Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Fulcrum

    First Reply  As Loyal as a Book

    Lothal was far, far away from everything. Tucked away into the recesses of the Outer Rim, the planet held relatively few surprises for a seasoned traveler like Fulcrum-- and that was exactly how he liked it. It was quiet. Simple. The perfect place to lay low and get away. That being said...
  2. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Private  The Ghost of Pages Past

    Loomi had been coming to Kass for lessons for quite some time without incident, until one day the Padawan arrived to find the library in shambles. Books had been knocked off the shelves and were left strewn about the floor. The pages were mostly intact, but in some cases every page had been...
  3. Adilynne Frose

    Private  Who knows what one may learn in the library

    Sorrel Clothing Adilynne hadn't had the pleasure of having much time to herself, she had been out in the field on assignment so to speak inflitrating known deserters and well to put it bluntly 'take them out'. After she had efficiently finished her assignment the order gave her some much needed...
  4. Loomi

    First Reply  Independent Study - Coruscant

    Independent Study Coruscant, Library of the Republic Tags: Open | First Reply (or dm to request admission) "This is stupid," Loomi muttered silently as she as she made her way down the shelved corridors of the Galactic Alliance's largest library, a remnant of Coruscant's past as the capital...
  5. Mago Leomax

    Private  The Blind in the Library

    When three masters of yours go into war and die right after the other, always leaving you alone for your safety, well, you look for friends. When all your peers are off on missions with their masters, well, you find other friends. Mago's friends were books and the librarians of the Jedi Temple...
  6. Hawk Hinata

    Private  Love and Corruption - The Library of Ashur

    The Library of Ashur materialised in a quiet region of the Outer Rim. Upon a dark pedestal, the Archivist plunged blue hands into a dark mass of liquid before him and manipulated it until a dozen dark orbs floated in a representation of the solar system the octahedral vessel now occupied. The...
  7. Braxton Holst

    Approved Location  Archimedes Library

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a massive library Image Credit: Taipei 101, here Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Christophsis, Chaleydonia, Hex Incorporated SETTING INFORMATION Landmark Name: Archimedes Library of Intergalactic Knowledge Classification: Library, information...
  8. Stybla'sur'illmorf

    LFG  A Scholar without a library

    Hi! I'm hoping to write a Jedi or just general Force sensitive scholar out to read and write everything the galaxy has to offer, one book or dataslate at a time. So if anyone is looking for an apprentice to teach and ask constantly whether he has eaten in the last week and where did he put...
  9. Bella Drayson

    Private  Glitter & Gold [Denon]

    Location: Denon [Library/Archive] Tag: Shai Arvelis "I want you to investigate, immediately. My suits are disappearing and I need to know who, where, when, and why. Surveillance only.", she breathed into the encrypted holo-comm without glancing away from the city-scape that sped by from the...
  10. Romi Jade

    Approved Location  The Great Jedi Library

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To resub the Great Sith Library on Ossus into a library complex under the administration of the Jedi Praxeum Image Credit: Here - Richard Wright Image 1 Image 2 Canon: Great Jedi Library Links: The Jedi Praxeum Ossus Romi Jade Original Submission -...
  11. Romi Jade

    Ready For Judge  The Great Jedi Library

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To resub the Great Sith Library on Ossus into a library complex under the administration of the Jedi Praxeum Image Credit: Here - Richard Wright Image 1 Image 2 Canon: Great Jedi Library Links: The Jedi Praxeum Ossus Romi Jade Original Submission -...
  12. Salazar Niminen

    Work In Progress  Concordia Central "Silver Mine" Library

    Silver Mine OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a central library for all individuals of the Silver Jedi Concord. Image Credit: Scenic View: DeviantArt Library Staircase: DeviantArt Library Hall: DeviantArt Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Military Base...
  13. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Out of Print

    Kai passed through the library doors and immediately turned toward the aisles of shelves. He walked with a casual gait, his hands in his jumpsuit’s pockets and eyes seeming to wander aimlessly, as if he was just browsing. When he spotted what he was looking for, he quickly tore his gaze away...
  14. T

    Approved Location  [Netherworld] The Labyrinth Library

    Intent: To create a place from a roleplay long ago, give it more context and give it a more purpose, good and bad. Image Credit: The Library by Schmoedraws Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Netherworld City Name: The Labyrinth Library Classification: Infinite Library Location: Netherworld of...
  15. Aeris Lashiec

    Private  Another Soul in the Library

    Today was a good day. The cleanest jumpsuit she could find adorned her body and the most polished boots were strapped to her legs. As representative for the New Jedi Order, Aeris always did her utmost to appear as well-spoken as she could manage while under a vow to renounce most of her personal...
  16. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Quiet in the Library

    Jedi Temple, Coruscant It wasn’t all that difficult to get away from the others. Kai just had to wait until later in the day, when fewer people were milling about the Temple grounds. There were still a few walking the halls, however, so he couldn’t use them for travel. Instead he took to...
  17. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Location  The Great Sith Library

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Rebuild the Great Jedi Library on Ossus as a Sith Temple Image Credit: Click - Disney Wiki Canon: Great Jedi Library Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Great Sith Library Classification: Sith Temple Location: Ossus Affiliation: The Sith...
  18. Darth Empyrean

    Approved Location  The Great Sith-Imperial Library

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand on The Sith Empire's Capital. ​Image Credit: Here. Canon: N/A Links: Alana Khel, The Overseer SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Great Sith-Imperial Library Classification: Library Location: Revalin, Bastion Affiliation: Affiliated with The...
  19. Prazutis

    Approved Location  Carson City Library

    • Intent: A library for Kyrayc • Image Credit: Trinity College Library Fallout Wiki • Canon: N/A • Links: Kyrayc SETTING INFORMATION • Structure Name: Kyrayc, Carson City Library • Classification: Library • Location: Kyrayc • Affiliation: Prudii Kyr'am and The Confederacy of...
  20. Yidhra

    Approved Location  Zûtashwiti Midniusama

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Education is important, kids. ​Image Credit: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bethesda Softworks, Zenimax Entertainment Canon: / Links: The Riches of Our Ancestor SETTING INFORMATION Landmark Name: Zûtashwiti midniusama Classification: Library / Bat...
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