Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Xyl'Myrr

    Character Playlists

    does anyone ever make a playlist of specific songs that remind you of one of your specific characters? i find it useful to listen to in the midst of character development or plotting. music helps get those creative circuits a'firing ya know?
  2. Artemis Vahl'Nyx

    That One Jerk Makes Music {Piano}

    As some of you know, I play piano. What many of you don't know is if I'm actually any good at it. Well, this is the part where you find out, I guess. Over a year and a half ago I wrote a song called "Buried in the Sound", recorded it, then forgot it existed. Until now. While going through my...
  3. Cryax Bane

    Music to CRC By

    Here's a place to music that you listen to when writing CRC posts. Share your tunes here for all of us to love.
  4. Thurion Heavenshield

    Character Theme Songs

    Yeah, yeah, I know there's been several iterations of this kind of thread in the past, but the fact is we have a lot more new faces around now then we had back then. Basically, let us know what you would consider your character's theme song. What song or piece of music describes your character...
  5. Faye Terrik

    Hip Hop Appreciation Thread

    Totally not inspired by the Heavy Metal thread that was inspired by the Electronic thread >.> You know how this works by now. Post some Hip Hop / Rap songs you're listening to, and feel free to discuss it too. Personally, I'm more into Independent small artists, but I do like some of the...
  6. Darth Carnifex

    Heavy Metal Appreciation Thread

    Obviously inspired / ripping off of the Electronic Music appreciation thread, I thought that who better would be suited for starting one about metal? Post all forms of metal here. 'cept Metalcore or anything really ending with core. Or thou shalt be smote. (Or not... Idk.) I will start with...
  7. Thurion Heavenshield

    What's Your Favourite Type of Music?

    With so many of us being from different parts of the world and with so many various cultures influencing our choices in music, I thought it'd be fun to see what the majority of y'all be listening to. Does music put you in the mood when writing? What are some of your favourite bands or songs...
  8. Chaos Maxtor

    Metal Men and Babes! Wannabe metal need not apply!

    Yup, I am that ass that will claim when metal isn't metal: deal with it. What are your favorite Metal songs to write to? A hint? here
  9. Saera Willamina Savan

    Saybin Pulsar Hyperplex

    Corporation Name: Saybin Pulsar Hyperplex Co. Headquarters: Forge Citadel, Ansion Locations: Crest of the World - Forge Citadel, Ansion - 1,200,000 cap. - Operational [ 50 ] Hidden MMSP-02 Automatic Sensor Missile System [ 16 ] Security Force Ventus Fighter Interceptor [ 20 ] Security Force...
  10. Holly Isaac

    A Lady and her Violin (open)

    It had been a long while since Aella was able to find a space where she could be alone to play her violin. Having found a music store to buy new strings she then found a music hall that was open and slipped in. Nobody was there, save the janitor. She opened up her violin case and tuned her...
  11. Malachi Zan

    Malachi Zan- WIP

    NAME: Malachi Zan/DJ Bantharockin' FACTION: The Bluehawks RANK: Disc-jockey/Captain of the Bluehawk V2 SPECIES: Human - Mechis III AGE: 32 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'0" WEIGHT: 210 lbs EYES: Blue HAIR: Dark brown SKIN: Caucasian FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but not aware of it...
  12. D

    Guess That Song

    So write some lyrics and we all have to guess what the song is and the artist. I doubt anyone will get mine by just looking at it. Write lyrics in Ittalics. We are untutored youth and heres the proof. Dont wanna know anything we don't and it's the truth - and they lost out. If you can't hear...
  13. Delila Castillon

    What Are you Listening To?

    Judith- A Perfect Circle
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