Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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mysa snowstrider

  1. Starlin Rand

    Private  Enlighten Me

    "Can the horse climb the stairs?" Starlin asked Mysa as they stared out at the College of Enlightenment. Force, this place was bringing back memories. He could practically feel his feet aching just like the last time he had ascended those mammoth steps. More than ten years ago... Crazy. As...
  2. Lief

    Family, Duty, Honour

    The Northmark Midvinter The day had come at last for all of their plans to come to fruition. Between several trips the Je'daii had worked alongside the High King, his family, and their advisers, to map out and construct a Temple for the Order in the North, where new territories were forming...
  3. Lief

    Mysa Snowstrider

    MYSA SNOWSTRIDER I will learn to love the skies I'm under ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ General Overview Name: Mysa Snowstrider, Born Mysa Vi'dreya ​​Titles: Wriggles Snowflake Jedi Knight of the Silver Jedi, Self-Exonerated Jedi Padawan of the Deneba Enclave, Formerly Padawan of [member='Coci Heavenshield']...
  4. Lief

    I Turn At Last To Paths That Lead Home

    Their Grove Midvinter Once, long ago, when the two were much younger, Mysa and Théo ventured out into the wilds of Midvinter before dawn had broken over the land. Hitching a ride on the back of a horse and cart, covered in fish and guts, they had come upon a most sacred place filled with...
  5. Lief


    Stewjon Somehow she had made it out with a ship. Mysa's journey from Voss to Deneba had been completed through hitchhiking her way across the Galaxy. She could not recall the last time she had actually owned her own ship, had she ever? Had she always relied on other peoples vessels? That...
  6. Lief


    Ancient Jedi Temple Ankus How long she'd been sat within the cockpit of the ship she had acquired from what remained of the Jedi Order, Mysa could not say. From the viewing port she could see it, the archaic structure which had plagued her dreams during the journey over here, and as always, as...
  7. Lief

    The Light Will Guide

    Kei Raxis' Quarters The Jedi Enclave Deneba The clacking of her boots was the only sound which accompanied her down the narrow corridor. She walked with a clarity of mind that she had not experienced in what felt like an eternity. In many ways, she doubted she had ever felt this way at all...
  8. Lief

    In The Shadow Of Doubt

    The Jedi Enclave Deneba A sprinkling of light in an otherwise darkened room cascaded down upon her form, positioned upon her knees as she was with both hands outstretched, palms facing skyward. Held aloft, across the both of them, a simple shinai lay impeccably balanced, unwavering. In fact...
  9. Lief

    In The Dark I Have No Name

    The Cracked Horn Fridheim Midvinter The crackle of torches, and a great log hearth, mingled with tremulous voices that rose toward the rafters. Roars of laughter, bellows of merriment, drunken songs, and slurred words. The Cracked Horn sat within the newly developed town of Fridheim, full of...
  10. Lief

    Approved Tech  The Arm of Éar

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a personalized weapon for [member='Mysa Snowstrider'] following the loss of her previous bow. Image Source: Old Chinese Bow, Shelly Lee @ Artstation Canon Link: Not Applicable Restricted Missions: Not Applicable Primary Source: Mysa Snowstrider...
  11. Lief

    On The Wings Of Odiir

    Outside the Crowseye Residence Thainbroek Midvinter How long had she been gone from this world? How much had she seen, experienced, in her absence? She had left without saying goodbye, without a trace... Only the frir she loved in her place. Had...
  12. Lief

    [WIP] The Arm of Éar

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a personalized weapon for [member='Mysa Snowstrider'] following the loss of her previous bow. Image Source: Old Chinese Bow, Shelly Lee @ Artstation Canon Link: Not Applicable Restricted Missions: [On The Wings Of Odiir] Primary Source: Stygium...
  13. Lief

    Approved Tech  Rhak-Skuri Frir

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide [member='Kära Hearthfire'] and [member='Thyrian Hearthfire'] with a way of ensuring their daughter's safety, via inconspicuous one-way communications. Image Source: [Source] Canon Link: Not Applicable Restricted Missions: Not Applicable...
  14. Lief

    Bleeding Me

    Midvinter For months now she had been working on a ground forge, set into the mountains which shadowed Thainbroek... A space for the Queen of Midvinter to work undisturbed, without having to haul materials through the streets of the Great City. A hangar, hidden from view to allow for a...
  15. Connor Harrison

    Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark

    The Resurgent Empire Bastion Ziost, Esstran Sector -- The journey in Joon’s Raven craft was near silent. She droid pilot took them on the plotted course back from Midvinter, one Joon knew well, and so it was just the two females. Mysa, the Midvinter Princess pure of heart, and Joon, Dark Side...
  16. Connor Harrison

    One Year On; A Lifetime Later

    City Of Tháinbroek Midvinter, Beornskald System The snow was just as she remembered. Cold. Pretty. Unforgiving. Just like she had become. Joon stood on the outskirts of the city that housed more than just a bitter woman and family. Midvinter held something else Joon wanted; Mysa. Their...
  17. Lief

    Music of the Night, Volume II

    A Continuation of Music of the Night, a Silver Jedi Order Event "We are being watched" came Théodred's whispered tone, as he leaned in close to her ear. For a moment Mysa's heart skipped a beat, there was a duty-bound tone to her brother's voice, a...
  18. Lief

    The First Hearth “Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” - Jalaluddin Rumi I...
  19. Lief

    Rhak-Skuri Frir

    [Image Source] Intent: To provide [member="Kära Vi'dreya'] and [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"] with a way of ensuring their daughter's safety, via inconspicuous one-way communications. Development Thread: [Thread Title Here] Manufacturer: [member="Kära Vi'dreya'] Model: Rhak-Skuri Frir...
  20. Lief

    Critique Snowstrider

    So, I'm always pretty hesitant to put up things like this... But I figured why not go for it. I've had Mysa now for just over a year, though it's only been the past few months that I've really focused her as a main character instead of someone I just wrote on occasion. Recently there's been...
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