Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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mandalorian empire

  1. Yasha Cadera

    Wue'gi Vod Connections (ME Wue'gi Vode Only)

    The Siege of Hela continued on its' second day. Pirates had attempted once again to take the planet, less than a single system from Manda'yaim. Mand'alor the Infernal, her Yalilyr and members of the united Clans worked to purge the planet from the scourges, rooting out settlement by...
  2. Yasha Cadera

    Vanquoish Fears (Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Vanquo & Taris Hex AB21)

    Vanquoish Fears Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Vanquo & Taris Objective 1: (Leaders Yasha Mantis [member="Cynthia Solus"]) Occupying Vanquo & Reclaiming Relics Objective 2: (Leader [member="Kaine Australis"]) Verd'gotens on Taris Objective 1: Occupy Vanquo. Reclaim Mandalorian Relics After...
  3. Ginnie Dib

    Firestarters (Zinrark & ME Forcies)

    Law be dashed. Ginnie Dib never played by other peoples' rules, and although she wasn't insane enough to try anything on Manda'yaim, Ginnie let the call ring out for those gifted with the Force within [member="Yasha Mantis"]' Empire to come together. Today, Ginnie was once more going to play...
  4. Progflaw99

    The Mandalorian Gambit

    (Source Image) It had been that message which sparked a flurry of activity. Not so much the message itself as the implication and gravity of such a thing. Small perhaps in the grand scheme but Dante knew that all it took to knock down a house of cards was a touch of wind. When Dante had...
  5. Gaia Sunaris Cadera

    Approved Location  Ramikadyc'yaim

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a place of educational learning for young adults in the Mandalorian Empire. Also, to create dynamic RP with research, potential jobs for player characters, etc. Image Credit: Image 1 (William Koh), Image 2 (Jiangnan Photography and Jonathan...
  6. Raiz

    The Dogs Are Parched Location: The Wolf’s Cantina, Sundari, Mandalore. = The sounds of the many patrons coming in and out of the local cantina was enough to echo the sounds from within well throughout the local vicinity, if it were any other place it would of been...
  7. Yasha Cadera

    Something After Death (ME, PM for Invite)

    Immediately after the Events of You Hurt Me, Love, My Love, My, Oh My. The sound of the monitors plagued the Infernal as she travelled numb down the hall. There was nothing to be done, the doctors did their job and called Kaden’s death with the heavy sigh of the clinical physician, who...
  8. Adara Raxis

    Cast Down Your Crowns (Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Vena Hex AB27)

    Cast Down Your Crowns Mandalorian Empire Dominion Objectives: Save the Baroness. Root out dissension in the Palace. (Combat) Create economic ties & enjoy Vena’s reverse of isolationism (Economic/Social) Chase the Terrorists/Pirates to their Denovian base & take back Venan Exports (Fleet)...
  9. Kista Bralor

    Kista’s Creations

    Kista’s Creations Company // Workshop Pistols: KC Skipper (light weight pistol, Mando’ade ripper design) for open sale. (Hard Luck) 50 cal pistol (not for open sale. It is a reward weapon for outstanding service) KC Plasma Pistol Disruptor Pistol (Open For Sale) Rifles: AST Assault Ripper...
  10. Yasha Cadera

    The Ultimate’s Mask (Gray, ME PM for Invite)

    The Throne Room of the Sundari Palace resounded with the sound of chatter, as another colonization organization meeting came to a close. Mand’alor the Infernal stood shaking hands and making small talk, as the people exited for their various shuttles and ships, off to the reaches...
  11. Shia Kryze

    Neutral ground, Highlander (ME)

    Neutral ground on Dathomir was a rocky, windswept outcrop that in the past not even outcast male or Nightsister clans wanted to claim as territory. It had no valuable resources, it wasn't even particularly sheltered from the elements - although the combined works of various Clans had erected...
  12. Yasha Cadera

    Common Strains (CSA/ME)

    [member="Lady Kay"] and the Commenor Systems Alliance were in a form of economic danger which caused Mand’alor the Infernal to Commenor. She heard well the Sith Empire’s sanctions against her beloved Aunt’s alliance, and grit her teeth at the reports of [member="Darth Carnifex"]’s terms. Yet...
  13. Yasha Cadera

    Recon Before Battle (A'den, ME Combatives)

    @A'den Kyr'am held important information for the next battle on the Mandalorian Empire's litany of potential conquests. While territory was neither Yasha's main focus, nor her desire, she could not help but desire the further connection of her and [member="Lady Kay"]'s Commenor Systems Alliance...
  14. Yasha Cadera

    Two Empires: The Dark Lord, The Infernal Child (Darth Carnifex)

    Location: The Defiant Mantis (and Armada), Bastion Orbit Mand’alor the Infernal stood armed in her beskar’kandar beskar’gam upon the command deck of her most recent gift, an unparalleled Alor-Class Dreadnought refitted for her official (and unofficial) use, by [member="Kaine Australis"]...
  15. Yasha Cadera

    Aaray & A'den Pain & Wrath (ME Only, PM for Invite)

    [member="Raiz Australis"] & [member="Cassiopeia Australis"]’ son was dead. The shots fired on Myrkr rang throughout the Empire into the ears of Mand’alor the Infernal and her Household. Yasha tore out of an economics expansion meeting with [member="Ambrose Mantis"] hot on her heels. She...
  16. Yasha Cadera

    Family is More than Blood (Keira, PM for Invite)

    The message was clear enough for Mand’alor the Infernal to step out of her duties at the Palace and come to a lonely member of the Mando’ade. So it was Yasha Mantis took her bes’uliik Solus Rekr into the wilds. Draped in her armour, helm doffed for the comfort of her braided hair atop her...
  17. Yasha Cadera

    Educate Thyself (Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Obroa-Skai Hex AA24)

    Educate Thyself: Paintball Edition Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Obroa-Skai The planet of Obroa-Skai was, for all intents, a gigantic archive, library and university. How was it that the Mandalorians came to bring a world of learning into their fold? Mandalorians were far from a rabid...
  18. O

    Preserver-Class Mandalorian Super Dreadnought

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide the Mandalorian Empire with a battlec Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link: None Restricted Missions...
  19. Kista Bralor

    Kista’s Creations Headquarters

    Kista’s Creations Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give a base of operations for Kista’s company. Image Credit: Canon: N/A. Links: Kista’s Creations...
  20. Kista Bralor

    Defense Contract, HRM

    The trip to Gallinore took a little longer then Kista had hoped. Trvaeling to the Consortium was not something the young woman thought she would ever due. Not just because of Kista preferred to stay upon Mandalore. It was because normally the boarders of the Consortium were closed. The treaty...
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