Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi enclave

  1. Joran Olan

    Public  Laying the Foundations - Jedi Enclave of Eadu, Open to Jedi and Allies

    LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS - POST ONE Tags: Open Location: Jedi Enclave of Eadu Today was the day. Years of work, countless connections forged, and the effort of dozens of comrades and allies had pooled together into this moment. The Eadu Enclave was the legacy of Joran's Master, Kellian Cass...
  2. Joran Olan

    Approved Location  Jedi Enclave of Eadu

    JEDI ENCLAVE OF EADU OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new location for use by Jedi and other characters for storytelling and character interactions. Image Credit: Original Template by Ibaris Varanin | All Images by Midjourney Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING...
  3. Joran Olan

    Ready For Judge  Jedi Enclave of Eadu

    JEDI ENCLAVE OF EADU OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new location for use by Jedi and other characters for storytelling and character interactions. Image Credit: Original Template by Ibaris Varanin | All Images by Midjourney Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING...
  4. Mother Askani

    Faction  Shadows Beneath the Sands [Jedi + Lightsiders]

    fa-play fa-pause The Wrecked Destiny Oasis - Jakku The relentless Jakku sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate desert. The air shimmered with heat, distorting the edges of the towering sand dunes that stretched endlessly. In this vast emptiness, the hidden...
  5. Romi Jade

    Approved Location  Jakku Jedi Enclave (Restored)

    Jakku Jedi Enclave General Information Constructed 864 ABY Destroyed 890s ABY Rebuilt 900s ABY Location Valley of the Eremite, Jakku Builder(s) Romi Jade Affiliation(s) Jedi Order New Jedi Order "They would also encounter for the first time the heroes of the...
  6. Briana Sal-Soren

    Work In Progress  Naboo Jedi Enclave - Shiraya's Sanctuary

    Intent: To codify a Jedi Enclave on Naboo and offer more opportunities for roleplay on the planet Naboo Image Credit: Jumarlo Hex, Fantasy Flights, L-Wing, Paul Tobin, Reddit, Pontus Ryman, Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Naboo, Crystal Caves, Brotherhood of Cognizance, 25 Chambers: A Jedi...
  7. Elias Edo

    Faction  Rumination and Reprieve [NJO]

    Rumination and Reprieve A New Jedi Order Story Beyond the edge of Alliance space, on the marshy world of Bogano, the NJO gathers to share an afternoon of togetherness unbothered by politics and battle. The threat of the Mandalorians and the Sith weigh heavy, and they must be dealt with...
  8. Dhalinar Greystar

    Approved Location  The Saber - Coronet City Jedi Enclave

    fa-play fa-pause OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: fix formating and image issues Image Credit: Christian Piccolo Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Original Sub Green Jedi Green Jedi Enclave Green Garden New Jedi Temple Uneti Tree SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Saber...
  9. Elias Edo

    Private  Rainfall and Rest

    Tags: Valery Noble Location: BOGANO... "Looks like rain, Master," one of the Padawans said as he pointed to distant clouds. They shifted from soft pillows to heavy, dark blobs over the mesas that stretched out from the enclave. Elias nodded, humming deeply. He reached for a potted feather fern...
  10. Elias Edo

    Location Review  Bogano Jedi Temple

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify Elias Edo's Jedi enclave and pay homage to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Image Credit: [HERE] [HERE] [HERE] [HERE] [HERE] [HERE] | edits by Elias Edo Canon: Bogano Vault Permissions: N/A Links: Bogano Bogano Vault Eno Cordova Hermit’s Abode Jedi...
  11. Elias Edo

    Work In Progress  Bogano Jedi Enclave [NJO]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify Elias’ Jedi enclave; To offer the NJO a new location for RP; To pay homage to Jedi: Fallen Order Image Credit: ‘Bogano’, ‘Bogano Surface’, ‘Cordova’s Settlement on Bogano’ by Gabriel Yeganyan | Edits by Elias Edo Canon: Bogano Vault Permissions...
  12. Matsu Ike

    Faction  Hello There

    Coruscant was a beautiful place still... the years were not always kind but walking in one of the upper district markets was always peaceful and there was always the small apartment that was maintained for Hanna when she visited here. The small jedi master was looking at the open stalls and...
  13. Oros

    Public  The Festival of Great Trade

    (OOC: This is a public thread but please be respectful. Minor fights and crime is fine but don't try and bomb the city or do anything else to railroad the story and if you show up with a star destroyer we'll drop a bunch of battlecruisers on you.) Svivren was not a majestic world. It was...
  14. Giddean Kuat

    Jedi Arkania Praxeum

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Training Academy for the Jedi Order ​Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Links: SETTING INFORMATION Space Station Name: Jedi Praxeum Station Station Model: Orbital Security Station Classification: Restricted Civilian Station Location: Orbit above Arkania...
  15. Rhen Qel-Droma

    Building Foundations - Embassy Construction on Coruscul

    || Coruscul || Coruscul, a little known Galactic Core world. Small and circumspect. it lay hidden within a nebula, shrouding it with natural protection unless one was able to navigate its path. Here, among the jagged peaks and ragged cliffsides, lay a bountiful world that the New Jedi Order...
  16. L

    Approved NPC  Master Kol Varon

    MASTER KOL VARON OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document the Jedi attached to the CNV Argo's crew (for the purpose of Hijinks) ​Image Credit: SWTOR: Deceived Trailer | Ven Zallow Role: Jedi Guardian Links: CNV Argo PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: Early 40’s Force Sensitivity: Master...
  17. Eugen Aker

    The First Blade

    Raven, the quiet thief she had picked up from Lianna, had parted ways with her master. Just about the same time, Arisa found herself with plenty of free time no longer serving as the Grandmaster of the Silver Order. It seemed that Raven had meant to be her apprentice after all. Under her wing...
  18. WolfMortum

    Approved Location  The Jedi Enclave of Deneba

    Structure Location Template Jedi Enclave of Deneba ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a submission for the Jedi Order Enclave of Deneba, founded originally by the Galactic Republic, later attacked and left a ruin by the Black Empire. This location has been...
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