Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Lilaste Order

    The Lilaste Order

    About the Lilaste Order The Lilaste Order is a semi-militarized faction founded by High Commander Laphisto Div'atori Gix, with a mission to restore balance and order to a galaxy torn by chaos, war, and division. Unlike traditional factions that align strictly with the Light or Dark sides of the...
  2. The Legions

    The Legions

    INFORMATION The Legions are a confederation of Military Groups, Warlords, And Militarist States, they have banded together in order to expand their power in an attempt at dominance over space. _____________________________________________________________________________ Administration Type...
  3. Eremia Loigos

    Question  Which Lore Template to use for a military uprising

    I am starting up a thread where high ranking military types get annoyed with the current planetary (moonary?) government of Pantora and start a coup. Trying to put in the Lore for the military group that is enacting the coup. It comprises of both Naval and Army forces. I kinda feel like it...
  4. Eremia Loigos

    LFG  Military Coup of Pantora

    Hello folks. I joined up with the Pantoran faction hoping that to have a little fun infusing their political debate with a high-ranking military presence. As soon as I joined the faction went quiet. So I'm going to use my Admiral here to perform a coup and take power. She has a lot of backing...
  5. Lansal Akira

    Approved Lore  Order of the Akiran Vigilants

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Unique Knightly Force Order under the Ashlan Crusade for Lansal Akira's backstory (and other PCs that wish to join) and the village defence leagues associated with the Order Image Credit: Official Star Wars blog Clone Wars Rewatch 'Mercenaries'...
  6. Braxton Holst

    Approved NPC  Hellion Private Military Organisation

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a highly skilled private military company Image Credit: Hexagon, skull, edited by me. Role: Private security, asset protection, multi-role army for hire. Permissions: N/A Links: Hex Incorporated GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Hellion Private...
  7. Aculia Voland

    Imperial Military Protection Services (IMPS)

    Imperial Military Protection Services Logo of IMPS OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Canon Link: PA Logo. Primary Source: see CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Imperial Military...
  8. Credit Wizard

    Approved Vehicle  Boldar-Class Medium Tank

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a cheap but effective medium tank for the Brotherhood of Darkness Image Source: Credit to Creator Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Brotherhood of Darkness Affiliation: Brotherhood of...
  9. P

    Minor Faction  Brotherhood of Darkness Military

    Brotherhood Military The Brotherhood of Darkness was created through the union of several Dark Side Force User organizations under the nominal leadership of Kyrel Ren. While this gathering of Force Users is a powerful army in its own right, its numbers are still far too few for it to...
  10. Heath Valhoun

    Military Resource Page

    Starfighters (1-50m) [Mass-Produced] X-Class Elysium Fighter: An average Fighter based on The X-Wing. [Mass-Produced] Saberdroid Starfighter: A weak droid fighter with mines and missiles, to swarm the enemy. [Semi-Unique] "COB" Zeebo Strike Starfighter: Extremely fast and agile but also...
  11. Haon Hafey

    Full Military Dossier: HGWT & COB

    I, Haon Hafey/Listib Hibin/Callum Saville, hereby give The Elysium Empire as of this writing, complete use of all Factory Submissions below for roleplay use within their Faction Organization. In addition, they may use these for other Factory Submissions should they wish to build off of them or...
  12. T

    The Jedi Militia

    This is a group where all Jedi who join can train and lead armies of Soldiers, Mercenaries, and Hunters.
  13. E

    LFG  To Build a Planet...

    My friends, the time has come. Since the recent Factory Update, something has been brewing in the back of my head. Binge watching the Expanse, didn't really help. Ceres served as the ultimate example for one of the weirdest Factory subs I have ever wanted to make. In short, I want to rebuild...
  14. Aelina Corsanis

    Ashlan Military Order of the Sacred Blades | Info & Roster

    Ashlan Military Order of the Sacred Blades The Ashlan Military Order of the Sacred Blades, "The Order of Blades" or simply "The Blades" for short, is a small force order of the Ashlan Faith which incorporates aspects of the militant Echani Philosophy and the unique philosophies of the order's...
  15. T

    The Lost colony Federation

    The Basics: The lost colonies is a collection of forgotten or lost colonies that were forgotten about that have come together in a strength in numbers ideal to form a small minor faction in hopes that they have a better chance at survival. The Government: The Lost colonies, also referred to as...
  16. Chikako Liona

    Principality Of Tythe: Military

    {New Military Reforms} The former military of Tythe was small and specialized as it could rely on the CIS fleet to protect it against any large-scale attack and was not expected to fight off-world, aside from some special units. Most regiments were locally trained for their immediate environment...
  17. Ares Atrius

    Military Organisation

    The military forces of the Eternal Remnant are commanded by the High Justice in times of war and by the two Praetors in times of peace. While the Houses themselves are judicial forces, they act as standing army and are therefore soldiers and enforcers alike. The majority of ground troops are...
  18. Kalie Alverez

    Ready For Judge  Ashmaar Alpha (Lujian Forces & Fleet Headquarters)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a military base and Navy Station to further develop the Lujian armed forces and fleet presence within the Galactic Alliance. Image Credit: Here, Here Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Kalie Alverez (Tiresh Kobitana), Planet of Lujo, Kobitana...
  19. Darth Imperius

    Vandemar - Military, Technocrats, Force Haters

    Hello Chaos! Vandemar FAQ
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