Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vytal Noctura

    Private  There are More Things than Dreamt

    Not everything was about studying the mystical world far away from the rest of civilization, or in destroying the enemies of the Confederacy. After several minutes, a pale woman had managed to assemble a crowd. They had surrounded her and the twenty-foot circle she'd drawn in the square. Their...
  2. Vytal Noctura

    Private  It's Not About You

    Panic in the streets. A ten-foot tall, flaming monstrosity roamed the streets with a dark-clad woman trailing after it. Few stopped to look at this humanoid figure, too intent on escaping the blasts of flame that set storefronts aflame. Even a few hapless civilians had nearly been set alight...
  3. Vytal Noctura

    Private  Limited Only by Preconceptions

    Location: The White Reflection Hall, Vureshakkairn Castle, Ryloth Vytal Noctura, Nightmother of the Mandragora, stood at the far end of the Reflection Hall. Her green eyes gazed across the lush forest that surrounded the Castle in Ryloth's green belt, tucked away in a valley with mountains a...
  4. E

    Faction  [CIS] Burn It With Fire | Mandragora

    A hidden wonder, tucked in an azure nebula, Rimos was a world untainted and untouched by the greater workings of a galaxy that seemed forever in turmoil. Distraught and cruel as the universe beyond may have been, this isolated world had its own battles to fight and wars to wage. For the Rimans...
  5. Kedia


    GENERAL I INFORMATION NAME Kedia ALIAS Shadowsong AGE 28 SPECIES Zabrak(Dathomirian) RANK Mandragora GENDER Female FORCE SENSI TIVE Yes(As a magick user) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE HEIGHT 1.75m/5’74” WEIGHT...
  6. Vytal Noctura

    Approved Tech  Compass of the Eternal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A special gift for one in need filled with Holiday Cheer. Image Source: Etsy Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Vytal Noctura Affiliation: Adron Malvern Model: N/A Modularity: No Production: Unique Material: Electrum...
  7. J

    Approved Tech  Armor of Lylek

    Intent: Create a versatile armor that embraces the role of the archer in Witches of Dathomir. Image Source: Compliation image made by [member="Jorah zos Darnus"] Armor [ X ] Archer's Bracer [ X ] Black Glove [ X ] Boots [ X ] Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Obsidian Type Strike Armor Phase II...
  8. J

    Approved Tech  Talisman of the Chiroptix

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a magical talisman for the Nightbrother needing to spread his wings. Image Source: [ X ] Canon Link: Talisman of Transformation Primary Source: Metamorphosis | Chiroptix PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jorah zos Darnus Affiliation: Jorah zos...
  9. Darth Empyrean

    Private  The Witches's Consultation

    Ryloth │ Outer Rim Mid-Day [hr] Ryloth was a planet of extremes; of darkness and light, of burning suns and tearing winds - it was a harsh, unforgiving world that produced some of the most beautiful aspects of the Galaxy. The Twi’lek, the floating rock caverns amidst the twilight, and more -...
  10. Vytal Noctura

    Set Upon Dark Shores

    Location: Just outside the isle of Vureshakkairn Castle, Ryloth Objective: Establish a Foothold on the 'Other Side' Invited Parties: Mandragora | Knights Obsidian | Confederacy of Indepndent Systems personnel Vytal Noctura sent word throughout the Castle and the Knights Obsidian that she would...
  11. J

    Codex Denied  Mandragora | The Witches of Ryloth

    Intent: A compilation resource bridging IC threads with established faction practices in order to codify the board lore concerning the Witches of Ryloth into an introductory resource for new writers who may be unfamiliar with the unique history behind this Chaos interpretation of the Witches of...
  12. J

    Approved Tech  Cuf'boka | Mandragora Fighting Staff

    Intent: A non-lethal option for Confederate Defense Forces Personnel, Knights Obsidian, and Vicelords/ladies. Image Source: [ x ] Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Quarterstaff | Shock Stick Manufacturer: Confederacy of Independent Systems Affiliation: Faction (Confederacy of Independent...
  13. J

    Approved Tech  Obsidian Robes

    Intent: A set of robes for Confederate Force Users Image Source: [ x ] Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Jedi Apparel Manufacturer: Howlingfjord Affiliation: Faction (Confederacy of Independent Systems) Model: N/A Modularity: No. Production: Limited (Knights Obsidian only) Material: Tomuon...
  14. Darth Metus

    Mother, Sweet Mother [CIS]

    G E O N O S I S Divine Alignment. A lifetime ago, the Warlock had stood against the rampages of a Demon. On a far-flung world, on a forgotten battlefield, the man quarreled as a literal last line of defense. Victory was obtained, but it came at a terrifying cost. The man was crushed under...
  15. J

    Codex Denied  The Altar of Storms

    [/FONT] Intent: Expand upon the lore of Talay, the Mistwalker Clan, the Witches of Ryloth and the Knights Obsidian of the Confederacy. ​Image Credit: Upper Image: Temples of Melchizedek (cover art) Brian T. Collins Middle image: Forest Steps Lower Image: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens...
  16. J

    Character  Jorah zos Darnus

    DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE • Name: Jorah zos Darnus • Political Allegience(s): Silver Jedi Concord • Race/Species: Dathomirian (Mistwalker Clan) • Age: 15 years • Gender: Male • Height: 178 cm • Weight: 56 kg • Skin Color: Red/Black • Eye Color: Amber • Build: Athletic • Homeworld: Talay (original)...
  17. Vytal Noctura

    Approved Location  Vureshakkairn Castle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Base of Operations and Hub for the Solanaceae (AKA Mandragora) Image Credit: DeviantArt (Wideshot) League of Legends (Assembly Hall) ArtStation (Dueling Circle) TeleRead (Library) TotEH (Black Ritual Hall) Moddb (Valley of Life) DeviantArt (Nightmother's...
  18. Pom Stych Tivé

    Old Times Again

    Exhaustion sometimes came over Pomsty due to physical exertion, and sometimes…mentally, for the younglings just don't take their studies as seriously as Dathomiri youth. Things blow up in Potions class. Everybody smells when it is about to happen, as the initiates get their measurements wrong...
  19. Kyyrk

    Approved Tech  Talisman of Sacrifice

    Intent: To create a specialized Force Focus with a twist Image Source: X Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: Vylmiran Technological Industries Affiliation: Knights Obsidian, Mandragora Model: None Modularity: No Production: Semi-Unique Material: Force Crystal Force Focus: The...
  20. S

    Approved Lore  The Book of the Briar

    [/CENTER] Intent: Expand upon the lore of the Witches of Ryloth. Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links: Dathomir Magic | The Book of Power Media Name: The Book of the Briar Format: Book Distribution: Rare Length: Medium Description: The Book of the Briar was a sacred text on the...
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