Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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kaalia voldaren

  1. Darth Ferus

    Lady of Defiance.

    The Dark Lord may have made Kaalia a Lord of the Sith, but to be that in the eyes of her own master was far more important. How much stronger had she gotten in these past months? How much had she learned? To Krest, there was no better way than to test her in a manner he had before. When she...
  2. Connor Harrison

    Dark Forces

    The Plains Bastion, Sartinaynian system The landscape looked like it had been parted by the Force itself. Two giant were bent either side of the quiet late which ran straight through large stone banks on either side. From high up in small cliff-faces, natural water cascaded down to the ground...
  3. Connor Harrison

    Shadows of Ren

    Avalonia Dosuun, First Order Space At one time, the bustling city of Avalonia would take Connor’s breath away. Compared to others he had visited, it was nothing but an impressive standing on the First Order who ruled with an iron first. The propaganda was flying high from tall buildings, red...
  4. Kaalia Pavanos

    Approved Tech  Amulet of Pain

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION (I am posting this submission instead of [member="Atheus"] because of issues that are preventing him from submitting it himself. Hopefully that is not an issue! All credit goes to him for writing this up.) Intent: To create an amulet for a future customer Image...
  5. WolfMortum

    Echoes of War (Kaalia Voldaren)

    Glaring back against his reflection in the mirror of his quarters at the Bastion upon Virgillia, Brennan Cabrol looked upon himself in disgust, a burning hatred for those that had brought this upon him, those of the Galactic Alliance who had brought war to a system living in peace until their...
  6. Dax Perl

    Its a Small Galaxy

    Location: Ziost Seriously...Dax had no fething clue why he was here. There had been no mission to go there, no mysterious call by the Force, nothing. And yet here he stood, clear on the other side of the galaxy from where he was supposed to be, staring up at an ancient temple that was older...
  7. Stephanie Swail

    The Ren & Stephie Show

    AVALONIA Dosuun, First Order Space With a content sigh, Stephanie Swail crossed her legs, brushed out her cream skit and wrapped the lace shawl a little tighter around her tan vest and sat back in the largest park she'd ever seen. Sat oppoaite a huge buildling that was adorned with First Order...
  8. Hazel Zanteres

    Bright Morning, Brighter Day

    Zeltros - Hazel Zantere's Apartment Post - Bright Lights, Bigger City [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"] The night at Club Blush had gone for several more hours after the trio had dissappeared up to the VIP room. In which many more drinks were ordered and consumed, along...
  9. Ara Zambrano

    Two Can Keep a Secret, If...

    Location: Reimalai Opera House & Theater Prosperia, Dosuun As the sounds of the lilting melody of couples dance echoed through the hallways, Ara steered her friend and fellow Ren towards the upstairs of the Opera house. [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] had requested a private...
  10. Connor Harrison

    A Helping Hand

    Avalonia Dosuun, Wild Space Connor Harrison was running. Not for his life, or in a tomb, or hunting a Jedi - running for fun. Well, more of a gentle jog. The central park of Avalonia was perfect for such an exercise. His black trousers were light, his boots tough on the ground and his black...
  11. N

    Danse Macabre [Kaalia Voldaren]

    Forest Moon of Endor --- Deep in the Forests of Endor's Moon, in a glade both beautiful and serene, there was a woman. This woman was grey-skinned, black-haired, and red-eyed. Her form was athletic and lithe, and rippled with muscle every time she moved, easily visible thanks to the fact her...
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