Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. GAL Ltd.

    Simply Egocentric Right Around Proven High Intelligence Machine (SERAPHIM Mk II)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand Omega Squad's AI Overwatch into a system capable of assisting the SJDF (think "Jarvis" in the MCU) Image - Mark Zukerberg made a real J.A.R.V.I.S. Canon Link: Artificial Intelligence Permissions: My Subs Gir Quee Primary Source...
  2. Hexus Dominus

    Try, try, try again (with an Abominable Intelligence)

    Greetings all, since my last go at a thread for Hexus did well on LFG and then died shortly thereafter, and since the Dominion of Nothmir isn't too fast paced, I'm giving the mildly eldritch AI another go. Really, any ideas for conflict or cooperation between organic or droid/ai characters are...
  3. Siv Dragr

    Major Faction Karjr Intelligence | Galactic Threat Assessment

  4. Caltin Vanagor


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an AI for for the SJDF 9th Fleet and all operations therein (think "Jarvis" in the MCU) Image Source: - Mark Zukerberg made a real J.A.R.V.I.S. Canon Link: Artificial Intelligence Permissions: My Subs Gir Quee Primary Source: Artificial...
  5. Hild Valor

    Approved Tech  SAN Artificial Intelligence

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a module technology for ships and bases, ran by an AI Image Source: Here Canon Link: Sensors, Navigation and AI Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Sensors, Navigation and AI PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Dominion of Shadows Affiliation...
  6. Guardian


    “Don’t you understand? We are the ‘last stand.’ We are the beacon that shines in the midst of chaos itself. We are the shield that protects the galaxy from those who would see it burn.” “We are Guardian.” <<<Join Our Discord>>> To understand what type of organization Guardian currently...
  7. Ham Salad

    Approved Lore  R.I.B. (Royal Intelligence Bureau)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an organization which a future PC will be part of. Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Draconis Reticulli, Ashtar GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Royal Intelligence Bureau Classification: Intelligence Organization...
  8. Valeria de la Vallée

    Approved Tech  Artificial Intelligence - "Eternity"

    Artificial Intelligence - “Eternity” OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique AI for Valeria de la Vallée that is based on/derivative of an existing AI. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Locke and Key Mechanics Primary Source...
  9. Valeria de la Vallée

    Approved Tech  Helix Class Artificial Intelligence

    Helix Class Artificial Intelligence OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a class of versatile sentient AI for the Ascendancy and Chione Realizations. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Locke and Key...
  10. Rex Valhoun

    Approved Lore  E.I.A. (Elysium Intelligence Agency)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an official intelligence branch of The Elysium Empire Image: Cia Emblem, Lion Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: The Elysium Empire GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Elysium Intelligence Agency (E.I.A.) Classification: Government...
  11. Aithche Wierz

    Character  Aithche Wierz

    Aithche Wierz NAME: Aithche Wierz FACTION: First Order RANK: Agent SPECIES: Human AGE: 35 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'7 WEIGHT: 65kg EYES: Green HAIR: Red SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Unknown STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : Jaded - Aithche is burnt out...
  12. Gramani Fey’la

    Minor Faction The Spynet is back. Over. The Bothan Spynet is back!

    The Bothan Spynet The Bothan Spynet has been one of the most important espionage organizations in galactic history. No other spy network in the galaxy could claim the level and expansion of what the Bothan Spynet once had. It was originally destroyed many years ago, but now with the help of a...
  13. Vytal Noctura

    Approved Tech  Nether Scythes

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A hidden blade for the Confederacy's Silent Operatives Image Source: Gaming Beast Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Hidden Wrist Blades PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Solanaceae (Mandragora) Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent...
  14. Spirit of Unity

    Approved Lore  Strategic Intelligence Agency | Galactic Alliance

    THE GALACTIC ALLIANCE STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION - Intent: to detail the Alliance’s military intelligence organization. - Image Credit: - Galactic Alliance Symbol from Alliance & New Republic Emblems - Organization Symbol from The Legion of the Third Eye -...
  15. K

    Codex Denied  Strategic Intelligence Agency (SIA) | The Alliance

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to detail the Alliance’s military intelligence organization. Image Credit: Organization Symbol from The Legion of the Third Eye Rank Insignia from The Imperial Archive Wiki Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: The Alliance(Faction) Kadius Eran (Character)...
  16. Dak

    Approved Tech  Proto-code

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to create a sentient precursor programming language that will play a significant role in Dak’s personal story arc. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: CORE Automata (Company) DAC-1.P028 ("Dak") (Character) Fire-Spark Droidforge (Location)...
  17. Malicar

    Approved Lore  The Shroud - Black Sun Intelligence Organization

    Image credit is HERE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The intent of The Shroud is to provide a sect within Black Sun for PCs to be a part of and to explain how Black Sun manages to be way ahead of the game in terms of information Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A ​Links: CEID, Eclipse...
  18. Ilsa Visel

    Approved NPC  "Drachen" | Ilsa Visel's Blackwatch Death Squad

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION INTENT: To Create a Blackwatch Death Squad to Fulfill Ilsa's Role as a Blackwatch Operator. ROLE: Secret Police; Counter-Insurgency; Political Repression LINKS: Ilsa; Eternal Empire; Armoury; Fortress of Solitude; Arcenon; GENERAL INFORMATION UNIT NAME...
  19. WolfMortum

    Approved Location  Resolute Station: Commenor Intelligence Agency.

    Resolute Station: Commenor Intelligence Agency. ~~~~~~~ OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Due to Commenor's recent liberation from the Sith Empire, House Arenais, the Royal Family of the former Systems Alliance Capital has endeavored to strengthen the world's research and military...
  20. 4ND-R0


    Image credit belongs to see Hallowrook NAME: Bist'hano'mlorto (Full), Thanom (Core) FACTION: Imperial Remnant RANK: Special Agent SPECIES: Chiss-Human hybrid AGE: 24 standard years (looks closer to his 30s) SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'5” WEIGHT: 120 lbs EYES: Red HAIR: Dark bluish-black...
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