Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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imogen solace

  1. Imogen Solace

    Private  In Due Time

    Location: Coruscant Temple Objective: Finish off the lesson Tag: Silas Westgard "Alright, that's a wrap for today!" In response, the group of students voiced their disappointment and hesitantly placed their helmets on the floor after switching off the sabers. Imogen slowly shook her head and...
  2. Imogen Solace

    Character  Imogen Solace (WIP)

    IMOGEN SOLACE Music Master Unknown Class(es) Jedi Knight Birthplace Denon Place of residence New Cov The Prosperity Age Young Adult Personality Traits Determined Compassionate Caring Flirty Education Traits Intricate Webweaver Lifestyle Traits Resilient Level head...
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