Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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lady kay

  1. Ingrid L'lerim

    Private  Two Ladies and the Tea

    Ingrid L’lerim The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris Equipment: 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look: link | dress/cloth Tag: Kay By the time she got to...
  2. Elijah Brockway

    Investigations Abroad

    To say that Lucan's week was turning out to be an odd one would be an understatement. When he'd received orders from Admiral Cardan to go on leave, he had been very confused, as he'd last been on leave far too soon for him to be eligible to go again. As well, it wasn't normal to be ordered to go...
  3. WolfMortum

    Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud (Commenor & Silver Jedi Order).

    Atten: Silver Jedi Order, Grandmaster. Re: The King of Commenor, Veiere Arenais. Subject: Request for urgent assistance. To the Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi, and/or significant persons with authority. On behalf of the People of Commenor; I, Veiere Arenais, humbly request your assistance in a...
  4. WolfMortum

    Have I missed something...? (Veiere Arenais' return to Commenor)

    Starship: The Commenori Pheonix: The KingsGuard. Location: Descending towards Chasin City Royal Starport. [member="Silfe Sosuri"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Marcus Ismet-Ku"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Triana Piett"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Corran...
  5. Jairdain

    True Hero

    It had been quite a long time since Jairdain had last spoken to Lady Kay and she felt it was time for a reunion. There were quite a few things she needed to talk to her queen about. Some good and some bad, but the good would hopefully outweigh the bad. Things had certainly changed for all the...
  6. C

    Commenor; Drowning.

    From out of the void of hyperspace, the UT-60D U-Wing Gunship snapped into the nearby orbit of the Trade-world of Commenor, closing the FTL channel immediately with the release of the Gunship's hyper-drive motivator leaving silence to befall the view from the cockpit. Seated within the primary...
  7. Asher Malvern

    A Common Scientist

    Location: Commenor | Time: 07:18 | Objective: Meet with the Queen of Commenor It had been Asher's first time to visit Commenor. In fact, it had also been his first time reaching out to another Faction other than The Confederacy to sell his weapons to. In the years since it's conception...
  8. G

    Common Secret

    ROYAL PALACE, COMMENCE 853 ABY - THE IMPERIAL CIVIL WAR [hr] It was a quiet night at the Commenori palace, serene and undisturbed. Guards of both the Systems Alliance and formerly of the Imperial Guard patrolled the grounds and worked to maintain this peacefulness, vigilant against threats...
  9. Bradshaw Ku

    Common Tea Party

    Jeeves, one of the senior servants for the Palace, approached the circular table erected in the center of the Palace gardens on Chasin City, Commenor. He did so with a practiced, quiet dignity. Not to be noticed, but always to be of service. The elder man squinted just slightly against the white...
  10. Connor Harrison

    Ride The Wild Wind

    Commenor Rachuk Sector Connor was on the edge of Confederacy space when he heard about the….farce….of the Commenor trail of Veiere Arenais. It was hard enough for the Queen to follow through, that was fine, but for a coordinated attack by dark forces to spring him? A thousand theories were...
  11. Rys'sya

    The Blind Leading the Blind...

    Dathomir.... Yet another world steeped in darkness. Similar to Korriban. The young runaway acolyte trembled as the freighter touched down. She'd gone through this multiple times since deciding firmly on escaping the Sith. Sneak aboard, weave the Force too convince the hapless crew that she...
  12. Connor Harrison

    Lonely In Your Nightmare

    Commenor Rachuk Sector How long had it been since standing outside the capital building of Commenor? A long time. It seemed the sovereign state had been through the mill, and then some. While the planet itself and it's capital seemed to be thriving, Connor Harrison knew something rotten was...
  13. WolfMortum

    Conjugal Convictions (Lady Kay)

    Commenor: Chasin City Royal Palace underground High Security Holding Facility "Gone are the days where power reigns, Gone are the times of famished guests and handsome wine's, For all is now, nigh and true, The black death comes for I, from you, Where I the sword, and you the victim, Were...
  14. Shoden Moz

    Babysitting Isn't Commonly *This* Difficult

    Darlyn was a busy, busy man lately. Heading the investigations of probably the biggest trial since, well, the very start of his term as Minister of Justice, he needed more time than ever to collect facts, distribute evidence to the proper facilities for analysis, and otherwise take on everything...
  15. Baiko no Kaho

    These Ladies are Not for Burning (Lady Kay)

    Raxis! Gray, freaking, Raxis! If Baiko could debase herself enough to spit, she would do so after stamping her elegant foot and storming out of the Mandalorian Embassy on Commenor. Yet, the Lady-turned-Servant was incapable of such an undignified faux pas. Instead, the dainty woman pulled...
  16. Scherezade deWinter

    Tea? What's That?

    Commenor. History flashed through Scherezade's mind as her foot stepped on the planet. None of the information was hers; just more of the things she somehow just knew, courtesy of her gradmother's information dump. Civil wars, Mandalorians (the mere thought caused the girl to shudder in...
  17. Nolan Kitari

    Podracing to Politicking

    Nolan Kitari had only been on Commenor for an hour when he walked into the Headquarters of the CSA. He walked up to the security station. The security guard had been eyeing his datapad taking no mind to his surroundings. Nolan was wearing a black leather jacket with a red button up and a pair of...
  18. Nolan Kitari

    Podracer To Politician

    Nolan Kitari had only been on Commenor for an hour when he walked into the Headquarters of the CSA. He walked up to the security station. The security guard had been eyeing his datapad. Nolan was wearing a black leather jacket with a red button up and a pair of jeans. Along with that he was...
  19. Shoden Moz

    An Ever More Common Bother

    Mischief. The order of the day never really changed for the young girl, chuckling to herself as she walked through the Commenor Royal Palace, her one hand running up through her scarlet hair as she considered what to do. She'd been growing comfortable with life here, her father was quite doting...
  20. WolfMortum

    House Arenais: Humble Beginnings (Caedyn Arenais).

    The Eldritch Estate of House Arenais, Commenor, Chasin City Outskirts. [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Caedyn Arenais"] | [member="Loreena Arenais"] | [member="Asha Hex"] Today was to be an anxious day for them all, Veiere whom stood alongside his wife awaiting their invited guest whom...
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