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* Intent: To add a Canon moon with special customizations.
* Image Credit:
* Main Image
* Header
* Abandon Ordo Clan outpost
* Canon: Dxun
* Links: N/A
* Planet Name: Dxun
* Demonym: Dxunians
* Region: Japrael...
Draika (a custom planet) Is hosting a Grand Podracing event open to all. Below is the rules and prizes!
5 Racers per faction, podracer must be factory submitted,
Will be treated as a skirmish, will ask RPJ's to choose a winner
Non podracers will be denied race entry, must be using an actual...
The Republic would host another meeting, similar to one held not too long ago, one that had ended poorly.
This one would not end the same way through the work of several factors, the first and most important being strict security protocols between both the Republic and the Mandalorians, making...
Snow fell upon the ground of the Old Imperial Palace, as the Empresses of the Sith Empire gathered for their final inspection. Dromund Kaas had been selected as the host planet for this year's Life Day Ball and Sithmas Celebration. Something that Emperor [member="Darth Carnifex"] had established...
Music Programme: 'Life Day Celebration'
Ballroom Dancing, avaliable in the main hall of the Old Imperial Palace. A live chamber orchestra will perform, and music from the ball will be played throughout the grounds via speakers.
Secret Sith Gift Exchange, the Sith Brotherhood...
Sundari, Civilian District
Torin Verd, a son of Clan Verd, looked up at the abandoned building before him. Once a condemned apartment building, he managed to acquire it by pulling some strings. It was rough around the edges, but then again, so was he. Yet, this would be the start of it all. A...
The snow capped mount Ulgo stood starkly against the pristine blue Alderaani sky. Clusters of trees dotted the slopes, wildlife moving amidst the bushes like streaks of lightning. It was serene. Picturesque even. Yet beyond the visage of beauty was a hard truth, the mountain was unforgiving to...
Vaulkhar stood in silence on the deck of his personal ship as it descended from the stars to land among a relatively large hangar used by the Sith. This day he visited his father, Kaine Zambrano, known widely as Darth Carnifex or the Immortal Emperor of the Sith Empire. He had not intended on...
Blakeslee Falls Estate bore the honor of hosting the first annual Emperor's Ball. The Earl of Tremaine County was quite pleased with the set up thus far. The estate's massive courtyard now opened itself to recieve guests from all over the empire, from Bastion to Bonadan the Ball would be the...
Intent: To recreate Project Morrt in an attempt to find out and hunt down criminal/pirate bases
Image Source:
Canon Link:
Primary Source...
Intent: A system to allow weapons to move to any point on a ship.
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon...
Intent: To create a CQB variant of the Main infantry rifle for the CSDF.
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if...
Sundari, Mandalore.
The Golden Festival.
Shereshoy. Life. Beauty. Celebration. Fun.
This was what this day was to commemorate but also to celebrate. A planetary holiday of sorts. They would honor the lives of all those lost in previous wars. And they would drink to a future, a future...
It had been some time since the whole incident happened, while his Fel Empire prepared for war and expansion into the Unknown Region, he chose to stay here and uncover the misunderstood. The Emperor understood, after all he was fixing up their allies leader and securing... Bla, Bla, Bla. In...
Location - Noasis Mirdirmorut Labs
Tom was standing in the main hall of the Mirdirmorut Labs on Noasis. He had sent out a general invite to the engineers of the ME to come here and start a project. The project that had been given the go ahead of the Mand'alor was that they were to look for...
Tom landed on the planet of Osseriton the capital of the Fel Empire. He had come on diplomatic business. He had gotten permission from the Mand'alor [member="Yasha Mantis"] to come and place a embassy on the planet. He should have no problems as his fathers company had come here ages ago to set...
Intent: To submit an Artificial Intelligence to supervise Mandalore's defences.
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: Artificial Intelligence
Manufacturer: Mirdirmorut
Affiliation: Mandalorian...
Teth system
Working with [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Using Rex's ay-92-aquila-starfighter
Tom sat in the pilot's seat along with several toys. He and Alkor had come to the system to have a look around the RR's space. Tom had received word from his dad's old network. His Dad [member="Rex Taff"]...