Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ishani sibwarra

  1. Ishani Dinn

    Character  Rhiannon Dinn

    SOCIETAL Name: Rhiannon Ishani Dinn Alias: Rhiannon Ishani Threepwood Ishani Sibwarra Darth Miasma Adamanthea Titles: Sky Goddess/Goddess of the Upper World Protector of Folende Lady of Ardentia Sith Princess Birthworld: Chaldea Current Home: Prison Cell, Alliance Space Arboria...
  2. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Cheap Perfume

    In a forest clearing somewhere on Hapes, Ishani Sibwarra landed. She had flown there, not in any vessel, but with her own wings—powerful, hideous batlike appendages which had sprouted from between her shoulder blades sometime after Tython. Her golden blonde hair was braided to be out of the way...
  3. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Shattering the Isinglass

    Aboard the Ebion Ishani was an excellent swimmer. She’d taken to it first as a little girl, learning how to float atop the ocean waves without her parents’ help. Even before the Atargatis Skin she’d stolen had given her gills and a tail, she had learned how to hold her breath and swim laps with...
  4. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Lost in the Light

    Denon Undercity, Night Ishani awoke hanging from a rope. Bound around her wrists, it pulled her arms straight up, her feet just barely touching the floor. Pain radiated through the muscles in her shoulders and back, as well as from bruises and lacerations along her torso and limbs. More scars...
  5. Ishani Dinn

    Private  And So These Tombs Fell

    Ruins of the Royal Academy, Korriban Ishani expected to wind up here eventually. The mysterious force which had propelled her around the galaxy, through time and space and even into alternate realities had followed a set pattern. Every place, person, or object she encountered was a part of...
  6. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Unfinished Business

    Nezamiyeh, Chaldea By now Ishani knows that she is dead, but she refuses to lie. To keep herself from dissolving back into the Force, she consumes. Other spirits, other entities, she devours them to maintain her individuality. Some force (she doesn't know if it's the Force, or the Netherworld...
  7. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Clock Strikes Midnight

    It started out as little things. A momentary glimpse of something pale in the mirror; a whisper in the dark; a cold spot in an otherwise warm room. Symptoms of a haunting, or perhaps a probing presence, though she had no idea who it was, where it was coming from, or what it wanted. Lying in bed...
  8. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Survivors [Solo]

    Kai awoke to a familiar voice uttering the words, "I hate you." He opened his eyes and blinked. The equally familiar surroundings of his quarters aboard the Survivor greeted his eyes. Claudia stood above him, her arms crossed over her chest. Relief and gladness flooded him at the sight of her...
  9. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Well of All Souls

    Kesh, Wild Space “Excuse me, could you tell me where is the…” Ishani paused, having to look down at her datapad to read the Sith name. “... Duobé iv Visa Vele?” Her pronunciation was awful, and the man just stared at her in bewilderment. Ishani sighed. “Never mind.” She walked away from the...
  10. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Tech  Ishani's Cloak

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A personal armor for Ishani Sibwarra. Image Source: Festival Brides Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Sunless Lands Silk [Vault Purchase] Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Ishani Sibwarra Affiliation: Ishani Sibwarra Market Status...
  11. Ishani Dinn

    Duel  Because I Could Not Stop For Death

    Test Site Verdant Pasture, Dahrtag Through the viewport windows of the Leviathan, Ishani had watched the wall of snowfall at the planet’s south pole part like white curtains, revealing a rocky valley dusted with snow. The starship hovered over the canyon, searching for the facility hidden away...
  12. Ishani Dinn

    Private  To Raid a Tomb

    While it was currently being turned into the new headquarters of the NJO, Tython was still technically the origin planet of the Je'daii. If Ishani was going to find out more about their Order, traveling to the source made sense. Arriving aboard Vixen, she scouted the place out. While she was...
  13. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Shelter From the Storm

    Standing on a hill overlooking the city of Calabiyau, Ishani still wasn’t sure how she’d done it. Somehow, she had gotten through to the right people. Somehow, she had convinced them that a refugee city was a good idea. Somehow, they had come to an arrangement. As it turns out, there are a lot...
  14. Ishani Dinn

      I'll give you some UCks for character feedback

    Or eh, idk, maybe we can thread? I've seen some people celebrating various milestones for their characters with feedback threads. I've never done one for Ishani, she's at more than a thousand posts, I've been writing her for almost a year, and she's managed to survive the death of the faction...
  15. Ishani Dinn

    Private  The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

    Tribunal Station Crossing the bedroom of their apartment, Ishani whispered, “Arc, wake up.” She kept her volume low for the sake of the children slumbering in the next room over. It was quite early in the morning, around four o’clock. “Arc… come on…” Arcturus wasn’t easily roused by noises...
  16. Ishani Dinn

    Duel  Sand in the Hand, Pain in the Brain

    Ishani's explorations of the Outer Rim had led her to... well, she didn't know where she was, actually. She didn't have a chance to check the map before her ship crashed on the surface of the planet. Standing outside the smoking wreck of her ship, she rested her hands on her hips and sighed...
  17. Ishani Dinn

    Private  A Wedding and a Funeral

    Nezamiyeh, Chaldea Of all the things that could've drawn her back home, it was the funeral of a friend. Not that she and Arlo Renard had ever really been that friendly toward one another. They got to know each other out of necessity, thrown together by circumstance, and butted heads more often...
  18. Ishani Dinn

    Private  There Will Be No More Mysteries

    Ishani had been aboard Tribunal Station for long enough to know what a Je’daii was, and the more she learned, the more she found herself drawn to them. They allowed for alchemy and imbuement; they wielded Force-imbued blades; they were neutral in the Force, devoted to neither side; they were...
  19. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Tech  Smokestone

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a perfume with unique effects on the wearer. Image Source: Capricorn Arts Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Perfume PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Smokestone Manufacturer: Ishani Sibwarra Affiliation: Ishani Sibwarra Market Status: Open-Market...
  20. Ishani Dinn

    End of an Era (short story)

    During the attempted annihilation of Korriban… Ishani was leaving the library, her arms laden with books, when something made her halt. An eerie silence seemed to have descended upon the empty corridors of the Academy, like the calm before a storm. She hadn’t noticed it that morning, as she had...
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