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OMNIA: Avatar of the Major
“The voice of reason. The whisper of inevitability.”
Intent: To create an extension of the Major, a public facing interactive construct.
Image Credit: Midjourney
Role: Holographic interface of an artificial intelligence/intelligence...
Intent: To establish Major Gorran Trelix as the commanding officer of a Cohort stationed on Dorvalla, a key figure in Reicher Vax's narrative and the politics of the Sith Legion.
Image Credit: N/A
Role: Major Gorran Trelix serves as the pragmatic and shrewd leader...
NAME: Lupa Visz
NICKNAMES: "Thickskin"
RANK: Lt. General
SPECIES: Mirilian
AGE: 45
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 150 pounds
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Black as my soul
SKIN: Green
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not in the slightest.
You will never completely be at home again because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place. – Miriam Adeney
The Migrant Fleet mandate is designed for a faction that does not want to be beholden...
The following rule has been removed from the Major Faction ruleset:
“5. SWRP Administrators are prohibited from joining Major Faction Moderation, Creative, or Administrative teams in any capacity, to include subfactions and other related factions of note.”
Hello everyone!
I am reaching out to all of you to ask for your thoughts on the mandates that we currently have in place. I want to revise them soon and remove some of the less frequently used options and replace them with better alternatives. While we do have some popular choices that are...
Link for the lazy:
For context, we just removed RPJs from these rules so they can go be free. I say let's release the Admins, mainly because the GA leader Valery is pissing me off in my DMs and I'm MADGE.
if you voted...
We don't meet all the reqs yet, but please post below if you are interested in pushing to Major and are an active member. You do not need to be a member of the discord to be an active member, just active here on the website. Discord is mostly just for theorycrafting/memeing.
If so, please link...
Hey y'all, due to some unexpected health issues colliding with a lot of other stuff, I'm at zero bandwidth for anything beyond the basics, which means there is no way I can write on Chaos, let alone run a major faction.
I am stepping down as the MFO of the League and then leaving Chaos.
A tranquil scene of utter chaos was on full display in the otherwise rather calm and collected Noble apartment. The once pristine couch was now a stained and empty bowl of discomfort. The kitchen, oh the kitchen… Those grease stains would be impossible to ever truly get out despite the obvious...
The SWRP Staff Team will be skipping the activity checks for a third time in a row. The previous two were privately delayed between Staff and the MFOs, encapsulating the most charitable year to date in regards to not addressing inactivity.
I am triggering Removal votes on all Major Factions...
how does one apply for major faction status? i was originally gunna try and wait for a bit longer but noticing all these factions land grabbing and one getting a bit to close to the system i have planned for my home sector, figured i better get in on the race before its to late
It is said that NO KING RULES FOREVER.
Even the great Tsar Simeon.
It’s been a helluva blast and definitely my favorite time spent roleplaying on Chaos has been here with the NIO/Empire. However, real life responsibilities are taking over my time the older I get leaving me unable to roleplay...
And have your Admin teams and leaders ban themselves from ever holding office again. This will cure some staleness and help break up cliques that promote staleness.
For the longest time, I didn't even really know they were a thing, but a conversation with other GA staff members got me looking at the MF Mandates, and gave me the idea to put up this discussion. Looking at the list of available mandates, I personally feel that while some of them are really...