Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kurt Meyer

    Sudden Falls

    The Core [member="Kaileann Vera"] Kurt frowned slightly as he looked down at the small datapad in his hand, his fingers smushing against the side of the device as he tried to reset the damned thing. He shook it for a moment, turning it upside down a second later before shaking it once again...
  2. Asmus Janes

    Approved NPC  J4KN

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create something of a K2S0 for Asmus and Kaile on their adventures ​Image Credit: Rogue One concept art Role: Hidden battle droid companion. Provider of quips. Links: PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 7...
  3. Asmus Janes

    Approved Tech  J4KN

    Image Source: Rogue One Concept Art Intent: To make a modified labour droid as a guardian to Asmus and Kaile Restricted Missions: Voidstone Primary Source: J-Series Droid Manufacturer: Czerka Arms Modified by SIS Model: J4KN Production: Unique Affiliation: SIS Modularity: Yes: software very...
  4. Asmus Janes

    Approved Starship  The Solaris

    Image Source: Affiliation: @Asmus Janes [member="Kaileann Vera"] SIS Manufacturer: Theed Hangar Model: Custom H-type Yacht Modularity: No Production: Unique Material: Starship components, durasteel, neuraniam...
  5. Belok Karr

    Approved Tech  J-Series General Purpose Humanoid Droid

    Image Source: Rogue One Concept Art Intent: To make an off the shelf droid that can be made into a hidden guardian for Asmus and Kaile Development Thread: No Manufacturer: Czerka Arms Model: J-series labour droid Affiliation: Open Market Modularity: Yes: software very modular for role...
  6. Kaile Vera


    C A R T A O Space Port The Messa [hr] Kaile was not feeling too hot. In fact, maybe those frozen cheese burritos were not the best idea ever. There had been more than once the past few days that Kaile tossed her cookies. By now, she was sure there was nothing left in her belly that could...
  7. Kaile Vera


    [hr] He wasn’t supposed to be here. At first, Kaile thought she was seeing things. The mind had a tendency of fooling her from time to time. It wouldn’t be the first. Sure as goe se that it wouldn’t be the last. She just never expected it to be so cruel. “Get in!” the command came along...
  8. Kaile Vera

    Approved Tech  Metal Art Toys

    Image Source: Here. Intent: To give Asmus a gift. Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Kaileann Vera Model: Scrap toy Affiliation: [member="Asmus Janes"] Modularity: Yes Production: Unique Material: Two Durasteel outsider art dinosaurs, made from nuts, bolts, and screws. Strengths: +...
  9. Kurt Meyer

    Approved Tech  Kaile's Super Hacking Device!

    Image Source: Google Intent: To sub the Hacking device found by Kaile and Kurt in a secret Bunker Development Thread: LOOK UPON IT AND WEEP (Page 10 Onward is relevant) Manufacturer: Empire of the Hand Model: CS-X2 Affiliation: Kaile! Modularity: No Production: Unique Material: Durasteel...
  10. Jacen Voidstalker

    Master Nomination: Kaileann Vera

    Thread tracker is here:
  11. Kaile Vera

    A Bolt From The Blue

    Unknown Regions S A B A R E N E Sabarene had no moons. It was the only orbiting planet within the system of three suns. That in the sky were no moons, but the distant Sabar Aurek and Sabar Cresh suns. With a curious elliptical orbit, Sabarene went through unique rotational...
  12. Kaile Vera

    Edge of Seventeen

    Das Kno W're ::: Somewhere where yo Momma won't like. ::: Shadow Port Das Kno W're was a rather curious little shadowport. Let's just say that it lay smack dab between a massive nebula reminicent of the Hapan Transitory Mists; it took some effort to find this place - b-uttt, it was worth...
  13. Kaile Vera

    The Devil May Cry

    I can't lose this. That was all that that encapsulated Kaile's mind as she rushed into that darkened corridor. They say that one shouldn't jump into things without looking, considering the options. However, Kaile wasn't in a state of mind to consider just where she was going and the unlikely...
  14. Kaile Vera

    Burn Sky Until We See Lines (One Sith Territory)

    ONE SITH TERRITORY C * O * R * E * L * L * I * A * N S E C T O R // The Messa [member="Kurt Meyer"] It would have been easy. It should have been easy. Things rarely ever did when it came to Kurt and Kaile. Things were looking up. All they had to do was get out of the Corellian...
  15. Kurt Meyer

    Get Your Butt Home

    Corellia [member="Kaileann Vera"] He'd made a deal, and he still wasn't entirely sure about it. Kurt had traveled half the galaxy now. From Tatooine to Fondor, from Fondor to Sullust, and now from Sullust to Corellia. He had slipped his way up hyperlanes and cut through star systems within...
  16. Kaile Vera

    One Headlight

    Sullust__________ Sullust Base - Galactic Alliance Barracks [member="Kurt Meyer"] [ Most in your position would be decomissioned. However, I managed to to leverage your skillset. You have been reassigned and a new identity to be set in place. You leave for Corellia in twenty-four hours...
  17. Kairon Rees


    Kairon was in a grumpy mood. He was always in a grumpy mood when away from Mal for more than a few nights now. Sleeping on his own no longer felt right and it took him hours to get to sleep. The quarantine didn’t help his mood. Blue Dorn was an awful place and it was going to be another two days...
  18. Kurt Meyer


    [member="Kaileann Vera"] Why? Why? He didn't understand. He didn't want to understand. It didn't make any sense. Why had she gone? He hadn't told her to go, he hadn't said that he hated her and her certainly hadn't said anything about kicking her off The Messa. He had never even inferred...
  19. Kaile Vera

    500 PARSECS ~

    TATOO SYSTEM Tatooine "So I was scouring the Holo-Bazaar." Kaile's cheerful voice would float over to Kurt from her perch. She was in cut off jeans, one of his old shirts, and a messy ponytail that sat at the crown of her head. She had her server driver in one hand, and her datapad in...
  20. Kaile Vera

    I Like Pretty Rocks

    D R E S S E L Breehara - The Greater Calama Cantina Those that know Kaile, know that she has a tendency to pick up rather curious curios for one reason or another. Her room on the Messa has a small collection of shiny babbles and trinkets she's picked up over the years. Nothing...
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