Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Dantum Kryszar

    Mercenary, Assassin, or Bounty Hunter For Hire

    Mercenary, Assassin, or Bounty Hunter For Hire Dantum "Dan" Kryszar is a bounty hunter currently looking for work. Skills: Sniping, piloting, hand-to-hand combat, tactical thinking. Price: A rational price, in relation to the mission's difficulty. He is willing to bargain. Acceptable Missions...
  2. Bhullo Gred

    Character  Zahira Shrike

    Z A H I R A || S H R I K E Birthplace:Manas Age: 28 GSY Species: Nasvalo (Tsolvalo) Gender: Female Height: 1.98 Meters Weight: 58 kg Hair: Blackish Brown Skin: Medium Tan Eyes: Brown Force Sensitivity: No Face: [x] Voice: Jen Cohn as Pharah As a youngling, Zahira Katirci was told stories about...
  3. Kohlo Ryks

    LFG  New Mercenary Company

    Are you a mercenary looking for a group to join? Do you like taking on dangerous clandestine work? Join the Akul Mercenary Group today! Join today and get your pay!
  4. Desdemona Rue

    Character  Desdemona Rue

    Desdemona Rue NAME: Desdemona Rue FACTION: N/A RANK: Freelancer/ Merc SPECIES: Human AGE: 23 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5 ft 7 inches WEIGHT: 131 lbs EYES: Hazel HAIR: Ginger SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTHS: Avid Solider: Being a Merc has its prerequisites, being a talented...
  5. Kaweh Hujaan

    Character  Skaarn

    SKAARN Birthplace Maldo Kreis Age 219 GSY Occupation Mercenary Home Nomadic Species Dowutin Gender Male Force Sensitive No Height 2.23 Meters Weight 210 kg Hair Color None (Bald) Eye Color Black Skin Color Orange-brown Voice Ken Lally as Goro HISTORY Over two...
  6. Z

    Approved Lore  Saravho's Bludhorns Mercenary Company

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mercenary company that Zeisha leads. Image Credit: Clan Mudhorn symbol, Recolored by me and placed on a blank shield image by me. Permissions: Republic Engineering permission for Starships, droids, AIs, weapons, and armor |X| Roble...
  7. Z

    Character  Zeisha Saravho

    - IDENTITY |NAME| Zeisha Saravho |ALIASES| N/A |TITLES| Commander |FACTIONS| Mercenary |HOMEWORLD| Thyferra |SEXUALITY| Pansexual |RELATIONSHIP STATUS| Unattached BIOLOGY |SPECIES| Near-Human |SEX|...
  8. Brog Cassel

    Character  Brog Cassel

    BROG CASSEL NAME: Brog Cassel FACTION: One Sith (former) RANK: Private SPECIES: Human AGE: 41 years old SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1 m 89 WEIGHT: 81 kg EYES: Brown HAIR: Fair SKIN: Caucasian FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES : Hardened Trooper Slicer Last Remnant Solo...
  9. "Artemis" SBD-571

    LFG  Droid Mercenary Looking for Gainful Employment

    As it says on the tin. I'm looking to get my new character a start and was wondering if anyone had an idea for an RP or needed extra muscle somewhere. Bio's linked under the character if you want to make sure it's what you need.
  10. "Artemis" SBD-571

    Character  Artemis - Droid Mercenary

    B2 SUPER BATTLE DROID, CODENAME "ARTEMIS" Appearance & Personality [Appearance] Height: ~2 Meters Weight: 272 kg / 600 lbs Colouring: Dark grey with lighter highlights on the head, faceplate, and arms. Artemis has a protuberance on its back, where its jetpack can fold in or out at will...
  11. Iella Sunscream

    Request  Bio Template for a Bounty Hunter / Mercenary / Cyborg Character?

    Any help would be appreciated, It doesn't have to be too advanced. A template I can use that displays the details necessary for roleplay, but also has space I can cascade pictures with. No doubt the artsy minds of Chaos can come up with something interesting.
  12. Callum Saville

    Court of Blades April-May Mercenary Contract Opening

    Contract Offered By: Court of Blades Type Of Contract Offered: Monetary, Private Technology Use (Military or Civilian), Starships Type of Contract Desired: Garrison, Invasion, Protection, Skirmish (Dominion/Skirmish) Contract Description: Contract listed is for the use of the Court of Blades...
  13. Z

    Character  Zulu Farr - Mischief for hire

    ZULU FARR Birthplace Dromund Kaas Age 24 GSY Rank Death Watch lieutenant Faction Kainate Home Highest bidder(TSE) Species Twi'lek(Lethan) Gender ♀️ Force Sensitive N\A Height 5'7" Weight 128lbs Hair Color N\A Eye Color Golden-Amber Skin Color Red Distinctive features...
  14. Val Tessalisk

    LFG  Locked and loaded: Mercenary looking for work

    So I'm looking to take on some bounties to pump those credits up and purchase a new ship, as well as to get acquainted with some new folks. Not afraid to get my hands dirty, as long as the price is right.
  15. Jaa Kilian

    Public  A Most Benign Package

    Location: Conference Room, The Brawler, Orbit of Bonadan. Equipment: SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster, Plain Officers Fatigues, Wrist Comm Link, Level 4 Code Cylinders. Objective: Protection and Escort of Mysterious Package to Bandomeer. Once upon a time, the triangular form of a Star Destroyer...
  16. Jaa Kilian

    Character  Jaa Kilian - Mercenary Captain

    NAME: Jaa Kilian FACTION: Brawler Mercenary Company (Formerly Shadow Association) RANK: Captain (CEO and Head of the BMC) SPECIES: Human (Axxilan) AGE: 46 (Standard Coruscanti) SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.8 Meters WEIGHT: 95 Kilograms EYES: Dark Green HAIR: Dark Brown, beginning to Grey. SKIN...
  17. Blackout

    Character  SYM-2420E "Blackout"

    BLACKOUT TITLE INFORMATION NAME: SYM-2420E Blackout STATUS: Active OCCUPATION: Assassin Bounty Hunter AFFILIATION: None HOMEWORLD: Muulininst PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION SPECIES: SYM-series Assassin Droid AGE: 43 GSY SEX: Male programming HEIGHT: 6' ft 3" in (203 cm) OPTICS...
  18. Gyrssk Blackscale

    Character  Gyrssk Blackscale

    NAME: Gyrssk Blackscale FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems (current employer) Blackscale Clan RANK: Mercenary Slaver (Formerly?) SPECIES: Trandoshan AGE: 29 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2.023 Meters WEIGHT: 147.87 EYES: Red-Orange HAIR: N/A SKIN...
  19. Reynon Gallant

    Character  Kaleb Djarin

    KALEB DJARIN BirthplaceConcord Dawn (claimed) Age29 GSY (Guild records) RankMercenary FactionBounty Hunter's Guild HomeHas permanent lodgings on Batuu; otherwise mobile SpeciesNear-Human (Human/Kiffar; per Guild blood testing) GenderMale Force SensitiveUnknown; no abilities have...
  20. Syrenno Maraan

    Character  A'Thumva - Raider of Stars

    A'THUMVA BirthplaceTatooine Age32 GSY RankMarauder / Mercenary FactionIndependent HomeNomadic SpeciesGhorfa GenderMale Force SensitiveNo Height2.03 Meters Weight59 kilograms VoiceGreg Eagles as Baraka BIOGRAPHY: For millennia, the name "Tusken Raider" has conjured a...
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