Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Blakely Moore

    Mission  Operation: Firestorm | LAW Mission to Karazak

    OPERATION: FIRESTORM The only things certain in life are death, taxes… and slavers. In the absence of Judges and lawmen, the Karazak Slavers' Cooperative has risen again and is moving fast to reclaim lost territory. Once more, their presence is known on the arid world of Karazak where...
  2. Jacen Terrik

    Mission  A Flame in Your Heart | LAW Mission to Yumfla

    A FLAME IN YOUR HEART LAW MISSION TO YUMFLA OBJECTIVE 1: No Other Will Do Suggested for Spacers, ORDC, Medics & Humanitarians The vicious Fires of Susefvi were thankfully short-lived, dissipating under the tropical rains and ocean spray, but the scars left by the Sith still remain. Yumfla...
  3. Naomi Carolina

    Faction  Misfits Unite (GA Squadron)

    Naomi was in the squadron's well-used hanger located on Constancia. Tucked inside one of the many rock-like towers and formations that dotted the planet's surface. The hustle and bustle of the city just below them, sprawling for a few clicks in all directions. Like the ships parked there, the...
  4. S

    Mission  In the Mouth of Madness | SIA [GA]

    || IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS || While everyone was occupied with Coruscant, there were reports of suspected activities in Mechis III countryside. Ships have been coming in and out the system more frequently as of late. The local livestocks and wildlife have been acting strangely, from unusual...
  5. Bernard

    Skirmish  Echoes of War: Mission to Ession | Lightsworn vs Dark Side Elite

    Jedi Strike Team Faust Hostile Dark Empire Elements Heinrich Faust Creuat Alaric Kaleb Sunwalker Thelar Grayson Varon Jahordel Tyrus Vastor Amena Kader Kyric Khronas Amalasuntha L'lerim Aphon Fallon Draellix-Kobitana Cesare Demici (table does not reflect match-ups) Briefing...
  6. Malcolm Ironmaster

    Faction  Silver Jedi Order - Mission to Black Spire Outpost

    Tags: Matsu Ike, Jairdain Ismet Master Malcolm Ironmaster waited outside the Council chambers on Commonor, excited about the information he'd discovered on a Holocron that had come into his possession. In recent years, he'd become quite passionate about the idea of rediscovering and reopening...
  7. Malcolm Ironmaster

    Mission to Batuu

    Malcolm is going to seek an audience with Master Matsu Ike to propose a mission to reestablish the Temple on Batuu. After talking with Maulkat over on Discord, Jairdain Ismet will be joining him on the mission. Would anyone else be interested in such a story?
  8. H

    Mission  Mission on Gamorr

    Mission on Gamorr Alessandra Io Suuv B/U-187 "Ayana" EN-C14V "Enclave" Tanssaa the Hutt lounged on her ornate cushioned litter, surrounded by her entourage of loyal followers. Her massive bulk was draped in luxurious silks and jewels, a symbol of her immense wealth and power in the criminal...
  9. H

    LFG  Mission on Gamorr

    Greetings, Mighty Hunter If you are receiving this holographic transmission, then it is because the Great and Powerful Tanssaa the Hutt has selected you due to your exceptional abilities or the specific skill set required to successfully complete the task at hand. Enclosed within this...
  10. Braze

    Mission  Sabotage on Mon Cala

    Following the events on To rule the waves | EotL Dominion of Mon Cala/Pammant TAGS: Balun Vale OOC: Dm to join Sabotage on Mon Cala Mon Cala, a world renowned for its underwater cities and shipyards, now endures the harsh rule of the Empire of the Lost. The once vibrant society of the...
  11. Darth Ptolemis

    Mission  Knowledge is Power | New Sith Order [DE]

    NEW SITH ORDER MISSION TO VORTEX Neon-blue static hums, then coalesces into the masked image of Darth Ptolemis as you open the unexpected holo-recording. The sense of great urgency is immediately palpable in the distorted voice of the Emperor’s Shadow Hand. The message is addressed to you...
  12. Darth Halitus

    First Reply  Blood Blades -Kvapas Mission

    Veikis and his brothers sat in the jumpseats of the The Dropship. The location they were being taken to was The Unknown. All that they could truly be certain of is Jedi would be there. Taking a wet stone, Veikis sharpened his sword, the scraping of steel against the smooth square rock filled the...
  13. Nej Tane

    Mission  Neon Graves

    Coruscant, Local Time 19:42, Raining. Level 632 Blue eyes scanned the horizon from the apartment window. It wasn't easy to zip around the galaxy like he had been, but that damn job- the one that Delila Castillon saved him from, and then the goodwill he bought from Valery Noble let him zip...
  14. Inanna Harth

    Private  Rescue on Carlac

    Rumor had it the Maw was trying to rise again, this time under a new name. Inanna was determined to hamper their efforts at every turn. The masters of the Vonnuvi Jedi Enclave picked up on her interest and sent her on a mission to Carlac. It was to be her first assignment with her new...
  15. Sabine Korvan

    Mission  The Cinnegar Connection [Invite Only]

    COMPNOR Objective: Establish Contact with the Krath Location: Cinnegar, Empress Teta Tags: Kazian Blackwood | Jon Hojkstra | Phoenix Kasari | Dominik Borra INFILTRATION Empress Teta was a crucial hub within the Galactic Alliance - constantly alive with all manner of interstellar traffic...
  16. Y

    Private  A Mission too far

    The soft lights of the cockpit underlit the deepening wrinkles on his green face as he worked to plot his next course. It had been many years since his knighthood. He remembered leaving Master Romi's side, training his own padawan and setting out on orders to defend the unknown regions against...
  17. Amani Serys

    Mission  Cianalas - Recovery and Preservation on Lao-mon (Vonnuvi Jedi + Friends)

    Lao-mon, Outreach base camp, sunrise Inanna Harth - Open The planet of Lao-mon is home to sprawling jungles, treacherous fauna, and the enigmatic shapeshifters known as the Shi'ido. Though this world has long remained distant from galactic affairs, years ago it found itself under attack by the...
  18. Ignacious Korvan

    Mission  Absolution [Dark Empire]

    ABSOLUTION: A DARK EMPIRE STORY [OPENING CRAWL MUSIC] In the decades following the fall of the Empire, THE GALACTIC ALLIANCE has waxed ascendant as the dominant superpower of the galaxy. While some of the Imperial elite would escape calamity to the fringes of the galactic frontier, the...
  19. Brooke Waters

    Mission  One Post Ritual - A Witch's Summons

    Taking guidance from Ashin Cardé Varanin and this thread, its time for another bit of the Force to be brought forward. This one from Witches of Dathomir. Some may have found this ritual in stolen books of knowledge from the Witches, or holocrons of those who have stolen the knowledge, or been...
  20. Derron Daks

    Mission  A Sphere of Annihilation

    Primary Participants: Treoff Kellak Makai Dashiell Derron Daks Secondary Participants: Maybe you. Drop us a message and ask about joining us. Wild Space. The name wasn't a misnomer. It was a largely unexplored and un-surveyed region of the galaxy. Uncontacted aliens resided there...
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