Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Laguz Vald

    Where the Dark Lords Reign [The Primeval dominion of Korriban]

    "Korriban shall be as it always was. A graveyard for the darkest of the Sith Lords, still whispering within their tombs. It shall always be a source of evil, spawning threats throughout the millennia." ~ Darth Traya In all the galaxy there are few worlds more unwelcoming by name than...
  2. Hulnok yawon

    Falling further and further [Mentor Needed]

    Hulnok walk up to the entrance of the sith academy, the black walls hung with red flags. As he entered the main room, he looked up at all the statues lining the room; they loomed over hundreds of sith acolytes and masters alike that scurried around the chamber. His focus though, was to meet his...
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