Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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imperial knights


    Campaign  In Pursuit of Ghosts | NIO Imperial Knights

    I M P E R I A L _ K N I G H T S I N _ P U R S U I T _ O F _ G H O S T S THE OUTER RIM MALA Mala. It was a storied world, as desolate as it was it'd meant that many ignored its blip on many holomaps but all the same, Mala was a site paramount to Galactic history. The very planet which played...
  2. Imperial Warlord Zovesa


    WHO ARE THE NEW IMPERIAL ORDER IMPERIAL FORCE CORPS? Led by their formidable Chiss High Knight Marshal, Zovesa, the Imperial Force Corps, or just Force Corps, are a military arm of the New Imperial Order's (NIO) Armed Forces that commanded solely by Force Users. However, it is not just Force...
  3. Null1

    Imperial Knighting Ceramony

    Fel Empire: Knights Act I The Knighting Of Stardust Von Skirae The Emperor had made his way to the Imperial Knight's home base on the edge of the City, situated far enough to have peace of mind, but close enough for a quick response, it was a short journey. As the Emperor's transport...
  4. Malok

    Approved Tech  The Fel Star | Imperial Knights

    F E L S T A R OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A relic of the past. Image: [ x ] Image Source: Stanislav Kyrychenko Canon Link: Imperial Knights Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Fel Star Manufacturer: Imperial Knights Affiliation: [member="Aya Clarke"] Modularity: No...
  5. Jairdain

    One Vision

    Being in such a high position was beyond what Jairdain had ever expected to find herself in. She needed to accomplish great deeds and feats, at least that's what it seemed like to her. She was the Grandmaster of the Imperial Knights within the Fel Empire. A group of people that held and followed...
  6. RC 212

    Rebel Treason: (Open)

    Near Kamino Rebel Space Station: Codename: Doctor V OOC: Feel free to join in for a fun little brawl -------------------------------------------- White suited troopers held the handles of their assault craft as they rode in. Annika was at the fore, first person in the stack to unload. Her...
  7. RC 212


    Annika NAME: Annika FACTION: The Galactic Empire RANK: Imperial Knight SPECIES: Human AGE: 22 SEX: Female HEIGHT: Medium WEIGHT: Medium EYES: Brown HAIR: Black SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  8. Caius Flavian

    Seeking a dedicated writer or two for force users

    Really straight forward! :cool: My faction suffered back in November from an abrupt Missing In Action of our writers/& characters who were our knights... :( Now our Non force user base is pretty decently sized but the sudden loss of our force users writers has been somewhat detrimental to our...
  9. The Subnet

    Hunting Down Pariahs

    [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Skyren Vau"] [member="Davin"] [member="Garen Ruca"] Emperor Vedarric had sent for Kamon several hours ago. The two had been locked in a very serious discussion about matters important to Imperial safety and security. As it seemed, things were afoot that warranted...
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