Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Seth Brackson


    Greetings, I am grounded. Well, in a good sense. My job has of lately required a good bit of my attention. Which has of course lead to me disappearing from this community once more. However, as of lately. Things are at least leveling out just enough that I should be able to start gaining...
  2. Zef Halo

    Visiting the Queen

    Queen Elizabeth II invited me for a cup of tea and biscuits tomorrow to discuss returning every Greek item from the British Museum rightfully back home. Will be returning from London on Sunday. P.S Phone posts from [member="Jair Ordo"]
  3. Myles Davorak

    A Brief Return

    Hello once again Chaos! Chaos....that's one way to explain how my life has been for the past year or so. I am terribly sorry I left with little to no notice. A lot has happened and I needed to take a break to recuperate. I am going through a divorce, taking care of my parents (who are in poor...
  4. Tathra Khaeus

    Personal Health LOA: Taking a few days

    Just a short LOA over the weekend. I'll be reachable on Discord, and I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday. Have a good weekend folks!
  5. Ellie Mors


    I mentioned this in discord about two months ago, but the running gag has been "how can you take an LOA if you aren't in a thread". Well now I am, and I will be gone, as a reminder, from wednesday thru saturday. I may post or something from my phone, but considering I'll be in the woods or...
  6. Kaili Brand

    Return From The Depths

    Due to various real life problems as well as job search, I unfortunately unexpectedly left you all a couple of months back (almost a year to be honest.) Things are thankfully better now, so hopefully I'll be able to commit more time to this forum and its players.
  7. Jsc

    Vacation JSC

    I'm out'y 5000. See ya'll laterz. :D Characters Affected: [member="Diana McClaine"] , [member="Bella Rimini"]
  8. Hansen

    Work Schedule

    Hello Chaos, Unfortunately due to my work schedule and recreational commitments and activities I'm going to be spending significantly less time on the board, this is a hobby for me and I have more pressing concerns in the immediate future. Allow me to take this opportunity to warn the...
  9. Ettiene Kharne

    [LOA] Only til Friday

    Going to be taking a Soft LOA through Friday this week due to work. Sorry to anyone i am currently in an active thread with.
  10. Kuzo


    Officially on vacation LOA for the next eleven days, and will be unreachable either here or discord. Hopefully when I return from that I will be ready to dive back into plotting and RPing with ya'all! Catch you all later!
  11. Faith Organa

    Slower than usual

    Headed home to help my Mom. Her internet is very sporadic and while I am slower than molasses currently now heading home may just lead to an absence for a week. September 23-30 . Thank you for your patience and understanding. I wanted to give a heads up to a few folks I'm writing with...
  12. Cynthia Solus

    Bye, for now maybe?

    I wanted to make this official. I will be leaving chaos for the most part. While it's been fun over the years the salt that fills this site is to much for me to bare, it's not good for my mental state in which I plan to keep positive. If I return it will only be for the world I created here...
  13. Alleycat

    Study Break

    It's that time again for me to prepare for my board recertification in my specialty, which is scheduled for early October. This means I will be taking a step back briefly from RPing so I can put my brain juice towards studying for this endeavor. My apologies to those I'm writing with. I will...
  14. Kay-Larr

    Holidays are Coming! (Stay-at-home)

    My first time away from home for vacation in nearly 2 years. This time I'm going stateside and driving down the pacific coast to San Fransisco. Of course there'll be plenty of stops along the way, like Astoria (Goonies!!!) and Soma Games where I can meet the people that make my Redwall...
  15. Chris Walker

    I'm back!

    Finaly came back to restart this account and my faction. Here we go.
  16. Boggo Flib

    Summer is over... School is back.

    Going into med school. I'll have reduced posting activity intill I can manage... Goes for all my characters and etc.
  17. Jsc

    Pulling A Metus

    Tis the season. Taking an LOA to get dat Harry Potter muse back. Hope to be back to StarWars soon. Cheers ya'll. :D Effects: [member="Bella Rimini"] [member="Lynette Lykova"] EDIT: Work schedule changed. Guess I'm still here. Lulz.
  18. Malok

    Reduced Activity

    Ello folks! Just taking a small break to rest the ol'noggin, the muse has been flighty lately and I've got to catch it again. Back in a couple days! Normally this is where I'd say CIS behave but, no, misbehave, like all over. Like, light Mandalore on fire or something. XOXO
  19. Ilias Nytrau

    Wedding/Visitor Semi-LOA

    Hey, so... many of you know that I'm getting married in less than a week - August 15th is the day! My fiancé arrives on the 12th, and will be here for three weeks, so I'm not sure what my activity levels will look like for the remainder of August. Also, this weekend my roommate's kids will be...
  20. Gilamar Skirata

    Move/Travel LOA and or Reduced Activity

    Hey y'all. I'll be putting most of my toons on hold between 8/5/19 until possibly as far as the week of the 25th. Why you ask? I'm moving to Japan. I picked up a gig in my field of study there so I'm dumping everything here in the States and leaping into a new adventure with two suitcases, a...
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