Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Quartermaster

    Approved Tech  KYR-44 Polaris Precision Rifle

    K Y R - 4 4 P O L A R I S "Whoever made this must've been really rich. . . wait, why is it covered in ice?" - Remark given by an Enclave Gunsmith OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a legendary precision rifle for the Enclave. Image Source: x Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A...
  2. The Quartermaster

    Approved Tech  DXN-22 Calculation Blaster Rifle

    D X N - 2 2 C A L C U L A T I O N "These must have been made during. . . what, the days of the Neo-Crusaders? How is it even still working?" - Remark gave by an Enclave Gunsmith OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a legendary blaster rifle for the Enclave. Image Source: x Canon...
  3. The Quartermaster

    Approved Tech  ENCL-L30 Sacrament Fusion Rifle

    E N C L - L 3 0 S A C R A M E N T "When crafting your weapon, you must be as precise as a marksman. To truly forge a masterwork, your mind must be as sharp as the blade you make. Anything less, and it will break every time." - Instruction given to training gunsmiths OUT OF CHARACTER...
  4. The Quartermaster

    Approved Tech  ENCL-S14 Paradoxal Slugthrower

    E N C L - S 1 4 P A R A D O X A L "Know your weapon and know yourself. Learn it's limitations and your own, learn its strengths and your own. If you know your weapon and yourself, you will never fail each other." - Proverb taught to Foundlings at the Enclave OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION...
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