Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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mandalorian empire

  1. N

    Bucketheads vs Trash Panda's [Invasion of Utapau ME vs ORC OOC]

    The time has come... We will take what we want... And leave nothing but ashes... Invading Faction: Mandalorian Empire Defending Faction: Outer Rim Coalition Invasion Begins: 9th Jan Faction Staff Mandalorian Empire [member="Yasha Mantis"] @Malika Mantis [member="Aryn Spar"]...
  2. T

    While the Cat's Away

    Sundari Many Mandalorians traveled to the galactic southwest, to fight in the wars against the Alliance. Their absence would be felt. Above Mandalore, a ship emerged, bearing the burning claw emblem commonly carried by pirate vessels. The corsair disgorged landing shuttles, their holds full...
  3. Ra Vizsla

    I Was Promised A Riding Crop [ FO | ME ]

    First Order: [member="Rolf Amsel"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] Mandalorian Empire: [member="Aryn Spar"] [member='Ra Vizsla'] Location: The Road To The First Order Capital of Dosuun, Avalonia Mand'alor the Undying and Shukalar of the Cuir Rekr has already been granted landing permits outside the...
  4. N

    The Red Celebration [Mandalorian Empire]

    The grasslands around Keldabe were alive with activity in the setting sun, funeral pyres had been lit, the bodies of the fallen laid to rest, at their centre, the Liberator’s pyre stood, flames licking up and over her body along with the others. Death Watch and Insurrectionists alike, the...
  5. Zef Halo

    First Order vs. ME Cademimu Dominion Objectives OOC

    THIS POST RELATES TO OBJECTIVE 3 OF THIS DOMINION. IC thread: Click. Objective brief for the Mandalorian Empire: Objective III - Location: Cademimu - Branch(es): the Mandalorian Crusaders, the Mandalorian Knights - Goal: Subvert the efforts of the First Order to acquire the planet's ancient...
  6. Darth Metus

    Hear. Me. Roar. [ ME Dominion of Cademimu Hex ]

    C A D E M I M U - H E X The Lion is mighty. With awesome strides does it dominate the land, crushing under claw his foes. Fear is inspired by its roar, reverence by its rule. The Lion is a King of its land, but even the mighty needs sustenance. Thus does it hunt, kill, and eat. The...
  7. Subject 37

    Tick Tick...Boom[ME VS...People]

    Mygeeto - Garrison Tower [member="Kade Kelborn"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] The blade stabbed forward, protruding from his knuckle and sinking deep into the Mandalorian's neck. The man clasped as his throat as Kiran stepped back, letting him fall with a loud thump of armor and a slight gurgle as...
  8. Darth Metus

    Approved Starship  Slave I

    Image Source: Wookiepedia Intent: To Claim the Fabled, Slave I Development Thread(s):Salvaging this submission as directed here. (Verification) A Deal's a Deal - [member="Miss Blonde"], [member="KeCholo"], and Isley Verd work out a deal for the Slave I, culminating with its delivery to Isley on...
  9. Darth Metus

    Enough is Enough.

    In the wake of calamity, emotions always flared. Loss of life, great or small, always prompt outcries for justice and vindication. Public opinion shifts, as if to characterize entire people's by the actions of radical minorities. In such a landscape, presenting facts to the angst-driven masses...
  10. Zef Halo

    Mandalorian Fight Club

    On one of Echoy'la asteroids, a dome was built full with fighting grounds. Fighting grounds that were eight meters in diameter. Small size indeed as Mandalorians want to see a fight not a sprinting competition. The audience positions are full with beskar'gam armored men and women craving for a...
  11. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  Echoy'lii Shuk'orok (Echoy'lan Crushgaunts)

    Intent: A Crushgaunt variant to be rewarded to outstanding, Mandalorian Empire individuals. Development Thread(s): Hunting the Pack - [member="Varian of Myryr"] and [member="Alexandra Feanor"] embark on a Jakobeast hunt. Operation Weedkiller v2 - An illegal, beskar mine is destroyed and its...
  12. Darth Metus

    Calling All Shipwrights!

    The Mandalorian Empire Wants You! Are you seeking a major faction contract? Would you like to see your well devved, hard earned submissions in lights? Well look no further! The Mandalorian Empire is looking to sponsor a plethora of Shipwrights to aide in the construction of its national fleet...
  13. Zef Halo

    Mandalorian Fight Club [ Sign ups & OOC ]

    The Mandalorians have always fought for glory. Fought to forge their names in the annals of galactic history. Fought for their Mand'alor. Fought for their honor. Fighting is part of the core that shapes a Mandalorian. So come join the Mandalorian Fight Club! Be part of Mandalorian...
  14. Miss Blonde

    To Be Honest, We're Just Greedy. [ME,BTS,GR]

    People had disrespected the Mandalorian Empire, well not people, more singular really, person. That person being [member="Sanya Val Swift"] and her company Inquisition Industries. She stole Beskar from the capital of the empire and now it was time to pay the metaphorical piper. And what you...
  15. Keira Priest

    The Force Is a Tool [Mandalorian Knights]

    Music Bastion Ravelin - Capital City The Mandalorian Knights were a sect most would find intimidating in their own right. Mandalorians by themselves were an entity not to be trifled with, and the idea of adding the Force to such a foe's arsenal wasn't exactly a heartwarming thought. It...
  16. Zef Halo

    Operation Weedkiller V2

    "Who in their right minds sets up their own poodoo in our damn capital ?" The captain of the Gunray Star Destroy asked, his tone both annoyed and comical. It was to be the main ship of this assault force. "Apparently these guys, cap'n." Zef muttered as he stared through the viewport. The...
  17. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  Talisman of Calling

    Image Source: [ x ] Intent: An attempt to explain/replicate the Dathomiri ability to "conjure" items. Development Thread: If Required Manufacturer: The Witchmasters, House Verd Model: Talisman of Calling Affiliation: Witchmasters, Mandalorian Knights Modularity: No Production: Semi-Unique...
  18. Darth Metus

    Can You Show Me? [ Mandalorian Knights ]

    M Y G E E T O It would be strange of a man to find comfort in such a place. Odd, for the smell of ash to settle the thundering heart. Perplexing, for the hum of machina to calm raging nerves. Yet, despite how strange it might have been, Isley felt relief here. Standing in the thriving heart of...
  19. Darth Metus

    Approved Starship  Vheh'yaim-type Station

    Vheh'yaim-type Station Out of Character Information Intent: The purpose of this submission is to introduce to the Galactic Market a means of comfortably housing refugees, civilians, etc. over seemingly uninhabitable areas. Development Thread: N/A Who Can Use This: Approved, ARIN Customers...
  20. Saera Willamina Savan

    Meshurok-Type Imperial Dreadnought

    [-] Image Source: Mahself (pending) Affiliation: The Mandalorian Empire via private commission Manufacturer: Ri'ess Emeritus Industries, Inc. Model: Meshurok-Type Imperial Dreadnought Modularity: Nein Production: Unique Material: Durasteel Hull, Titanium-Desh Alloy Frame, Adamithium...
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