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Intent: To create a Jedi Temple on Deorus for future roleplay
Image Credit: Image Credit
Canon: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Military Base Name: Jedi Temple of Deorus
Classification: Jedi Temple
Location: Deorus
Affiliation: Jedi...
My boy here got experimented on and turned into a really freaky Sithspawn. Then a nice Jedi found him and took him back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The Jedi there have tried to help him, but so far they have not been successful in reversing his condition or improving it. So he's just been...
Intent: To create and detail the Jedi Temple found on the world Mnemosyne.
Image Credit: Click here.
Canon: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Mnemosyne [Custom Planet Submission].
Mnemosyne [Minor Faction].
Agricultural Corps.
The Jedi Comport.
The Great Hall
Silver Rest Temple
Master McClaine was leaning against the reception desk in the guest area of the Temple's Great Hall. A grand, wide open space dedicated to welcoming newcomers and dignitaries alike. It was spacious, statuesque in decor, and radiated with afternoon light in all...
Intent: To submit a safe haven for all Jedi
Image Credit: Thomas Dubois
Canon: N/A
Links: N/A
Structure Name: Sanctuary
Classification: Jedi Temple
Location: Abafar
Affiliation: Jedi big & small
Though in it of itself rather...
That’s a frontier planet, he recalled the Jedi Master repeating beneath the canopy of the Tap Tree. Water rushed around him and through him, moving the thick beige fabric of his robes in gently lapping motions. Maud had listened intently as Relit Vandal told the story of Lothal, from natural...
Open to New Jedi Order and other lightsided Jedi Orders (Silver, OSL, etc)
It was a blisteringly hot day on Coruscant. Outside the midday sun was exacerbated by the endless miles of duracrete soaking up all the heat. The courtyard at the centre of the new temple provided some respite at...
| T Y T H O N * J E D I * T E M P L E |
Name: Jedi Temple
Image Source:
Classification: Razed Temple Ruins
Location: Tython
Population: Unknown
80% Unknown
20% Yuuzhan Vong Creatures
Points of Interest:
The Jedi Temple Ruins
The Underground Alcoves
Temple de Uhl Verta Chielo
Name: The Temple of the Green Jedi
Image Source: HERE
Classification: Jedi Temple
Location: Sahsahlah Mountains-Corellia
Affiliation: The Green Jedi/Corellian People
Description: A sprawling complex over a series of specific floating mountains picked out by...
Her center of being had learned to hold...
Precious gravity had re-asserted itself, and as it ascended from the phoenix ashes of its immolation, the world slowly turned right side up once again. Abstract blurs of color and sound and voice became coherent concepts that the mind could latch on...
So here is the rough draft of the Green Jedi Temple... Still looking for a good name for it beyond 'The Temple of the Green/Corellian Jedi'. I'm pretty terrible at Codex subs, so please, feel free to suggest anything you think it should have, shouldn't have, or that I worded wrong. The intent...
[member="Chloe Blake"] | [member="Ilias Nytrau"] | Yavin IV - Jedi Temple
Humidity wrapped around him like a blanket. His clothes were already starting to get drenched in sweat with the cursory look around the massive building. It had stood for well over a millennia, jutting out of the thick...
New Jedi Temple Archives - Sullust
Her siblings had always called her a bookworm growing up, and it was possible that they were right.
Much of her childhood had been spent in her room alone reading. She had always liked novels, had always enjoyed flights of fancy and great tales that could...
Corvus spoke to the assembled Padawans and Younglings.
“Once there were around ten thousand Jedi Knights defending the galaxy. We had small outposts, temples, spread throughout the stars."
"The Empire nd One Sith sought out these temples and destroyed many of them — but not all," she said. "I...
Cato Neimoidia
Temple & Sanctuary
Top Floor - Open Garden
It was impossibly early in the morning. The sun was barely risen and the sky was a pregnant shade of pale pink. Avalore Eden had become quite familiar with this hour over the last few weeks. Since her recovery from the Sith, the Healer...
Name: Ziare Niza Junst
Faction: None.
Rank: Padawan
Species: Human
Age: 11 years old
Sex: Female
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 32 kilograms
Eyes: Grey-blue
Hair: Light Brown
Skin: Fair
Force sensitive: Yes
Known Languages: Basic, shows interest in learning more.
Like a damaged reel of videotape, a broken record spinning feebly over the fissure with ugly static warbling, sunrise for the shadows arrived with repetition capable of deadening even the brightest eyes into some dim, docile, sheep-like compliance, twilight a shade pulled at predictable, timed...