Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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marlon sularen

  1. Marlon Sularen

    Private  …And Here We Go

    ...A N D_H E R E _W E _G O FINAL DAWN NAJRA-VA, UNKNOWN REGIONS The Galaxy was on fire. In the Galactic South and the Tingel Arm, the Resurgent Sith Order clashed with the Alliance and Rimward Trade League, while in the Outer Rim the Mandalorian Enclave had launched numerous devastating...
  2. Marlon Sularen

    Private  The Summit [Solo]

    T H E_S U M M I T FINAL DAWN NAJRA-VA, UNKNOWN REGIONS A Single Battlecruiser emerged from hyperspace arriving at the barren world of Najra-Va. Upon arrival, it deployed a single Sith Infiltrator Shuttle which descended towards a heavily fortified military installation known as the Sissiri...
  3. Marlon Sularen

    Private  The Rise of a Legend

    T H E_R I S E_O F_A_L E G E N D FINAL DAWN ORD MANTELL, MID RIM A strong breeze of wind gushed through the empty industrial ruins as the sound of the air moving across the area could be heard across the area. Once this site had been full of life, standing as a busy and profitable industrial...
  4. Marlon Sularen

    Private  Ultimatum

    U L T I M A T U M FINAL DAWN ESSION, CORPORATE SECTOR A New Era had begun. With the Destruction of Exegol and the subsequent collapse of the Brotherhood of the Maw along with various other galactic powers, the geopolitical landscape of the galaxy had changed, with the balance of power...
  5. Marlon Sularen

    Private  Days of Future Past

    A Week after the Destruction of Exegol... SHARB, CHISS SPACE The Second Great Hyperspace War was over, or at least that’s what most of the galaxy thought. While the Alliance’s strike at Exegol had brought forth the ultimate demise of the Brotherhood of the Maw as it’s whole, various Mawite...
  6. Marlon Sularen

    Aftermath | Besieged

    Days after the Destruction of Exegol O'REEN, UNKNOWN REGIONS Sularen sat within his office within his Palace on O’reen, contemplating the recent events that had transpired on Exegol. After a decade of terrorizing the galaxy, the Brotherhood of the Maw had finally been vanquished by the...
  7. Marlon Sularen

    Faction  First Steps | Final Dawn

    T H E_F I R S T_S T E P S FINAL DAWN DAMASCUS STATION, OUTER RIM TERRITORIES Since the Battle of Csilla, the Final Dawn has remained one of the two strong pillars that kept foundations of the Maw still intact, playing a key role in numerous battles throughout the Second Great Hyperspace War...
  8. Marlon Sularen

    Approved NPC  Purification Trooper | Final Dawn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the next generation of Elite Final Dawn Soldiers Image Credit: Here Role: Next-Generation Elite Soldiers of the Final Dawn Permissions: Here | Here | Here Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Final Dawn Purification Troopers [Full Name]...
  9. Marlon Sularen

    Subfaction Jahr Null | Final Dawn

    878 ABY FORT MAXIMUS O'REEN, UNKNOWN REGIONS In a rallying ground within Fort Maximus on O’reen, thousands of armored soldiers were gathered standing still in formation. They had been gathered here in preparation for a speech that was to be delivered by the High Regent of the Final Dawn...
  10. Marlon Sularen

    Private  Steps into the Shadows

    S T E P S_I N T O_T H E_S H A D O W S FINAL DAWN O'REEN, UNKNOWN REGIONS Never before had Marlon Sularen felt so anxious. After the Jedi-led incursions across the Maw Corridor, the High Regent had determined that such a strike was designed as a prelude to a larger offensive devised by the...
  11. Marlon Sularen

    Private  The Wolf and the Tyrant

    T H E_W O L F_A N D_T H E_T Y R A N T FINAL DAWN SELVARIS, WILD SPACE A Single Sith Infiltrator Shuttle proceeded to land in a small clearing in front of a dungeon located deep within the jungles of the World of Selvaris. As TIEs soared above, and a large warship loomed over the horizon, the...
  12. Marlon Sularen

    Approved NPC  Admiral Shall Tide | Final Dawn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a NPC for the Final Dawn for future threads Image Credit: Here Role: Final Dawn Naval Commander Member of Shadow Hand Command [The Personal Armada of High Regent Marlon Sularen] Commanding Officer of Task Force Lumiya Permissions: Here | Here...
  13. Sssar Taszzn

    Bounty  Detainment & Extradition Warrant Issued: Marlon Sularen

    Warrant for the immediate apprehension of, and transferal to the custody of the Judicial Forces of the Galactic Alliance, the traitor Marlon Sularen Issuing Court: Tython Sector Court OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish consequences for long standing crimes against the...
  14. Marlon Sularen

    Private  War Room - Operation Shadowhand

    T H E_W A R_R O O M Operation Shadowhand FINAL DAWN O'REEN, UNKNOWN REGIONS Operation Shadowhand. That was the code name of a major military operation undertaken by the elements of the First Galactic Empire under the reborn Emperor Palpatine also known as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth...
  15. Marlon Sularen

    Private  The Regent and the Marauder

    T H E_R E G E N T_A N D_T H E_M A R A U D E R FINAL DAWN O'REEN, UNKNOWN REGIONS In this galaxy, things work in Black and White. You are either good or bad, a hero or a villain, normal or abnormal, a lightsider or a darksider, and so on. The vast majority of the galaxy has followed this...
  16. CETCOM

    Seswenna Military Shipyards | Final Dawn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To further flesh out the Final Dawn's operations in the Outer Rim Image Credit: Here Canon: N/A Permissions: Here | Here | Here | Here | Here | Here Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Shipyards Name: Seswenna Military Shipyards Shipyard Model : Mobile...
  17. Marlon Sularen

    Private  The First Command

    T H E_F I R S T_C O M M A N D FINAL DAWN O'REEN, UNKNOWN REGIONS Within the Sanctum in Fort Maximus... War. War always changes. In a galaxy marked by constant warfare, it was vital that one remained one step ahead of his enemy, able to predict and outmaneuver his foe and deprive him of any...
  18. Marlon Sularen

    Approved Starship  FD-400 Heavy Attack Corvette

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a series of high-quality specialized Corvettes for the Final Dawn Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Here | Here | Here | Here | Here Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: SularenCo Affiliation: The Final Dawn...
  19. Marlon Sularen

    Private  Another Day Another Scheme

    A N O T H E R_D A Y_A N O T H E R_S C H E M E Project Ringbreaker FINAL DAWN O'REEN, UNKNOWN REGIONS Since it's formation, the Final Dawn had been working from the shadows to undermine the Galactic Alliance from within, through means of subversion and manipulation. Already it had silently...
  20. Marlon Sularen

    First Reply  The Tomb Raider

    T H E_T O M B_R A I D E R FINAL DAWN SHARB, CHISS SPACE Deep within the Unknown Regions, lies the isolated world of Sharb. Located at the edge of Chiss Space, Sharb was once a calm world before finding itself on the frontlines of the Second Great Hyperspace War when the New Imperial Order...
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