Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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mandalorian protectors

  1. A

    Faction  Beskar Brawl | Mandalorian Protectors |

    MUUNILINST | BRAXANT RUN | IMP500 STOCK EXCHANGE Founded in the later stages of the Sith Empire occupation over Harnaidan and Muunilinst, the IMP500 has been one of the prominent stock exchange indexes currently in operation on the Galactic Market, acting as the primary trading hub for all...
  2. Arla Rodarch

    Approved Starship  [MP] Resolute-Class Battleship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating a heavy battleship for the Mandalorian Protectors Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Mandalorian Protectors Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors (Home fleet) Market Status...
  3. Arla Rodarch

    Approved Tech  [PKA] PH-1 "Barve Stopper" Heavy Revolver

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A quality personal weapon for the discerning market Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Panther's Arsenal Affiliation: Panther's Arsenal, Mandalorian Protectors Market Status...
  4. Mia Monroe

    Major Faction Application  Mandalorian Protectors

    Name: Mandalorian Protectors OOC Hierarchy: Owner: Mia Monroe Admin: Ijaat Mereel, Arla Rodarch Drego Ruus IC Hierarchy: Mand’alor the Rekindler Typically the Mand’alor is seen as the sole ruler sitting above all Clan Alors, but Ijaat Mereel does not ask for clans to bend the knee and...
  5. Din Xirzek

    Character  Dravien Deshra

    DRAVIEN DESHRA Age 48 GSY Species Evereni Gender Male Height 1.91 Meters Weight 86 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Forgemaster Isaac PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION As an Evereni, Dravien appears human-like. Yet, his heritage gives him distinct features. His skin a grey shade, almost akin to...
  6. Arla Rodarch

    Approved Tech  [NSLR] Mr Sleep

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a medicine/poison for various uses Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Chakaar Weed, Clan Rodarch PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Mr Sleep/the Sleep poison Manufacturer: NSLR Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors Market...
  7. Arla Rodarch

    Minor Faction  Mandalorian Protectors

    Mandalorian Protectors As the Mandalorian Protectors begin rebuilding and restoring the home world of Mandalore, we are looking for people who want to write with us, and be part of our burgeoning family. You can be part of one of the established sub-cultures, or even create your own...
  8. Mia Monroe

    Faction  A Friendly Warning [Mandalorian Protectors]

    Keldabe didn't have much in the way of meeting locations, but what it did have was a long standing tapcafe, that despite everything thrown at Mandalore, it always seemed to be standing and business running as usual. The Oyubaat was where the protectors had most their meetings. If was informal...
  9. Arla Rodarch

    Approved NPC  Archimedes of Clan Rodarch

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating an ally and family NPC Image Credit: source Role: Sha'kajir Riduur (Literally 'treaty husband/wife', Figuratively 'domestic training partner' a Clan Rodarch tradition to impart wisdom and knowledge between older and younger members of the Clan and...
  10. Arla Rodarch

    Approved Lore  Clan Rodarch

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To worldbuild on restoring Mandalore Image Credit: Source Canon: Clan Rodarch Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Clan Rodarch Classification: Mandalorian Clan Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors Organization Symbol: Asharl...
  11. Arla Rodarch

    Faction  Rodarch Legacy of Monsters : The Rodarch Test

    Mandalore Southern Desert Wastes The city, when it had to have a name, was referred to as Yaim by the Clan Rodarch, and Rodarch to the outsider Mando'ade who had been honoured to visit. The surface town is a collection of rock hewn and sand tent dwellings spread out in a canyon valley...
  12. Arla Rodarch

    Factory  Panther's Arsenal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Logo - Shop - Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Panther's Arsenal...
  13. Vian Sarad

    Character  Morath Rau

    MORATH RAU Birthplace Kessel Age 38 GSY Species Krish Gender Male Height 1.90 Meters Weight 90 kg Force-Sensitive Negative Voice: Peter Jessop as Miraak INVENTORY Equipment A set of beskar’gam, molded to fit his form and style A beskar-edged vibrosword A set of Mandalorian...
  14. Mia Monroe

    Faction  Haat, ijaat, haa'it (Mandalorian Protectors)

    Already, even with so few, their efforts were beginning to take shape. The city of Keldabe was nothing close to what it was, half of its building were still rubble, but they'd managed to get the spaceport up and running, its landing bays were starting to fill with old reclaimed ships. Relics...
  15. Jenn Kryze

    Work In Progress  B'yaim Haar Cabur

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a base of operations for the resurgent Clan Kryze in order for them to fulfill their duties as Protectors. Image Credit: Sparth on ArtStation. Canon: N/A Permissions: You will find here a screen capture of my asking (and receiving) permission...
  16. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Approved Starship  Buurenaar-1 Light Starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To beat Shai Krayt at subbing this sweet image. To sub a sweet startfighter for the Mandalorians. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Permissions: Breshig stuff. Primary Source: N/A. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Iron Heart Foregworks...
  17. Ascendant Muse

    We Do Not Sow

    R A I D B A R A B All it takes is a spark. The right spark to be ferried upon the four winds. When struck into being, something so tiny can bring about the most destructive change known to man. Upon settling atop kindling and seizing precious breath, a single spark can burn into a raging...
  18. Ge'tal Canadus

    Approved NPC  Clan Canadus Cavalry

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: So that when I use them in RPs for flavour and people go 'Are you serious' I can link them here, and they can see that yes, yes I am. Image Credit: Ryan Pancoast Role: To formalize one of the unique ways in which Clan Canadus serves, both as mounted shock...
  19. G

    Approved Starship  Cannok-type Transport

    C A N N O K T Y P E Intent: A primary transport for members of the Mandalorian Protectors Image Source: Lazar Kacerevic Canon Link: N/A Restricted Mission(s): N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer(s): Mandalorian Protectors | The Confederacy Merrill-Valkner Systems Engineering...
  20. G

    Approved Tech  Cabur Beskar'gam | Armor of the Protectors

    C A B U R B E S K A R ' G A M [/CENTER] Intent: A modular armor option for the Mandalorian Protectors. Image Source: Mandalorian Mercs (Tumblr) Canon Link: N/A Restricted Mission(s): N/A Primary Source(s): Obsidian Strike Armor, Oriramikade Eukgar'gam Manufacturer(s):Mandalorian Protectors |...
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