Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Chamdar the Hutt

    Character  Chamdar Gnuda Varl

    NAME: Chamdar the Hutt, Chamdar Gnuda of Varl, Captain Chamdar FACTION: The Eternal Empire RANK: Commodore SPECIES: Hutt AGE: 150 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'1" WEIGHT: 675lbs EYES: Gold SKIN: Light Brown FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Chamdar is an experienced spacer, and a...
  2. V

    Character  Vernaka and Baroca

    TO BE EDITED VERNAKA AND BAROCA NAME: Vernaka Nem'ro Frukala and Baroca Nem'ro Frukala FACTION: Hutt Space Consortium RANK: Twin Lordas of the Nem'ro Kajiedic SPECIES: Hutt AGE: They are both physically 25 GSY old, though have the mental capacity and physical development of a full grown...
  3. J. Jorus Jaxxon

    Looking for a Hutt to be indebted to

    As part of my character background, your buddy & mine Mr. JJJ is in debt to a Hutt for the hefty sum of rebuilding his transport, as well as filing the serial numbers off of it and giving it a new name and a fresh coat of paint and transponder codes. Any Hutts out there doing the crime boss...
  4. Tharil

    Faction  A Hutt Load Of Trouble (The Enclave)

    High risk, high reward. That's the sort of bounty this was. Tharia stood outside of the contractors estate, yeah, estate. Damn Hutts needed to flaunt their wealth with estates or something these days. Didn't matter too much to the Chiss, but if she could make fun of it, she certainly would. She...
  5. Darth Sorn

    Private  Out Pizzaing the Hutt

    The operating table was a mess. Darth Sorn was in his Laboratory analyzing the specimen: A Tukata one of the many beasts of Korriban. Sorn managed to get plenty of the Tukata before the damn Alliance swooped in and ousted the Sith Empire. It was through then that the Empire began to fracture...
  6. Zane Hawke

    First Reply  Drifting in Hutt Space

    Location: Near Nar Kaaga It was deathly quiet on the tiny freighter as it drifted in space. There was a certain chill in the air as well that made Zane shiver despite the blanket that was wrapped on him. He sat at the cockpit of the EE-775 as he stared out into the vast space. Slowly blinking...
  7. Credit Wizard

    LOA  The Hutt Lorda has come to a close

    Dear Everyone on Chaos It is your friendly neighborhood Hutt Lorda called Paranoda Mancheron Boggurobb. It was fun for a while and I certainly had more pleasant experiences than any other roleplaying site that I have attempted to join. But times are changing and the motivation to roleplay the...
  8. Gula the Hutt

    Character  Gula the Hutt

    GULA THE HUTT NAME: Gula the Hutt FACTION: The Hutt Republic RANK: High Ranking SPECIES: Hutt AGE: 450 years old SEX: Male HEIGHT: 12 foot 5 inches WEIGHT: Around 5,500 lbs EYES: Yellow HAIR: Bah! Who needs hair when you have rock hard abs! SKIN: Slimy, rough, brown skin FORCE...
  9. TheWater125

    Noob in town

    Well, hello there; It is I, Basileus the Hutt, or Basileus the Noob to the more experienced members of the community. I'm a new member to the Star Wars RP Community.
  10. A

    Character  Aemulor the Hutt

    Lord Aemulor Torrijic of the Hutt Clans NAME: Aemulor Torrijic or Darth Aeumulus FACTION: No current affiliation RANK AND QUALIFICATIONS: Head of the Torrijic Clan of Hutts (family long since though wiped out) Owner of Aemuletic Bio-medical Science (secretly) Powerful but independent...
  11. Nor'baal

    Character  Nor'baal the Hutt

    Nor'baal Desilijic Tiure (otherwise known as Nor'baal the Hutt) was a male Hutt criminal, who operated primarily on the desert planet of Tatooine, where he operated a Cantina, the 'Dusty Dewback'. Primarily working in the underworld, Nor'baal tried to make a living in the shady world of crime...
  12. Tefka

    Member of the Month  September Member Of the Month: Paranoda The Hutt

    Everyone welcome the first Chaos Member of the Month, Paranoda the Hutt! A long tradition long since abandoned, the Member of the Month category has been used to recognize valiant feats of roleplay, new and upcoming writers in the community, and those who recognize and inspire the rest of us...
  13. Credit Wizard

    Faction  Banquet of Risk & Reward (The Hutt Republic)

    "In making a deal with another person. You must have the strength and intelligence to refuse any offer that doesn't benefit yourself or your organization." - Paranoda Mancheron Boggurobb Power can come to you in the most unexpected of ways. It is often easier to take things with force of arms...
  14. Credit Wizard

    Approved Tech  Scrapper-Series Battle Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mass produced combat droid for the Hutt Republic Image Source: Credit to Creator Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: B1-Series Battle Droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Paranoda Mancheron Boggurobb Affiliation: The Hutt...
  15. Credit Wizard

    Approved NPC  Nar Shaddaa Deployment Troopers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create front line infantry for the Hutt Republic; when independence is achieved. Image Credit: Credit to Creator Role: Front Line Infantry and a Portion of the Rank and File of Faction Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: The Nar...
  16. Z

    Approved Starship  Dominus Spatium

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create an illegally acquired vessel as a Hutt flagship Image Source: Fractalsponge assault ship Canon Link: n/a Permissions: Permission to use Obsidian star weaponry Primary Source: Bastion planetary invasion ship Reduced availability limited to unique...
  17. Credit Wizard

    A chance to meet the New Hutt.

    I had posted before on the other thread "The New Hutt Lord on the Block". But now I am in need of a person or a group to arrive at my Grand Festival Rp. Allowing people the chance to interact with the relatively new hutt lord that has emerged in the galaxy. The roleplay thread is open to anyone...
  18. Credit Wizard

    A New Hutt Lord on the Block

    Greetings There is a new hutt character that has arrived on Chaos called Paranoda the Hutt that needs some interaction with various people. I have already set up a nice rp thread that can allow anyone to show up at any time with their characters. If you wish to make a deal with this new hutt...
  19. Credit Wizard

    Public  Paranoda's Palace First Opening [Sleheyron-Public]

    Paranoda's Palace of Victory, Sleheyron Link to Palace: [Paranoda's Palace of Victory would be ready to begin operations for the public. The massive temple like structure would loom over the small settlement on this side of Sleheyron...
  20. Credit Wizard

    Approved Location  Paranoda's Palace

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide the Lord of the Mancheron Kajidic with a base of operation away from the Bootana Hutta Region and serve as a symbol of the growing influence and power of Paranoda the Hutt. It will also serve as a safe haven from Regional Conflicts. Image Credit...
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