Nickname: The Stalker Lastname: Unknown Race: Siris Sharon Gender: Unknown Age: Mid-Twenties Weight: 79.4 Kilograms Height: 1.5 Meters Body Type: Ectomorph-Mesomorph Hair: Unknown Eyes: Unknown Skin: Unknown Class: Marauder Class...
  15. A

    Character  Abe Dougsel

    NAME: Abe Dougsel FACTION: Independent RANK: Mountain Man SPECIES: Human AGE: 57 VOICE: Landon Ricketts (Red Dead Redemption) SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6"3 WEIGHT: 236 pounds EYES: Brownish-black eyes HAIR: Gray SKIN: Caucasian FORCE SENSITIVE: No. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses...
  16. Gyrssk Blackscale

    Character  Gyrssk Blackscale

    NAME: Gyrssk Blackscale FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems (current employer) Blackscale Clan RANK: Mercenary Slaver (Formerly?) SPECIES: Trandoshan AGE: 29 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2.023 Meters WEIGHT: 147.87 EYES: Red-Orange HAIR: N/A SKIN...
  17. B

    Bacu Topol

    Name: Bacu Topol Faction: Lords of the Fringe Outer Rim Coalition – Hunters of the Fringe Rank: Hunter Species: Mirialan Age: 20s Sex: Male Weight: Muscular/Large Height: Tall Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Skin: Green Force Sensitive: Yes Strengths and Weaknesses (+) Matakui Training – Bacu is very...
  18. Rundo


    NAME: Rundo FACTION: Freelancer RANK: N/A SPECIES: Rodian HOME: Rodia LANGUAGES: Rodese, Huttese, Basic AGE: 33 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'8" WEIGHT: 180lbs EYES: Black HAIR: None SKIN: Reptilian Green VOICE: Sample FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS: Ambidextrous Close Quarter Combat practitioner Harden...
  19. Mauda

    Approved NPC  EHK-01 Inquisitor Droid

    OOC INFO Intent - To provide INCA with an Inquisitor Droid Image Source - Pinterest Role - Anti Force User Links - The Emergence Empire EHK-01 Droid Cortosis Duraflex GENERAL INFO Unit Name - Inquisitor Droids Affiliation - The Emergence Empire, INCA Classification - AFU Droid...
  20. H3xle

    Savrek Monn

    NAME: Savrek Monn FACTION: UnD RANK: Warrior SPECIES: Shistavanen AGE: Prime SEX: Male HEIGHT: 194 cm WEIGHT: 118 kg EYES: Ice Blue HAIR: Black with Silver FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
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