Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Imperius

    LFG  Looking for a Sith Apprentice

    Hello there o/ I would really like to roleplay a Master-Apprentice dynamic again and therefore am looking for an apprentice for Darth Imperius. I gotta put some notes, traits and thoughts that I would like to point out, both in concept and character. Dont be intimidated or limited by them, its...
  2. Braze

    LFG  Looking for Threads

    I am looking for some small short story / mini adventure or monster of the day style threads or some slice of life. Am also open to reconnecting. I'd like to try an get some threads going with Braze again.
  3. Asaiah Celwik

    LFG  Looking for directions

    Just made my little insane girl. Wanted to try and get away from my usual light side/good guy antics. So I thought I should post an LFG to try and get some threads with her! I eventually want her to get pointed in the direction of the Sith Academy so she can end up being all Sithy as well...
  4. Tyron Khan

    LFG  Looking for Jedi RP

    Hello folks, it has been a very long time since I interacted with SWRP Chaos elements. I am looking to start back up properly this time around. Starting a fresh should I say and I would like to engage with New Jedi Order writers, role-players and I am fairly a new writer myself. Also, I am...
  5. Ersethy

    LFG  Looking for Apprentice

    Hi! I'm looking for a Dark Jedi Apprentice that I can mold into a mighty Dark Side Master. Willing to take those already on the Dark Path, or am willing to draw a Padawan to the Dark Side (Warning: Strong elements of Body Horror from shapeshifting involved) Bio
  6. Alaatha

    LFG  Looking for Apprentice

    Hi! My character is a master light side user in search of an apprentice. Would be willing to take in Dark Side characters trying to be redeemed (Warning: Strong Body Horror elements related to shape shifting involved) Bio
  7. Saul Whesai

    Private  Looking For A Hitch

    Location: Midnight Oasis Cantina, Nar Shaddaa With his gear bag over his shoulder, Saul walked through the crowded streets, ensuring the people passing by kept their hands to themselves with long hard glances. One could never know what could happen on the Hutt moon, something Saul found...
  8. Barrac Hivlar

    Looking for GA Characters for a party

    Hello everyone, I am currently looking for those who are interested in a party for GA Members from Senators to Jedi. If anyone is interested, please contact me here.
  9. Allora Viper

    Looking for the witchier things

    I will start posting with this character soon but I wanted to lean into more nightsisterly plots than Sith. Also looking to connect with more female members…perhaps we form a coven and go down the witch’s road?
  10. Braze

    Campaign  Under the Red Looking Glass : Ord Providence

    // Invite only- Serious plot Tags: Lord Kalrath Azurine Varek Ord Providence Today was an ideal day for a group of Padawans to expand their knowledge on a cultural studies field trip. Today, Ord Providence would serve as their subject for the field trip, as it offered a unique glimpse into a...
  11. Astride Velvet

    Looking for adventure or quest

    Good morning, I hope you're doing well I'm looking for an adventure or a quest to relaunch Astride Velvet, I'm open to anything, don't hesitate to come and discuss it if you like the Nordic universe or something else! Thank you for your intention and have a good day! Thanks!
  12. Omon Kaa / Darth Diem

    Looking for an Apprentice

    Darth Diem is a member of The Sith Order faction. I'm looking for a Sith apprentice, if possible female(males tend to look more toward advancement, females toward the connection & story/at least from what I gathered), age 18+. If you're a beginner or close to it, that would be totally fine. I...
  13. Sévérine

    LFG  Looking for a Faction

    Holster's rife, and lights Death Stick My gal is looking for a faction, she is a HALO Drop certified Commando with Piloting skills. I am not sure what faction she should belong in, GA? She is not for the Sith, so not fighting for dark siders. Some inspiration for her is Tom Clancy's...
  14. Ella Gosiff

    Looking for a Master!

    I would like to try my hand at playing a Force sensitive (never have!) for when the times get slow. Here is my Jedi Padawan. Looking for a master who wouldn’t mind your typical headstrong teenager in Twi’lek form! The Jedi Academy looks very cool but if there are no Masters available I can...
  15. Eira Dyn

    Public  Looking for Sith friends, Jedi enemies and potential romantic interactions.

    Hey, Aiming to focus on building Eira's narrative throughout January. Get her story rolling and grow her character out plenty now. So to do that I figured I would make an lfg with some ideas of stories to achieve and interactions that could be had. Eira is currently looking to become a kinda...
  16. Sura Jade

    LFG  Looking for master for Sura

    Hey, I hope your day is good! I am looking for someone to help a young Grey Jedi in her further development. Rather, I also expect someone with a similar philosophy, but I will not disdain the transition to the dark side of the force. As for any organizations, like orders, I am as open as...
  17. Serina Calis

    LFG  Looking for anyone

    I am currently engaged in a couple threads but I am looking to expand Serina's contacts a bit more throughout the galaxy. I don't care if you are a stone cold soldier or an overzealous Sith, or even the bloody tax collector. Just keen to write some more stories with some new people!
  18. Cait Tulyenal

    LFG  Freelance Bounty Hunter Looking for Work

    Title says it all. Cait is a freelance, factionless Bounty Hunter looking to expand her list of contacts, clients and associates. If you have a job you think she might be interested in or would like to simply get to know her feel free to reply here or via DM.
  19. Zavra Shae

    looking for a master

    Hello everyone how are you ? i am looking for a master/mistress of the jedi force who can became her master and teach to she the force and light saber usefull, or a group for go to into a mission! I am open, and don't hesitate, thanks you! Zavra.
  20. Serina Calis

    LFG  Jedi Padawan looking for some threads!

    Once again, for the quintillionth time another Padawan calls for the aid of a Jedi Knight/Master to be her Master. I finally must join the chain. Looking for a simple Padawan/Master dynamic with a Padawan who actively struggles with both fighting with her lightsaber and the allure of the Dark...
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