Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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lunara azure

  1. John Locke

    Approved Tech  Stormafbryder

    Intent: A personal weapon for Gerwald Lechner Image Source(s): Etsy | Dwarven Hammer Canon Link(s): N/A Permissions: N/A Link(s): Respechel Tutaminis Manufacturer: Ancient Lechner Ancestors Renovated and refreshed by Lunara Azure and engineers at Locke and Key Mechanics Affiliation...
  2. Alina Grayson

    Character  Alina Grayson

    BASIC INFO Alignment Neutral Species Half-Hellyni/Half-Human Force Sensitive Yes AFFILIATIONS Faction None Division None Rank None APPEARANCE Gender Female Height 5'7" Build Lithe Distinguishing Feature(s) Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes General Attire Casual | Armor...
  3. Gerwald Lechner

    Private  Shrine of the Dead

    Life Day was always a time of celebration and the heralding of a new year. The new year was quickly approaching, and with it would come the throngs of resolutions people would make with very good intentions to keep, but most would abandon them before the first month was finished. For Gerwald...
  4. Lunara Azure

    Approved Tech  Angel's Dance

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A set of Force Imbued Armour for Asaraa Vaashe Image Source: Bracelet: Prince of Diamonds Armour: Wallpaperflare Transformation Gif cut from video by me: Youtube Photoshop work: Me Canon Link: N/a Primary Source: Talisman of Calling...
  5. Lunara Azure

    Approved Tech  Tempestas

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a staff for Lunara Azure’s use Image Source: gamepedia Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Wild Force Shard Force Crystal Permafrost Crystal Lava Crystal Kaiburr Crystal Dantari Crystal Greel Wood Nihil Smokestone PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  6. Lunara Azure

    Approved Lore  The Force Tradition of the Azure Imperium

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit an excerpt from a thesis explaining the force tradition of the Azure Imperium as written by Lunara Azure Image Credit: N/A Links: Azure Imperium Lunara Azure Church of Light GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: The Force Traditions of the...
  7. Asaraa Vaashe

    The Force Tradition of the Azure Imperium

    Please Archive - Wrong Character
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