Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Krasnaya Xue

    Approved Starship  RAAF-18 Super Corvus

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To improve on the previous Corvus interceptor model. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION...
  2. Kurayami Bloodborn

    Approved Starship  'Yellow 13' Modified RZ-1 A-Wing

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To bring an old ship from Kurayami's backstory up to date Image Source: Here Canon Link: Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION Manufacturer:Kurayami Bloodborn Model...
  3. NeiveUndant

    gy'ETA 2 class interceptor

    Link: Variants: Fighter, Transport Average Length: 5.47 meters
  4. WD-334

    Approved Starship  V7-Fenrir Interceptor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION · Intent: To create a fast-attack drone interceptor for the Metal Lord’s fleets that can be created from wreckages and used materials. Image Source:
  5. Pella Vun

    Approved Starship  Alliance A-Wing

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: New interceptor for the GA Image Source: Canon Link: Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATIONManufacturer: Incom Model: A-Wing...
  6. Viscous Thorn

    Approved Starship  Guild Cutlass-class Interceptor

    Image Source: Deviant Art - Artist Stephen Daymond Affiliation: Corsair Guild Manufacturer: Corsair Guild (SoroSuub Corporation originally) Model: Guild Cutlass-class Interceptor Modularity: None Production: Limited Material: * Alusteel Classification: Interceptor Length: 12m Height: 3m Width...
  7. Ellie Mors

    Approved Starship  Chiroptera-class Interceptor (Hand-Wing Class)

    Image Source: Mark Kolobaev Affiliation: Closed Market Manufacturer: Koros Spaceworks Model: KS-CRI Modularity: No Production: Mass Production Material: Vardium Steel Durasteel Classification: Interceptor Length: 7 m Height: 14 m Width: 11 m Armament: 10 [x2] Laser Cannons [x2] Proton Torpedo...
  8. Lash

    Approved Starship  IFWLI-1 Talon-class Line Interceptor

    Image Source: Here Affiliation: Open Market Manufacturer: IFW Model: IFWLI-1 Talon-class Line Interceptor Modularity: None Production: Mass-Produced Material: * Quadanium Steel Frame * Titanium Hull * S-c4.1 multi-range TAG * T-s9a targeting computer * N-s6 Navcon * F-s4 flight avionics system *...
  9. Kurayami Bloodborn

    Approved Starship  Amara Class Interceptor

    Image Source: Affiliation:Kurayami Bloodborn Manufacturer:Kurayami Bloodborn Model: Amara class interceptor Modularity:N/A Production: Unique Material:Titanium/Durasteel frame, Duraplast/crystadurium hull plating...
  10. Darth Banshee

    Approved Starship  I.M.D. Eagle MkI

    Image Source: Affiliation: Open Market Manufacturer: Independent Military Developers Model: I.M.D. Eagle MkI Modularity: None Production: Mass-Produced Material: Durasteel hull Classification: Interceptor Length: 8m...
  11. Darth Banshee

    Approved Starship  V.T. Interceptor MkI

    Image source: Affiliation: The Sith Empire Manufacturer: Val TEk Model: V.T. Interceptor MkI Modularity: None Production: Mass-Produced Material: Durasteel hull Classification: Interceptor Length: 12m Height: 3m Width: 4m Armament...
  12. Ares-05

    Approved Starship  The Lost Wanderer

    Image Source: Affiliation: Ares-05 Manufacturer: Silentium Engineers. Model: The Lost Wanderer. Modularity: No. Production: Unique. Material: Durasteel hull, standard starship components. Classification: Interceptor. Length: 13 meters. Height: 8.5...
  13. T

    Approved Starship  ARE-A2 'Sprite' Interceptor

    Image Source: Here Affiliation: Alderaan Royal Forces, Open-Market Manufacturer: Alderaan Royal Engineers Model: A2 Sprite Interceptor Modularity: No Production: Minor Material: Durasteel frame, Titanium alloy hull, Transparisteel canopy, standard starship components Classification: Interceptor...
  14. Iziz

    Project Therion#1: Shedim

    Image Source: Here Affiliation: Sith Assassins Manufacturer: One Sith Model: 'Shedim' Pattern Stealth Interceptor Modularity: None Production: Limited (Sith Assassins Only) Material: Matrix-Steel / Nutorium Alloy, advanced targeting array, neural interface & Ship Components. Classification...
  15. Joran Greth

    Approved Starship  TIE Locust Interceptor

    Image Source: Link Affiliation: Aurora Industries Customers Manufacturer: Aurora Industries Model: TIE Locust Modularity: None Production: Minor Classification: Interceptor Crew: 1 pilot Squadron Count: 12 Materials: * Ferrocarbon / Alusteel composite alloy frame * Titanium hull *...
  16. Maelion Liates

    Approved Starship  Drone Class Droid Interceptor

    Drone Droid Interceptor Image Source: Here. Scarab class droid fighters. Affiliation: Archangel Research & Design or closed market. Manufacturer: Archangel Model: 00001100 Modularity: None Production: Mass Material: Standard materials Classification: Interceptor Length: 10 metres Height: 3...
  17. ADM. Reshmar

    Approved Starship  Mako-class Modular Interceptor

    Mako-class Modular Interceptor Image Source: Me, Autodesk 3ds Max / Photoshop Affiliation: Open Market, Silver Jedi Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards Model: Mako-class Modularity: External Modular Weapons Pods. 2 external pod slots can be customized to add more offensive power (pick 2)...
  18. Zenva Vrotoa

    Approved Starship  X-HKI "Blood Dart"

    Image Source: Intent: A primary Interceptor for Zenva's company defense fleet and a special product for The Hutt Cartel. After reviewing with her financial department, limited open market sales have been arranged. Affiliation: Blood Hunter's Iron Works, Hutt...
  19. T

    RZ-1 V2 A-Wing Elite Interceptor

    Image Source: Here Affiliation: Galactic Alliance Manufacturer: Incom Corporation Model: RZ-1 V2 A-Wing Elite Interceptor Modularity: None Production: Mass Production Material: Durasteel with Titanium-Alloy Frame, Transparisteel and various other components to include the classic Fijisi wood...
  20. Darth Metus

    Approved Starship  SD/FI-01 Warden Interceptor

    SD/FI-01 Warden Interceptor Out of Character Information Intent: The purpose of this submission is to provide militant, Galactic market with a new interceptor. Image Source: "Tie Concept" by Masters of Chicken Scratch Primary Source: N/A Development Thread: N/A Production Information...
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