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I haven't posted one of these yet. Primarily because I've been too busy, but also because I've tended to be a little scared to do it. Still, I'd like people's opinions and critiques on Caelan as a character. What do you like about him? What do you hate about him? What do I need to work on as his...
Location: Near the Outer Rim | Halmor Station
Tags: Valery Noble Darth Moskvin Kaila Irons Darth Nexion Darth Rellik Tamsin Graves @Message to join
Marek was out of gas.
Up until a few weeks ago, he had never been inside of a starship, let alone piloting it himself. It had seemed so simple in...
Hours earlier... Jutrand 5th Cohort Barracks
He tried to stand, to resist, but his legs gave way, collapsing beneath him. His vision tunneled, black spots dancing before his eyes. He could barely make out the shapes of the Sith Knights approaching, their riot gear gleaming in the dim light...
Fifth Cohort Barracks
Jutrand Academy
902 ABY
It had been only a week since their ranking ceremony. Half the faces they once saw had been removed, because they hadn't made the cut. Those who had, who hadn't excelled, now lived in the slums of an academy that held more wealth than half the world...
"Greetings. My name is... was Solarus Fynch. You don't know me yet, but I am willing to indulge you all with a story.
I was, at a time, the democratically elected official of Lothal and her people. Look back only a year and my Lothal Protectorate stood...
The Neimoidian had a clear sechdule for the moment, having completed agreements and discussions with two represenatives within the ranks of the Dark Empire.
As he gazed out of the window, observing the lively planet of Cademimu V down below, he thought about the circumstances surrounding...
The Unknown Regions, for all that was endeavoured to bring our planets to heel, remain strong in our fight against the Galaxy.
For those who know me not - I am Thomas Barran,
Great Khan of...
Well damn, I didn’t think I would have already reached my 1,000th post here on Chaos. Feels like only a month ago I joined on to start this amazing writing adventure.
I’m curious though about what y’all think about Okkeus. He was the first character I have ever created, and I’ve had so much...
I am on an android device, and have tried Firefox, Chrome and Samsung browser. All with same results.
When using the search feature, whether searching by author or subject, returns an error message, and to try later.
Any suggestions for a work around?
On behalf of The Ashlan Crusade
Silently, a mixture of Frigates and Corvettes from the Grand Fleet of Ashla had slipped across the border and covertly entered Sith Empire held systems. They had positioned them at the very edge of the systems, remaining undetected until the time was right. Some...
Shortly following the widespread news that Csilla had been destroyed in its entirety, nearly every public holonet channel was simultaneously hijacked by a rogue broadcast that repeated the same message over and over again. The voice which spoke the message was heavily augmented, the voice...
Dustcairn Plantation
Sometime after the impromptu gathering
The gathering - as it had been - was one that was not exactly planned nor expected in the grand scheme of her desire to hide away in a corner of the Confederacy. The galaxy on the other hand had...
Subject: Hey
Sent: Benduday at 5:32pm
From: The.Kurtinator@Sif.VT
[member="Kaileann Vera"]
Hey there. I'm not entirely sure where you are or what you're doing, but I'm sending this directly to The Messa so in theory you should be able to get it, if not maybe the SIS will pass it on to...
The War between the Jedi and the Sith had been raging for nearly seven years now, and there had been countless casualties on either side as entire worlds were ravaged the machines of war collided on the fields of battle, leaving nothing but ruination in their wake. However; there were some...