Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Seraphina Shel'tah

    A Midnight Premonition

    _______________________________________________________________ I'm at war with the world and they Try to pull me into the dark I struggle to find my faith As I'm slippin' from your arms It's getting harder to stay awake And my strength is fading fast You breathe into me at last...
  2. Matsu Xiangu

    GBA: Zambrano the Hutt vs. Krest

    Participants: [member="Krest"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] Location: Hoth, ruins of an ancient Rebel Base Time: Mid-Afternoon Rules: Master-Level duel – no power restrictions, go crazy. Zambrano has access to: 1 neuronic whip & 6 starblades & .....1 sith lanvarok (one...
  3. Nyos Val

    Approved Tech  K-1 Cyber Prosthetics

    Image Source: Intent...
  4. Nyos Val

    Something for Me, Something for You

    Another day, another client in need of replacement parts. Nyos was sitting in the commissary with the rest of the morning crew enjoying some breakfast. He was going over the plans for his next client. A Jedi in alliance to the Protectorate and someone Nyos had met long ago. More than likely he'd...
  5. Reverance

    GBA: Krest vs Nomad Crimson

    Participants: [member="Krest"] [member="Nomad Crimson"] Location: Nar Shadaa, Tie Fighter Construction Facility Time: Night Rules: Master Level (Dual is in the future, duh) Canon: No In a distant galaxy far far away...and in the future! The duelists find themselves...
  6. Reverance

    GBA: Krest vs Vrag

    Participants: [member="Krest"] [member="Vrag"] Location: Naboo, Lake Country Time: Early Morning, Sun low on the horizon Rules: Master Level Duel, no restrictions Canon: No The breeze is a gingerly thing, spreading softly across the open field. The grass tilts in...
  7. Reverance

    GBA: Krest vs Fatty (Alt)

    I'm recycling this specific duel. Why, cause it hasn't really been used yet and I want to see how you two handle it. Participants: [member="Krest"] [member="Fatty"] Location: Coruscant abandoned business building Time: Early afternoon Rules: No equipped weapons...
  8. Reverance

    GBA: Horror vs Krest

    Participants: [member="Horror"] [member="Krest"] Location: Tython Time: Evening, Sun fading in the background Rules: Open format, no rules Canon: No The force flows upon this world like no other, undulating through the valleys and atop the mountains, an unseen...
  9. Reverance

    GBA: Krest vs Felix Dunst

    Participants: [member="Krest"] [member="Felix Dunst"] Location: Myrkr Time: Late in the night Rules: Solid weapons only (not lightsabers). Projectile weapons are fine. Force will be very limited. Canon: No Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? No...
  10. Reverance

    GBA: Fatty (Alt) vs Krest

    Participants: [member="Fatty"] (Alt) [member="Krest"] Location: Tattooine, Boonta Eve Classic, Oval track only Time: Noon Rules: No hard armor (thinking heavy metals. You can still use armorweave and things like that). No blasters, slugthrowers only. Canon: No (for...
  11. A

    Blood on the Sand

    Security on Tatooine was surprisingly tight, Araceli Loxley reflected as she looked out the window of her small hotel room. Well, to call it a hotel room was remarkably charitable. It was barely the size of a studio apartment, with a bed and a table that served as both a desk and a dining room...
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