Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An Insidious Message | The Messenger



The Neimoidian had a clear sechdule for the moment, having completed agreements and discussions with two represenatives within the ranks of the Dark Empire.

As he gazed out of the window, observing the lively planet of Cademimu V down below, he thought about the circumstances surrounding Meii-Nu Suu's demise on Tython.

He was resolute in his commitment to avoid repeating the same mistakes, as he aimed to maintain the favor of the Commanding Viceroy and avoid hindering any ambitious plans he had within their organization.

The New Empire's expansion was progressing at a rapid pace, as they successfully captured numerous crucial systems and steadily approached their ultimate goal of invading Coruscant. Coruscant, known as the crown jewel of the galaxy and once the capital of the Galactic Alliance, held immense significance.

In preparation for the impending conflict, the Trade Federation strategically withdrew their resources and assets from the anticipated battleground. Additionally, appointing a Neimoidian Officer to oversee the criminal underworld, diligently searching for untapped resources that could be acquired.

These valuable resources would then be redirected to the Trade Federation's secure vaults for safekeeping and ensure their financial stability.

The doors, to the conference room came open. Allowing The Messenger The Messenger to enter inside.

"Councilor Griimda, at your service." He said with fear, wanting to know what trouble he was in.

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The Messenger
Cademimu V


Cademimu V was the industrial heart of the Empire, the homeworld of Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan and the first of many worlds to flock to the Emperor's resurgent banner. Such a vital titan of industry was sorely needed in these growing times of expansion, as the engines of war would turn. It was only fitting that the planet would fall under the governance of the Trade Federation, a benefit of their mutual dealings with the Empire and an asset to both parties.

The doors to the conference room opened to the Neimoidian as his guest arrived, the air hung heavy with tension as the Sentinel droid entered silently. Its sleek metallic form was hidden under a human-esque guise, adorned in the royal red of the Imperial Court, the humanoid figure contrasted sharply with the opulent surroundings, drawing the attention of all eyes from whence ever it traveled. An ominous hum emitted from The Messenger The Messenger as he approached, as if floating, adding to the mystique of his nature.

"Councilor Griimda, at your service."

The Sentinel remained stoic, its globe-faced visor fixed on Nute Griimda Nute Griimda , betraying no emotion, offering only a reflection back of the Neimoidian.

"You have been chosen. Your blood will confirm your identity," it stated, extending a slender appendage towards him. With a faint hum, the droid awaited the Neimoidian's sample.

Once satisfied, the Sentinel would project a hologram into the air, revealing the ominous silhouette of Special Project PK-1 "Mercy" - a taste of what was to come.




The ethereal and mechanical figure known as The Messenger The Messenger silently entered the room, moving with an otherworldly grace. Every action and word spoken by this enigmatic being seemed to originate from the Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith himself.

In the distant past, the Trade Federation had engaged in transactions with the Order of the Sith Lords, falling under the influence of the then Senator Palpatine who coerced them into the devastating Clone Wars.

After the war concluded, he proceeded to nationalize the Trade Federation. The prospect of once again finding themselves subservient to a Sith Lord was enough to instill fear in the hearts of those present. He extended his trembling hand towards the droid to obtain a blood sample.

After confirming and retrieving the sample, he reclined in his chair as the holographic projection of Special Project PK-1 "Mercy" - appeared before him.

"Such a project of can the Trade Federation provide?" Nute said with caution.



The Messenger
Cademimu V


"This was but the beginning," the Sentinel intoned, its voice echoing through the room.

As the hologram faded, the scene shifted to the imposing presence of the Death Star, the pinnacle of Imperial might. A planet killer, one of which had sparked dread from countless star systems. If the Dark Empire was to restore Imperial control across the galaxy they would need to cow local systems into submission. They would need to rule through FEAR.

"Discretion." The Sentinel warned.

An image sparked from the spherical Death Star, star lanes and trade routes rerouted around a particular star system of unimportance.

"Industry and resources will need diverted to Sector Five.. Zero.. Zero.. Dash.. Seven A, where the construction of the Empire's weapon would commence."

The droid closed in immediately, emitting a static hum as it came within Nute Griimda Nute Griimda 's personal bubble.

"The Commission of Logistics, Industry, and Trade will be responsible for this task. You have the Emperor's gratitude.

The Trade Federation have been invited to bid on the super laser, if specifications can exceed the designs of the defunct Epoch Engineering - the Trade Federation of Planets will be awarded the contract for the weapon system under Imperial oversight."




The Neimoidian's fear escalated as he observed the holographic display of the Imperial Superweapon, realizing the immense scale of the Dark Empire's ambitious project. The Death Star, also known as Project Stardust, represented the pinnacle of imperial engineering and power during the height of the Galactic Civil War.

However, its existence ultimately resulted in the downfall of the imperial regime, as the Rebel Alliance emerged victorious on Yavin IV and Endor, marking their triumph over the imperial forces and making way for the New Republic.

"Yes of course, I will begin redirecting our transports and freighters to those sectors as the Emperor commands." Nute said, watching as the droid moved into his personal space, causing him to lean back in the chair in fear.

The immense costs of the project was going to bankrupt the Dark Empire, as they didn't have the technical expertise nor the resources to manufacture such a weapon while also maintaining the Imperial Armada. They would need to enact strigent economic measures, through the Imperial Treasurer.

"We will begin drawing up technical details for such a bid, as soon as possible. Although, we must caution that a weapon of such scale would divert resoruces away from the Grand Admiral and the Navy." The Neimoidian said to The Messenger The Messenger , in response wanting to urge cuation that the weapon would divert fuel and supplies away from the Imperial Navy and the Grand Admiral.



The Messenger
Cademimu V


As the holographic images faded with the revelation of the Sentinel's directive. The droid turned its impassive gaze towards the Neimoidian, its mechanical tone cutting through the silence that followed.

"For your sake, I hope not," it stated bluntly, conveying the severity of the situation. "Statement: The Emperor's will is clear."

The Messenger glided back, offering breathing room before making it's way to the scenic view of the planet below.

"Prerequisite: Creative means and critical thinking. You are authorized to use any means necessary to accomplish your task without crippling the trade lanes or naval logistics.. including use of the Khanate. Time is on your side, use it wisely."




It appeared that Emperor Darth Solipsis was requesting the Trade Federation to embark on a task that seemed unattainable. In numerous predicted situations, the Federation would be required to reallocate resources from all sectors and departments within the Dark Empire or impede the flow of commerce in the area as a result of such a significant redirection of traffic.

A large disturbance in the flow of commerce would have a significant impact on their financial performance, leading to a gradual decrease in the shareholder's turst.

The Messenger The Messenger made perfectly clear their zero-tolerance policy towards failure, suggesting that the Trade Federation explore innovative solutions to address the issue and advance the construction of the Death Star Mark III. The Neimoidians, accustomed to a hive-mind mentality, typically did not engage in independent thinking.

"Should the Emperor desire it, the Trade Federation will comply without hesitation. I have compiled a series of potential resolutions that I wish to submit for final endorsement." Nute replied, watching the droid move towards the display window to glance at the city-planet down below. He slid a datapad across the table for the droid to inspect.

1 - Establish proper communication with those individuals associated with the Invisible Economy, to avoid detection from the Galactic Alliance. By implementing this strategy, the Dark Empire could potentially facilitate the smuggling of essential components for the intricate machinery needed to construct the superlaser without the involvement of the Federation.
2 - Have the Dark Empire ambush a Trade Federation convoy near the Hydian Way, carrying the neccessary supplies. In order to maintain a sense of realism, it is crucial to anticipate significant losses from both parties involved. This approach will effectively prevent any suspicions from arising within the Galactic Alliance, which could potentially jeopardize our ongoing project.
3 - Launch a three front invasion from our core territories, on the planets of Anaxes, Corulag and Chandrila in order to distract the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces. Allowing the Trade Federation to send the cargo vessels and freighters through without incident.



The Messenger
Cademimu V


The Sentinel's gaze remained fixed on the horizon - watching, waiting for stimuli. As the datapad slid across the conference table, offering the Messenger proposals to further accomplish their task, the droid simply continue to stare out into the abyss.

A brief moment of silence, followed by the trigger of a static hum. The red robed envoy turned, its globe facing the businessman directly.

"The Galactic Alliance should be of no consequence to the Commission of Logistics, Industry, and Trade. An Imperial office."

Scanning the remainder of the scan doc proposal, the droid lifted it's gloved palm and handed over the datapad.

"You shall have your invasion and the resources necessary as you require, but do not underestimate the resources of the Outer Rim, easily at our disposal."

The Brotherhood of the Maw constructed "Mercy" with the help of Epoch Engineering with the underdeveloped resources of the Unknown Regions. The result was the complete collapse of the Chiss Ascendency and the Planetary Destruction of Csilla. What they were attempting now would far exceed such a marvel, harkening back to the time of the original Galactic Empire. And yet without a galaxy wide Empire they would have to get creative and play the long game to ensure that their COREWARD expansion was not left wanting.

A steep task that would take many to achieve but not impossible. Not with the aid of the Trade Federation and the defunct remnants of Epoch Engineering.

"What else do you require?"




"Your modules, might not possess the comprehension units required to grasp the intricate challenges that said Imperial Office faces. It is fortunate for us that the Alliance has not enforced a blockade in our core regions, as proposed by certain members of the Federal Assembly. To eliminate the Alliance's presence entirely from these situations, the only viable option would be to gain control over the entire core. However, I am skeptical that such an outcome will occur in the near future....."

The Neimoidian acknowledged The Messenger The Messenger 's statement, recognizing the droid as the personal messenger of the Galactic Emperor. However, this did not diminish the Trade Federation's meticulous precautions in overseeing the construction of the Death Star Mark III on a grand scale.

The Alliance had easy access to any undisclosed system, and resources do not disappear without a record in the navicomputer databases. Any minor mistake could lead to the Strategic Intelligence Agency becoming aware of the operation.

"The necessary resources for this project are indeed located in the Outer Rim, as you have mentioned. However, it is crucial to note that technicians and components essential for the project can only be sourced from the core regions. This furthers the significance of these invasions for the project's success. As for other things we require, is simply a signature from the Ruling Council's members. Such a stamp would allow us to proceed even with His Majesty's Authority"


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