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Walalla, a wintery world
away from the chaotic politics of galactic war
But a few star systems away from the First Order/Galactic Alliance border was a backwater of a planet, only briefly seeing relevance hundreds of years ago during the ill reported Black Fleet Crisis. Sitting upon the...
NPCs who reside within the Je'daii Temples. Each of these NPCs hold a relevant position of power, to alleviate responsibility from writers. They are split into two categories: Temple Masters, and Others. Everybody is free to write and utilize these NPCs within their own stories and threads, I...
Hello factions big and small, major and minor! GUIDE is in search of factions willing to help us extend our outreach to the galaxy at large.
Here is what we're looking for:
Factions willing to make an investment into GUIDE either through monetary means, tech support, personnel, or anything...
Name: The Imperial Remnant
OOC Hierarchy:
Mason Deschart
Ater Notechis
Skyren Vau
IC Hierarchy:
We posses a navy, army, Imperial Knights, Imperial Security Bureau and Imperial Intelligence Bureau. There are various subgroups being set up within each such as the 181st and Legionnaires. Each...