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Intent: To create a cheap universal mine for the Metal Lords
Image Source: (x)
Canon Link: (x)
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium (x), Metal Lords of the Void (x) (Main Modification Manufacturer)...
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Hey, welcome to my advertisement thread for a droid-centric minor faction I've been working on called "The Metal Lords Of The Void", a faction based around the intrigues of nomadic micro-nations comprised of mismatched ships acquired through any means...
N'zoth, ruins in the sea of sand.
The sun was about to set on the horizon of N'zoth's desert landscape. The dunes spread like a vast ocean, interrupted only by the occasional jutting rock-formation, like the bones of some ancient leviathan. Its three moons crested high upon the twilit sky as...
Location, The Silent Desert, Tython
The Sith-controlled, terraformed world of Tython held many splendors to behold, such as the new temples that had been erected in the name of the Dark Lord during the planet's conquest, but one of the most mystifying wonders of this Core world was its...