Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Caelan Valoren

    Artist  Caelan's Chaos Songs

  2. Her

    Approved Lore  A Builder's Hymn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a music sample that was created by an unidentified female belonging to an ancient race of Humanoids long thought to have gone extinct. Image Credit: Dreamer. Walking Home Alone After the Party... 1 Hour of Dark Ambient - Sample taken at 32:25 to...
  3. Lady Falentra

    LFG  Lets Jazz - Looking for band members

    Lets see who bites. I want to start a band with my siren. I feel like our characters need their hobbies outside of what they usually do - sith inquisitor work for Falentra. She has a very lovely vocals with which she sings her enthralling songs in. Need someone on the guitar, piano, drums, a duo...
  4. Xeno

    Seasonal  Northern Lights | Life Day Music Fest, Coruscant

    Northern Lights Coruscant Interest: Nir Si, Valery Noble, OPEN Luxar | Klocto | Sword Coruscant was tired. Everyone knew it. There was only so much one could handle in a single year, and the line was most certainly drawn at orbital bombardment. The Dark Empire had left wounds, but still the...
  5. Xeno

    Seasonal  Life Day Music Fest | Upcoming Event Signup

    NO WAR, ONLY VIBES LIFE DAY MUSIC FEST 'Cause why would a little bit of orbital bombardment keep Coruscant down? Musicians are throwing everything at the wall and giving bad energy the bird, lighting up the night with electric jams. The Life Day Music Fest hopes to bring joy back to the...
  6. A

    Alliance ECHOES new Release: Wimpy Impys!

    From the hip new band taking the Alliance by storm comes the new single Wimpy Impys!
  7. Kai Bamarri

    Approved Lore  Last of His Kind (album)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify some lore. Image Credit: Album cover made by me using Canva Valentina Remenar "Broken" Canon: N/A Permissions: Corellia Digital [Permission From Creator] Links: Music | Galactic Top 40,000 "Vampire Politics" GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name...
  8. deplorable

    LFG  Need a singer to set the vibe?

    Hey everyone I created a new character, miss Chessashai Umianai, aka Chessa Bossa. She's basically a singer (Laufey) who is fairly well known in more jazzy fancy clubs, if you have some sort of rich character hosting an event of sorts shes the one to invite! Feel free to use her as background...
  9. Xeno

    LFG  Sad music man needs friends

    This is a new development but I've actually come to really get my muse going for Xeno. He's an older character of mine who's gone through a bit of change. A former Sith Assassin turned reformed guy turned music guy. Notably though he needs some more friends. Connections to help him rediscover...
  10. Xeno

    LFG  Music Thread? Music Thread.

    Alright, I think it's time we have another musician/music event thread. Those are always a lot of fun, and I wanted to do something with a little bit of a twist. BATTLE OF THE BANDS! Or musicians at least lol. Participants get two posts, an opening song and a finisher. Also ROLLS! 2 D...
  11. Starlin Rand

    Approved Lore  Heart of Electrum (album)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify some lore. Image Credit: phantomrin | Concept art of human heart from Canva | Shameless (2011-2021) (edited by me) Canon: N/A Permissions: Corellia Digital [Permission From Creator] Band Lineup: Amani, Kyell, Eliphas, Zak Links: Music | Galactic...
  12. Starlin Rand

    Approved Lore  Friendzoned At the Funeral (album)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify some lore. Image Credit: Spider-Man (2002) (edited by me) Canon: N/A Permissions: Corellia Digital [Permission From Creator] Band Lineup - Corazona, Zak, Kyell, Eliphas, Valery Links: Music GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Friendzoned At the...
  13. Micah tol Powl

    Approved Lore  Glitch: The Kyber Chronicles

    fig 1. the album cover OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a music album. Image Credit: Star Wars: The Clone Wars ("The Gathering") Glitch logo and photoshop work by me. Canon: N/A Permissions: Matsu Ike/Sasori Research Links: Music | Gliz | Galactic Top 40,000 GENERAL INFORMATION...
  14. Micah tol Powl

    Approved Lore  Glitch

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify the lore behind TKO/ORC's Underground Revival and Zak's subsequent identity as a musical artist. Image Credit: Glitch logo by me (blame Srina Talon for my having a Photoshop sub) Wookieepedia Canon: N/A Permissions: Sasori Research Links: Music | DJ...
  15. Tefka

      Should we re-ban jizz music?

    This is not a poll to distract from working on the new map.
  16. Tefka

    Staff  Star Wars "Jizz Music" Unbanned, Site Owner Pleads With Members To "End This Nightmare."

    By popular vote, Jizz Music has outlasted the proverbial boxing match with the SWRP Staff Team and is once and for all unbanned. For the people having minecraft server issues, I don't know why you people keep ending up at this website but we don't service those sorts of requests, apologies...
  17. Tefka

    Staff  Jizz Music Unban Community Vote

    Due to split decisions among the Staff members deciding on this issue, I have decided to lay the final decision before the community's feet and have a popular majority vote to settle this issue. Please read carefully and vote your heart.
  18. Tefka

    Staff  Star Wars "Jizz Music" Is Re-Banned
  19. Tefka

    Staff  Star Wars “Jizz Music” Unbanned

    The previous ban has been overturned due to overwhelming writer outcry. This unban is subject to re-review and if misused, may be re-banned.
  20. Tefka

    Staff  Star Wars “Jizz Music” is banned.

    We’re not going to talk about why. Ms. Kennedy, I know your movies’ writers read this forum after I watched TLJ, can you stop playin’.
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