Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mathieu Bahreiko

    The Spark [GA]

    Things were, to put mildly, bad. In the recent months, the Galactic Alliance had suffered numerous offensives and several critical defeats; most recently, the loss of the Ithsuhusk, flagship of the Galactic Alliance, had been caught out and destroyed. Morale had taken a nasty blow, and things...
  2. Aerabella Jarrus

    Felt the Need to Post this Song So I felt that I needed to post this song. I've been planning to share it somewhere for a while and just couldn't think of the words to go along with this post. Truth is, this song speaks for itself. I guess seeing a Civil War reenactment inspires...
  3. John Shepherd

    Approved NPC  Kathol Outback Marines

    Image: Here Name: Kathol Outback Marines Intent: To Make a standardize Infantry NPC for the Kathol Outback Affiliation: The Kathol Outback Availability: Common Quality: C-Trained Type: Infantry Strength: 80 members per Company Description: After the formation of the Kathol Outback, a...
  4. Ryan

    You got your orders! (Interest check)

    Ever watch Battlestar Galactica, The Last Ship, Star Trek or Space battleship Yamoto and had an itch to write something similar here on Star wars Chaos. Well, me too. I have created Matthias Hull, Captain of unknown ship in the service of the Commonwealth Navy. What i want to do is attract a...
  5. Celiana

    Trooper art in photos Thought I'd share this with y'all thought it was an awesome way to express what this guy went through. Welcome home Vode!
  6. William Kerkov Sr

    Terminus is Closed for the Day, Please Come back Later. (Open)

    Admiral Kerkov watched as the Marines stormed the buildings of the Deserted Sector of Terminus. They were practicing an invading blitz, smoking out any resistance found planet side. The newly formed Open Circle Armada Marine Division had begun training operations to get an infantry unit for the...
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