Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vhiran

    Character  Hybridization Experiment 731-V Codename: Vhiran

    BOUNTY Hybridization Experiment 731-V Codename: Vhiran NAME: Subjects given name identified as Mastigar Atriedes; Following extensive physical modification and mental adaptation the subject has taken on the identity of its codename: Vhiran. FACTION: While extensive data would place the...
  2. Aizhizh'matl

    Character  Aizhizh'matl; The Prophet

    Aizhizh'matl The Prophet NAME: Though there is no name able to be spoken by the common dialect of Basic, the true name of "The Prophet" is Aizhizh'matl. FACTION: The Qunesh are not part of any known faction. RANK: Prophet; or in the common perspective one of the Qunesh' highest ranking...
  3. Selkollar


    Selkollar - Hierarch of the Bryn'adûl NAME: Selkollar FACTION: Bryn'adûl RANK: Seer SPECIES: Cloned Draelvasier (Aeravalin) AGE: 18 Galactic Years (Vatborn) SEX: Male HEIGHT: 8 ft. WEIGHT: 285 lbs. EYES: Black HAIR: Hairless SKIN: Pale White FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  4. Grrwunhoooll Agaburry

    Kiiardos Rah

    || THE BASICS || Full name: - Kiiardos Rah Preferred Name: - Kaii Alias: - Titles: - Incandescent One, The First Born, The Encroaching Corrupter Species: - Some type of Duinuogwuin Race: - Dragon Homeworld: - Unknown Faction(s): - Unknown Rank(s): - Master Class: - Mentalist Mystic...
  5. M


    MAEKHAR FACTION: The Bryn'adúl SPECIES: Draelvasier (Baedurin, Cloned) AGE: Chronologically 5 GSY, biologically a young adult due to clone rapid aging SEX: Male HEIGHT: 3.15 Meters WEIGHT: 244.94 kg HAIR: None EYES: Yellow SKIN: Red FORCE SENSITIVITY: None HOME: The Cloning Vats of Draemidus...
  6. Lirka Ka

    Lirka Ka

    Name: Lirka Ka Age: 137 Sex: Female, though after her “rebirth” gender has become more or less irrelevant. Species: Sephi Firrero hybrid Height: 2.209 Meters Weight: 190 Kilograms Eyes: They are an icy blue in coloration Hair Midnight black combined with the red of the...
  7. Credius Nargath

    Character  Credius Nargath

    Lord Credius Nargath NAME: Credius Arcosius Nargath I Alias': Chancellor of the Left Master Credius The Old Man 'Darth Halcyon' The Netherwalker FACTION: CIS Zweihander Union RANKS & TITLES: Former Marquis of House Nargath Former Viceroy of the Eriadu System Senior Sith Lord Former...
  8. Layla Solari

    Layla Solari the Little Monster

    Layla Solari, The Little Monster NAME: Layla Solari FACTION: Unknown RANK: Monster SPECIES:Genetically Modified Atoan AGE: 13 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 147 cm WEIGHT: 43 kilograms EYES: Dark Hazel HAIR: Dark Brown SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  9. Ignatius

    Approved Species  Dra'Amorgjira - Gjira

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create more species for the planet of Kro Var. As well as Expanding upon their culture to more closely reflect the Native American/Feudal Japanese actions of the people of Kro Var related to Creatures. ​Image Credit: Artstation Adult, Adult, Child. Canon...
  10. Ignatius

    Approved Tech  Cyber-Demon Scales

    Want to see his heart? OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a body/Armor for Ignis Image Source: Artstation - Heartbreak & Heat Pulse Canon Link: Sith Stalker Armor Primary Source: N/A Permissions: Blanket Permission from John Locke Permission from Visanj PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  11. Gaia Sunaris Cadera


    INFORMATION NAME: Naramphra RANK: Theron, Theron of Tutelage SPECIES: Genetically Altered Draelvasier HOMEWORLD: Draemidus Prime AGE: 2 (Human Comparison: 20’s) SEX: Female HEIGHT: 8’5” WEIGHT: 640 pounds EYES: Yellow HAIR: No Hair SKIN: Variations of Gray FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND...
  12. Taru Cadera

    Getting my first "pet"...

    aIn one of the crummiest places on all of Nar Hutta, was Kao Xusros. It was badly in poverty, but what wasn't on Nar Hutta, as only the Hutts and their Syndicates had any real wealth. He had arrived on Nar Hutta first in order to broker a deal between himself and a mercenary, which had gone...
  13. Huxy

    Virsill, the Speaker

    Designation: Virsill Alias': The Prophet The Speaker Title(s): Prophet of Sythul Species: Yon'yu Wanderer's Homeworld: Unknown Social Standing: Prophet of Sythul Allegiance: The Sith Empire Jen'ari Empire Rank: Sith Knight Force Sensitivity: Yes Force Alignment: The Darkside Personality: Cold...
  14. Lycaon


    LYCAON (music) Character Basics Name: Lycaon Nicknames: Subject 17 (bravo), Red Claw, Gentleman Jack Age: 46 (chronological) 30 (biological) Sex: Male Species: Unknown (Presumed Shistavanen genetic hybrid) Size: 2.4m Eyes: Red Skin: Black Fur Force Sensitive: Yes Faction: The Family...
  15. HK-36

    Lore: The Withered Smoke

    Link Here One of the most dangerous terrors the Metal Lords came to face in Deep Space is known as the Withered Smoke. These beings could be best described as shapeshifting smoke demons, beings constantly changing their shapes, even between states of matter as they could be solid, liquid, or...
  16. Manaruth

    Creating a raid boss as a character?

    Hello so i'm currently coming up with a lot of ideas for characters, and i've thought a lot about creating something like a world boss you would see in SWTOR. What gave me this idea is that there's a title named ''monster'' that you can request from the admins. I want to create a giant behemoth...
  17. Doctor Gadora

    The Search For a Monster

    @Zhin Zondaar Doctor Gadora had been searching for the ultimate creature all over the galaxy. His custom made assault droids went from planet to planet trying to find beasts worthy of the doctor's attention. One of his units named ZX-71 had been looking all over Nar Shaddaa for the last couple...
  18. Arumi Zy

    Evil Pharmacuetical Company Faction interest

    GenTech your galaxies friendly face for the cures that keep you happy and healthy! GenTech Public Moto OBediance Breeds excellence, Excellence breeds innovation, Innovation breeds.. conquest. GenTech GenTech is a pharmaceutical company that puts on a benevolent public face with medical...
  19. L

    Approved Species  Azure Aquadon

    AZURE AQUADON SPECIES INFORMATION Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Manaan Also found on Mon Calamari Maramere Kamino Naboo Language: Grunts, Growls, Roars, and Body Language Average Length of Adults: 50 Meters Skin color: Blue, Grey, Beige Hair color: None Breathes: Type 1; Aquatic...
  20. I

    Approved Species  Numera

    Images: Name: Numera Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Language: N/A Average height of adults: Largest recorded body height (from the belly to the top of the head) was 2 Meters Longest ever recorded was 8 Meters long Skin color: Black scales underneath water replant fur Hair color: Brown...
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