Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Approved Tech  “Big Cat” Mk VI Gatling Lazer Cannon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: create a gattling gun for Elysium Empire close air support craft. Image Source: Google Canon Link: N/A Permissions:N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Elysium Empire Affiliation: Elysium Empire Market Status: Closed market Model...
  2. A

    Kitty in the City

    The Crown Golbah City Geonosis [member="Scherezade deWinter"] Being away from home was eye-opening. His great-aunt had told him so much over the years, about family his parents and other relatives never spoke of, about the rich cultures that laid beyond the atmosphere of Felacat, and he was...
  3. A

    Arro Peradun

    Social Information Name: Arristorr Peradun Alias(es): Arro Title(s): N/A Homeworld: Felacat Current Residence(s): TBD Former Residence(s): Felacat Sexuality: Bisexual Gender: Male Marital Status: Single Force Sensitive: Yes Force Rank: None Force Alignment: Neutral/Light Physical Information...
  4. Vulpesen

    Approved Species  Cythrax Cat

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To increase Veradune’s Fauna once again. As usual, make something possible cuddly, always deadly ​Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links: GENERAL...
  5. Soliath Devin Talith

    Approved Species  Siru

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub more creature for Thral ​Image Credit: Raph Lomotan Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Siru Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Thral Language: Mow mow mow Average Lifespan: 15-25 Years Estimated Population: Planetary Description: The...
  6. Raymu

    Julia Argyris

    Guard for Hire: Julia Argyris Known Aliases: Julia Argyris, "Black Leopard" Affiliation: None currently, formerly a member of the bandit group known as "Ashen Brotherhood" RANK: N/A SPECIES: Felicatian AGE: 22 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'9" WEIGHT: 164 lbs. EYES: Amber HAIR: Black...
  7. Ryn'Dhal

    A Father's Fury

    Voss It had been only a handful of days since their return from Sanctuary. A simple humanitarian aid mission turned into.... well.... so much more. She shouldn't have followed, but, it was good that she did. She did save him, but she also put herself in unnecessary danger. But, in the end...
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