Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vaena Askari

    Knights of the Blessed Lady

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A. Primary Source: N/A. CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Knights of the Blessed Lady. Headquarters: Pious Deliverance Locations: Tygara, Mobile Operating Centres. Operations: Alchemical crafting, medical aid, combat...
  2. C

    Centenarian Mandate

    The Centenarian Mandate is the meritocratic organisation in control of the hundred city states of the Vandemar System. Forged through mostly stratocratic means, the formerly striving city states arranged a treaty to enter a loose alliance with the goal of defending against foreign aggression and...
  3. Bastard

    Faction Ad  The Will to Defy

  4. Bastard

    The Will to Defy

  5. Allya Vi'Dreya

    Approved Starship  Shedim War Mount

    Intent: To create the standard mount for the Death Knights of Vendaxa Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Manufacturer: Allya Vi'Dreya, CIS...
  6. Allya Vi'Dreya

    Approved Tech  BZ-1 Knight Armor

    Intent: To create armor for a group of NPCS Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: Allya Vi'Dreya, CIS Affiliation: Death Knights of Vendaxa, Trajan, Closed-Market Model: BZ-1...
  7. The White Knight

    Coming out from hibernation to start something unfinished

    I had an idea several months, even almost a year ago with this character, where a small band of Knights went across the Galaxy doing 4 main things, all of their positions named after colors. It had a few people interested, and we started even working on a few things to make it possible. But then...
  8. Muad Dib

    Approved NPC  Knights of Aegis

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to create an order of force using elite warriors, to create an avenue that will allow Muad Dib to explore and consolidate his force beliefs Image Credit: Source Role: The Knights are to be a group used for protection detail, a strike team, or battle...
  9. Saris Aren

    Harbinger of the Sith (Black Knights - Sith Knights)

    Harbingers of the Sith The will of the Emperor is the will of the Harbingers. Black Knight, rise. Your Emperor commands you. Tools, a mean to and end, messengers, warriors: Harbingers of the Sith. We are the dark will of the Dark Lord of the Sith, no loyalty lies stronger than ours for his...
  10. Amethyst Sovereign

    Assembling a Task Force (Padawans/Knights Interest Check)

    So after some back and forth in discord with Jedi/Light Siders i decided to throw this idea out here to see if i could gather some interest from anyone who may be looking for plots and what not in a slightly different setting than usual. So to elaborate, this LFG is meant for the SJO and...
  11. Roella Arwyn

    Approved NPC  Roella's Roses

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To serve as Roella's personal guard and combat unit. Image Credit: This artist Role: A force of Talravani Knights that have pledged their swords to Roella of the House Arwyn, to follow her into battle, and to earn glory at her side. Links: [Roella [x]...
  12. The White Knight

    Looking to start an Force Sensitive Knighthood.

    I am working in a thread of this character being discovered and goes out to the galaxy to see what he has missed in history. Something that I'd like to do is that a Knighthood group that might be called "The Knights of the Force", Where a small group of Force Users band together and go...
  13. Darth Metus

    Can You Show Me? [ Mandalorian Knights ]

    M Y G E E T O It would be strange of a man to find comfort in such a place. Odd, for the smell of ash to settle the thundering heart. Perplexing, for the hum of machina to calm raging nerves. Yet, despite how strange it might have been, Isley felt relief here. Standing in the thriving heart of...
  14. Micah Talith

    New Jedi Order and Independant Member Index

    And index for the New Jedi Order and The Independent working in the Galactic Alliance! Please just toss in your Name, Rank, and if you are part of the NJO or Independent. NEW JEDI ORDER MASTERS [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [ Leader of the Hounds ] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Avalore...
  15. Thurion Heavenshield

    Format to use when advertising

    Use this format when advertising your character: Name: (What is your character's name?) Rank: (What is his/her current rank?) Personality: (Describe the personality of your character using only a couple sentences.) Specialisation: (Does your character specialise in lightsaber combat...
  16. Grrwunhoooll Agaburry

    New Times, New Sith [ Mass Teaching ]

    It had been quite the years since the Gen'dai had been in the public eye. Few knew of Kezeroths return to the One Sith capital Coruscant, in fact only one major Sithlord knew this information. As of now the 8'5ft armored Giant was considered a minor Sithlord on the scene, He did not attend the...
  17. Lynx Vhette

    Active Threads

    Here a list of active threads will be placed.
  18. Arumi Zy

    D'xun Knights

    [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Andrea Kryze"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Strider Garon"] D'Xun, The Demon Moon Arumi stood in the center of the ancient complex, over run with weeds and vine its structures decaying and crumbled. This place was a symbolic place...
  19. Tathra Khaeus

    Field Trip Training Missions

    This will be a highly controlled training situation. I'll give you the basic outline of the objectives, equipment and essentials. You'll be going in groups of 2. You will be heading to a planet considered uninhabitable. The wildlife will be hostile. You have enough food for two days, you're...
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