Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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intro thread

  1. J

    Public  Friendships forged on Chaos [Brat Pack Intro Thread]

    Location: Unknown Planet. Starship: Public Transport From Svivren to Coruscant. Surviving Passengers: Liorra | Zaiya Ceti | Aris Noble | Loomi | Braze | Toby Perris | Kalira Aldan | Eloise Dinn | Kitter Bitters | Plus. It had all happened so suddenly. Jaitre Lanabre-Arenais had been quietly...
  2. R'Ruug

    Private  The Farmer in the Dell

    OLIVANT RANCH TAANAB She knocked on the front door, in the middle of the night. A Swordsman, she called herself. Fitting name, Olivant thought, seeing the fancy-looking blades on her hip. And the glowing red laser sword, burning a welt into the side of his neck. The armored, black-caped being...
  3. Galen Dooku

    First Reply  Channel What's Inside

    // Serenno | Seven years ago... "He is a shame, Elena!" his father hissed. Mother recoiled at the word, more afraid now of what that branding would do to her son than what her husband's wrath would do to her. She clenched her fists, white-knuckled as she stomped at him from across the family...
  4. Solomon Jusik

    Faction  Far off Shores (Aaris III, Jedi Intro Thread)

    Strange sign echoed through the stars. Cold winds pushing across the great void, pushing ripples along the shoreline beyond the great stone monuments. The monuments themselves resembled a race of reptillians that must have once owned the world. Their ruins were found scattered as far as the...
  5. C

    Private  According to the Wills.

    The world of Arthézia was peaceful, neutral in many ways thanks to the works of those who came before. Over time, during the many wars, plagues and end all events that threatened the very fabric of space - the world was forgotten. It could have been the collapse of the Galactic Empire 850 years...
  6. K

    Private  Day Of Awakening [Junko Ike]

    Atrisia, Kansai Capital City Apparel: Click here Junko Ike The sun was out in full, rays of light spilling out through the crowds across the Capital City as Kurata walked the roadside in search of the Western Academy. There were many stories about this locale, however those of most interest to...
  7. Uxagi Xatash

    Greetings and salmonations!

    Hello everyone! My name is QueenAqua, or Queen, or Aqua if you like. I'm flexible. :) I am a first time poster to this forum but certainly not a first timer to roleplaying. I began 22 years ago in the AOL chat room Red Dragon Inn (Rhydin WHAT WHAT #rhydin4lyfe), when I was 11 years old. I was...
  8. Talak Jenste

    Faction  A long way from home

    Taiia was seated in her chair in the main cabin of her ship while looking over some notes of hers. She brushed a few strands of hair out of her eyes and placed them back behind her ear where they would be less troublesome then she reached and took hold of a small cup of tea, the steam still...
  9. C

    A Silver Lining, After All.

    Kashyyyk. Seeking out the Silver Jedi Order. The Prophet broke through the Atmosphere of Kashyyyk without a hitch, Caedyn Arenais seated at the controls with Ashla seated in the Co-pilots chair and in the seat behind that at the communications hub was the sleeping ball of fur that was...
  10. Dravis Rosilla

    Introductions and Inductions

    Well, hello there, Chaos! I'm starting this character up, and I need a thread to introduce her into the galaxy. While this certainly doesn't have to be an evil Force-User by any means, I plan on throwing F'aa in that direction, and seeing what comes up, so if you're a Dark Witch or Sith Lord...
  11. A

    Aftermath, Mirial Survival: ATTN SITH

    Mirial Somewhere in the Ruined City She'd been running for blocks now, trying to escape the flames, and the patrols. Some citizens had been rounded up and executed. It was all over the news. Ari was no fool, she knew it was paramount to stay hidden until things died down. She also knew those...
  12. Jada Raxis

    Debts to Pay and Miles to go (OPEN/Sugglers/Criminals)

    Tatooine, Zorlac the Hutts Palace She was finished doing business with him, as were the crew of the Darkstar. They were overworked, fed up and underpaid. Not to mention she stilled owed the slimy grease ball a debt so large, she couldn't travel near the core at all. And that hurt business. As...
  13. RC 212

    I am No One [OPEN]

    CORELLIA, THE STREETS ------------------------------------------- Two days she'd been here wandering around. There wasn't much to see of the old verdant world, as much of it had been decimated by the cataclysm. Still they were an industrious people, and she admired that. It kind of reminded...
  14. RC 212

    A New hand touches the Beacon! (OPEN)

    Location: Korriban Objective: Meet Sith IC, Assemble my Citadel This was ancient ground. Hallowed ground. Alas it was something of an old home to many. Apiculius had travelled many light years to get his feet on this soil, and when they touched he felt the energies of the darkside like an...
  15. RC 212

    Slicing the Cartel (OPEN)

    Location: Nar Shaadda, Hutt Palace Objective: Steal some moneys, meet some peeps! It wasn't her typical day on Nar Shaadda. This was a robbery and big one for a big client. When Hutt went against Hutt it could get violent, which is why she had elected deep cover. As a dancing girl. And after a...
  16. RC 212

    I Explode Space Stations (OPEN)

    Location: Void Station At a Cantina ----------------------------------------------- "That's the last of em. We ain't got any more on board Morgan." Shades replied. He was tallish always wearing that black trench coat that Morgan so hated. The spacer Captain grunted and rested the butt of his...
  17. RC 212

    I, Jedi- Dagobah (Open)

    Dagobah The swamp planet was rife with the living force. Jade breathed deep, taking in the floral aroma and letting the life energies wash over her. Beside her her cloak was folded neatly on a rock. She kept her trousers and tan under tunic. Her saber was clipped on her belt to the right of her...
  18. Andorreth Vikar

    Flight From Triple Zero (PM to join)

    I'd come into work early today, same as any other. Long night of dealing with idiotic smugglers, bounty hunters, mercenaries and more. Third night this week my apartment above Carnor's Diner had been broken into, third night my bike that I for some reason kept fixing had been stolen as well...
  19. Garza

    Following the Past, and into the Future

    Mandalore A planet that was known for the Mando'ade, or in translation and shortened, Mandalorians. A culture of people that were not warlike, but who knew what it meant to defend themselves. Walking down the streets of the downtown area, of a city that I did not know, I felt lost. While I...
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