Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vinis Rimen

    LFG  Starliner Boarding Thread Interest?

    I had an idea for a thread but wanted to check if there was any interest. It's a fairly basic, pirate adventure. The thread will be open, though I'll put a request for anyone joining through the Open tab rather than here. The "sides" are pretty open: - Joining alongside Rimen - Unfortunate...
  2. Strider Garon

    LFG  Crime Syndicate Interest Check

    As I revive Strider Garon to Active Status, the question is what do i do with him. Well, how about the old man creates a new crime syndicate on Tatooine. The real question is, how many people would like to join Strider and his brother Garrus lay claim to the infamous Jabba palace and the...
  3. K

    Faction  Interest Check: The Sardok'narru

    . The Sardok'narru The Sardok'narru can be described as a loose confederation of different inhuman tribes brought together for a singular cause. The galaxy is ruled over by humanoid or near-humans which keep the inhumans oppressed and shackled by some concept of authority and obeying the...
  4. Beltran Rarr

    LFG  Who's up for a little treasure hunting? (Exploration of General Grievous' Fortress interest check)

    You know what I haven't done in a while? Gone treasure hunting! I love me a good exploration/treasure hunting thread, so I'm proposing one! Thread name: Into Grievous' Depths - Exploration of General Grievous' Fortress Location: Vassek System, Vassek 3, Grievous' Fortress Premise: Centuries...
  5. C

    LFG  Interest Check: New Imperial Faction

    Greetings to everyone on the Chaos Website I have recently been floating this idea around my head. The creation of an Imperial Faction that is a combination of the Imperial Remnant under Grand Admiral Pellaeon and the Pentastar Alignment of Powers underneath Grand Moff Ardus Kaine. While we do...
  6. Taeli Raaf

    LFG  Interest in an IC Age of Chaos Tournament?

    Looking to just gauge interest in possibly having an IC tournament for the card game I've been making over the year. I would have to come up with some rules for it, probably modeled on how Invasions are judged and some base line gameplay rules for the IC posts, but not entirely sure yet. If...
  7. Kitter Bitters

    Hapes Consortium - New Faction Interest Check & Fact Checks

    For a few months me and a few others have been fishing out information about what has transpired on Hapes in the Chaos community. We also started to check and see if it would be possible to create a minor faction to focus on Hapan stories. After a few months nobody has objected to this idea so...
  8. Aruj al-Bahriyy

    Discussion  Hijacked (Looking for rp interest)

    Hijacked (pm to join) I am looking to do a pirate hijacking/ransom themed thread out in the dark abyss of space. It will be a introduction/icebreaker for my new character Aruj al-Bahriyy and I will be needing a few folks to volunteer to join me on this plot. 1: Aruj will need a crew. You are...
  9. Detritus Ren

    LFG  Interest Check: Rise of the Shadow Collective

    Hello all! Today I come bringing an idea I wanted to bring up, see if it gets anyone interested for a good story. Something I've been thinking of for a while with the Second Great Hyperspace War in full swing. How y'all feel on bringing back the Shadow Collective? For those that don't know what...
  10. Caltin Vanagor

    Interest Check - Wraith Squadron?

    We tried it before, a squadron, anyone want to try one again? Wraith Squadron of Legend were just as B.A. on the ground as they were in the air. Anyone interested? I'm making a new dedicated pilot.
  11. Kitter Bitters

    Interest Check: Hapans, Force Academies and Crime Oh My!

    I’ve got a bit of time and wanted to put it to use with a series of stories. Could be a minor faction or a campaign. Idea # 1 Hapan Stories - The last faction left off with the queens death due to illness. We could build a new monarchy and build out some of the worlds in the Hapes Cluster...
  12. Holly Starstorm

    HoloNet News Interest Check

    This character has been an HNN reporter for a long time and I was thinking of expanding her interactions with others through news stories. I could set this up as a business, or as a minor faction, or even a sub faction of a major faction. HNN has traditionally been a republic news agency so I...
  13. Caltin Vanagor

    Self-Defense class - Interest check

    You never know when you're without a weapon. Will be mostly Broken Gate but a few additives thrown in for flavor.
  14. Caltin Vanagor

    Jedi Skydiving - Interest check

    It's not what you think. :D Who wants a fun little social thread to learn how to do those cool little entrances from the air?
  15. Okkeus Dainlei

    Discussion  What kills your interest in a character?

    Hey y'all, I had this thought pop in my head recently while I was looking through your character list. I had lots of good ideas for characters, made only a handful of posts for them, and haven't posted with them since. I'm not sure if I just lost interest, the character's story/idea sucked, or...
  16. Gray Venasir

    Faction Interest Check: Star Cabal

    Alright, so the title basically says it all for those who know about the Star Cabal. For those who don't know about them, they were People of influence who originally banded together 5 000 BBY, right ater the Great Hyperspace War. They thought that the force-users was to blame for all the Deaths...
  17. EllieEx

    Faction\Interaction Interest Check: OOC (Please read very carefully)

    So, If i start this faction, It will be with another character because I designed voska with independance in mind and I'd like to continue playing and developing him lmao but that's not what you're here for so here goes: The Faction that I am proposing could be seen as somewhat controversial...
  18. NT-6922

    Clear Sky - Interest Check

    Clear Sky In the name of science, progress and the common good, the people of Clear Sky explore the unknown parts of the galaxy. It is with courage and curiosity that they discover new planets, study Force anomalies and phenomenons, and invent new innovative technology. They do not seek...
  19. Coren Starchaser

    The Galactic Alliance

    Individuality. Independence. Freedom. The galaxy has been in a state of turmoil. The arrival of the Primeval, the domination by the One Sith of the land to the north, the stagnation of the Republic and the collapse of the last free sanctum of the Levantines have left the galaxy unbalanced...
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