Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Elpsis Kerrigan

    Approved NPC  Aquila Legion

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Use a cool custom species. Image Credit: Here. Role: 'Anti-partisan' warfare, terror unit. Permissions: N/A. Links: Akrut, Hope Falls, The Valkyrie's Diary, Dominion of Light, Republican Guard, Into Darkness, After Darkness, Tephrike, Humanity's Blade, Akk...
  2. The Mongrel

    Approved NPC  Legion of the Leech

    Legion of the Leech OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To incorporate lore from a prior dominion, and to give the Brotherhood thematic ground forces. Image Credit: Edited image from The Unknown Regions Saga Edition RPG sourcebook Role: Heavy Support Permissions: N/A Links: Lugubraa, Explume...
  3. Salazar Niminen

    Approved NPC  19th "Viper" Legion

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Personal Unit of Maj. Gen. Salazar Niminen Role: Support Legion of SDF. SJC & Allies, contact Salazar Niminen to utilize this unit. GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: 19th "Viper" Legion Affiliation: Major General Salazar Niminen | SDF Classification: Special...
  4. Salazar Niminen

    Approved Tech  19th "Viper" Legion's Standard Battle Armor

    "Virulent" Medium Armor OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Standard Armor of 19th "Viper" Legion Image Source: Tony Work Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Amarr Medium Armor - Dust 514 (See Artist) PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Canyon Defence Ltd. Affiliation...
  5. Darth Athora

    Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts [TSE]

    Experience is the strongest asset a soldier can have. To have witnessed combat firsthand is the best way for a soldier to learn. It is through the grueling trials of war that hardens soldiers. It is what makes them. In times of peace, a soldier is nothing more than a symbol of a nations...
  6. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  IL-62G Smart Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To submit a 'smart' grenade designed to clear out rooms. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source | Sonic Detonator PRODUCTION INFORMATION | Manufacturer | ApexTech Industries | Affiliation | Closed-Market | Model...
  7. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  IL-99X Undersuit

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION [hr] | Intent | To create a potent defensive undersuit to armor that enhances attributes of the wearer. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Primary Source | N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION [hr] | Manufacturer | Sith Imperial Research and Development /...
  8. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  IL-22B Assault Carbine

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To create a compact and powerful multipurpose assault carbine for use by the Sith Empire. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source | Maser / Charric PRODUCTION INFORMATION | Manufacturer | ApexTech Industries |...
  9. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  BioTech-I55 'Seer'

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To submit a specialized eye augmentation for use by elite forces within the Sith Military. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source | Optical Implant PRODUCTION INFORMATION | Manufacturer | ApexTech Industries |...
  10. A

    Sith-Imperial Armed Forces

    Greetings Cadet, and welcome to the Sith Empire, you've decided to embark on a career with the military. We're glad you're here, for it is the military that holds this Empire together. Sure, the Sith are in charge but make no mistake they need us to hold these planets. To guard our worlds...
  11. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  IL-99B 'Doppelganger' Stealth Projector

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION [hr] | Intent | To create a specialized external stealth device that can be mounted to compatible armor. Excellent for a variety of situations and versatile in combat. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Primary Source | Holographic Projector Doubler Suit /...
  12. Darth Bellum

    Factory Denied  Nanolaminate Plating

    Nanolaminate Coating [Magnified View of one layer] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To create a resilient coating material that is effective against blaster fire and capable of self repairing if not substantially damaged. | Image Source | Source | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source |...
  13. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  IL-MDD Magnetic Disruption Device

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To create a disruption device similar to that of a droid popper for any power suits that it comes into contact with. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source | Reverse Polarity Pulse Grenade / Ion Grenade / IFD /...
  14. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  EW-ALE Heavy Weapon Emplacement

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To submit a heavy weapon emplacement for use by the Sith Empire's Imperial Legion. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source | EWEB Heavy Repeating Blaster PRODUCTION INFORMATION | Manufacturer | ApexTech...
  15. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  IL-18A Disruptor Carbine

    Reloading Mechanism OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To submit a carbine with the intent of dealing with armored targets, both infantry, and vehicular. | Image Source | Source / Source | Canon Link | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source | Disruptor / TL-50 Heavy Repeater...
  16. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  IL-41D I.C.W.S

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To create a versatile interchangeable weapon system for use by the Sith Empire's elite soldiers and SpecOps organizations. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source | DC-17M ICWS / Maser PRODUCTION INFORMATION |...
  17. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  IL-25X Sniper Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To create a stealth sniper blaster rifle for use in covert operations or wreak havoc from a concealed position. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source | DC-19 Stealth Carbine | E-17d Sniper Rifle PRODUCTION...
  18. Darth Bellum

    Factory Denied  SC 'Rumbler' Class Armored Personnel Carrier

    Subterranean Personnel Transport - Tunnel Under City Shields OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To create a subterranean armored personnel carrier that can be retrofitted into a strategic explosive planter for underground operations. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A |...
  19. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  SS - 'Jester' Class Suicide Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION [hr] Intent | To submit a series of droids, specifically for suicide bombing targets and lowering enemy morale. Image Source | Source Canon Link | N/A Primary Source | Assassin droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION [hr] Manufacturer | Sith Imperial Research and Development...
  20. Darth Bellum

    Approved Tech  CC-Bandit Class Annihilator Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION [hr] Intent | To submit a powerful anti-vehicular droid unit to patrol border systems. Image Source | Alex Vasin Canon Link | N/A Primary Source | Scorpenek Annihilator Droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION [hr] Manufacturer | Sith Imperial Research and Development...
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