Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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interest check

  1. C

    Status of the Je'daii - Member Roll Call.

    Hey there everyone, it's been quite some time! Things within the Je'daii Order have been quiet for a good while now and some of our members have moved on from Chaos. Recently, [member="Kalyn Shif"] most generously passed the Faction down to me as she is no longer present to keep up with things...
  2. D

    The Krath

    The Krath were a secret society founded by aristocratic force sensitive cousins Aleema and Satal Keto in the Empress Teta system. With such an open area in the core to write and enjoy. I was checking to see who would be interested in writing as members of the ancient darkside cult and...
  3. Andorreth Vikar

    War games!

    So this is more an interest check. We had some awesome stories on defending Kasshyyk, however as leader of the Silver Shadows I'd had some interest from various people. I propose since we do tournament type stuff every so often that we this time around hold a series of war games. Non-lethal...
  4. grammaticus

    The Fel Empire

    The Fel Empire The Galaxy burns in the fires of endless war. Sith run wild without check, slaughtering all in their path. Jedi, the Guardians of Peace and Order in the galaxy now fight wars of expansion and conquest, or have become so corrupted they are no longer recognizable. Numerous factions...
  5. F

    Space Shark Attack! Good morning, all! I'm looking to start some more threads in Imperial space, and I was inspired by some obscure Star Wars creatures. Right now, the planet Rishi is undergoing something of an identity crisis. For millennia it's been a lawless pirate...
  6. Ultimatum

    Interstellar Protocol

    I had an idea at one point of various major factions governments coming together and signing a document that places restrictions on certain kinds of weapons and forms of warfare. Think Geneva Convention/Protocol in essence. I had thought that perhaps various companies and groups would guarantee...
  7. Jaster Awaud

    Call to Ex-Republic and Sith NFU

    I have just created a new Authoritative Military Dictatorship Faction within the Core Worlds. During the first and Intro Public Thread for the Faction there will be a call to both Republic and One Sith Soldiers that are lost in the Core Worlds. I'm sure there will be may be no more of either of...
  8. Jaster Awaud

    United Federation (Interest Check)

    United Federation of Nations Welcome all to an interest check for a Federation Type Faction. The style of government used in this faction is very different then most as the central government has little to no power over its allied nations or Sub-Factions. The Federation is a Feudal Federation...
  9. Voices of The Deep

    Order of The Exile - Interest Check

    "We Will Show You The Truth." - The Exiled There are some who believe that peace can only be achieved by pacifistic ideologies and tenets designed to ensure good. There are others who believe dominance over all other lesser beings is another way to achieve this everlasting peace through...
  10. Voices of The Deep

    Project: Ghost in the Shell - Faction Concept

    Error: Access Denied - Memory Files Corrupted "To Achieve Perfection One Must Remove Human Error." "Neon lights blind us from the truth. The truth that we are strangers to ourselves. What is it we fight for? Unity? In unity we find humanity, but civilizations greatest humanity...
  11. Celiana

    Halloween Event/ Group story?

    Hullo Loves! So a thought occurs to me...Connor has had a Rakghoul event that was great fun for what little I did in that event. The Mandalorian Empire also did an event similar but that fizzled out too..That being said I wanted to maybe do an interest check on if anyone might want to do a...
  12. Voices of The Deep

    Pantheon - Interest Check

  13. Celiana

    Interest Check on a Jedi Dance...

    Hullo everyone! So there have been a couple of these in the past and I wanted to see if perhaps there was any interest in a formal dance/ball type event for The Silver Jedi? I personally think it could be a nice way to cut loose that doesnn't involve Sith, Doms, or Rebellions but that could...
  14. Progflaw99

    Otajayr: Return to Resol'nare

    Otajayr: Return to Resol'nare Vode An, The original plan was going to be a solo thread for this, though I think it could be fun for others as well so I'm dropping this here if anyone would be interested. The Premise: Buruk Sur'haai grew up from childhood following the tenets of Resol'nare...
  15. Mother Askani

    Sochi V. SSC Skirmish

    Hey guys, I'm posting this as an interest check I know most of you, and hello to all of those I don't. Sochi here has finally returned to the Coalition after being brought back from the Netherworld. The reunion was great, but she's nearing the end of her Dark story arc. After successfully...
  16. I

    Cortosis Heist [ OOC ]

    Solo development threads tend to be boring at least for me, so anyone would be interesting in hitting a faction owned cortosis shipment ? -If so- Which one ? I was only able to find cortosis planets only within this factions - The Sith Empire; Silver Sanctum; The First Order; The Galactic...
  17. C

    Rakghoul Hunt: Interest Check

    A new breed of rakghouls has been sighted on Kulthis just outside SSC space. I should know, because I was there when the Sith Eldaah Aderyn unleashed them on the city and left no survivors in a twisted experiment. Those the rakghouls catch and bite or scratch, they become infected and they too...
  18. James Justice

    Stepping into a whole new Arena

    Alright, so we are due for an upgrade on our tier. We have already made it to tier 4, and that is amazing, but we are going for the big stuff. We want to go tier 5, all the way to being a major player in the game if we want to--on par with some factions. To do this, we need to do a thread with...
  19. Ayden Cater

    What Do Other Groups Want

    While [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] is stirring up interest with the New Jedi Order, the Galactic Alliance Pilots have a check-in thread to get them organized. But not everyone in the GA is a pilot or a Jedi. So what other groups are out there that would like a bit of the spotlight and some...
  20. Voices of The Deep

    New Faction For Witches?

    And users of magic alike. Now, i might be wrong...good chance that i am. But it seems to me that a lot of those who practice such things are not really around like that aside from like...a small handful. Nightsisters, the Witches of Dathomir, and ect seem to have few numbers compared to the...
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