Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Dedata | Celty Ree

    Catalog  Artistic Expressions - (De-Cyber-Data • Cyber Kat Ink)

    LU-C1 Interface Plug - 15,000 ACE - Advance Cybernetic eye - 12,000 PA-1N Immune System Cyberware - 12,000 S9-33D - 12,000 All touch ups are free if you allow the artist to take a picture to be added to their portfolio. Large Tattoo/ full sleeve —500 - 1,000+ Design of...
  2. Daraho Arvyd

    Character  Kat Alkas

    T H E . V I S I O N A R Y . N A M E Katia Alkas . S P E C I E S Human . H O M E W O R L D Christophsis . F A C T I O N Hex Incorporated . R A N K Associate Director - Hex Incorporated CEO - AgriCorp . A G E Adult . G E N D E R Female . H E I G H T 5'9" . W E...
  3. Dedata | Celty Ree

    Cyber Kat Ink

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: X X Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A BUISNESS INFORMATION Business Name: Cyber Kat Ink Headquarters: Coruscant Locations: Coruscant Operations: Tattoo's, pricings Parent Corporation: Moonveil Communications & Holdings, Inc. De-Cyber-Data...
  4. Kat Decoria

    The First Big Step (Kat/Kyra)

    Breath Kat, breath! Kat muttered to herself, she knew that Lifeday celebration was coming up and it had been disappointing to not go with someone last time, though she wasn't sure if she even wanted to go this year since she wasn't feeling particularly festive yet. Perhaps it was because she...
  5. Kat Decoria

    Planting a Friendship (Kat/Gianna)

    There had been an invitation to Jedi Knight, Gianna's home on Naboo. Kat had never been to Naboo so eagerly accepted the invitation, perhaps too eagerly with the way she phrased things but she was looking forward to being on the lush green world. It was beautiful when she saw the world when...
  6. Aleksander Miles

    Distractions Abound

    Aleksander Miles glared around the new bar his father had opened muttering darkly about the old man opening things he didn't have the time to run. He looked down at his datapad absently scrolling through it as he toyed with a few ideas ranging from ordering new types of booze to serve to setting...
  7. HK-36

    Glory To The Hunter [Bounty Hunt, Dev Thread]

    [member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"], [member="Lady Agony"], [member="Cabur Aranar"], Aboard The Siege Tower, HK was in the armory of his old adventuring Protectorate ship, The Siege Tower, the nimble frigate was already traveling through the blue shining tunnels of the hyperspace. He gathered a group...
  8. Gray Raxis

    A Star Shines upon the Kat

    Gray sat in his cargo hold cross legged. His eyes were shut and his head tilted down while his arms rested on his legs. He looked like a man who had fallen asleep, but he wasn't. He was feeling the force like he had been taught by his master and lover [member="Stardust"] . He needed to train to...
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